
口语 | 如何用英语向病人解释胃镜检查的流程

小白老师 医学博士英语 2020-02-24


Gastroscopy is a test to look inside the gullet, the stomach and the first part of the gut, known as the duodenum.

Gastroscopy is usually done as an outpatient 'day case'. It is a routine test which is commonly done. The operator may numb the back of your throat by spraying on some local anaesthetic, or give you an anaesthetic lozenge to suck. You may be given a sedative to help you to relax. This is usually given by an injection into a vein in the back of your hand. The sedative can make you drowsy but it does not put you to sleep completely. It is not a general anaesthetic.

You lie on your side on a couch. You are asked to put a plastic mouth guard between your teeth. This protects your teeth and stops you biting the endoscope. 

The operator will then ask you to swallow the first section of the endoscope. Modern endoscopes are quite thin but some people may find this difficult. The operator then gently pushes it further down your gullet (oesophagus) and into your stomach and the first part of your gut (small intestine) known as your duodenum. The video camera at the tip of the endoscope sends pictures to a screen. The operator watches the screen for abnormalities of the oesophagus, stomach and duodenum. 

Air is passed down a channel in the endoscope into the stomach to make the stomach lining easier to see. This may cause you to feel full and want to belch.

The operator may take one or more small samples (biopsies) of parts of the inside lining of the gut - depending on why the test is done and what they see. This is painless. The biopsy samples are sent to the laboratory for testing and to look at under the microscope. The endoscope is then gently pulled out.

A gastroscopy usually takes about 10 minutes. However, you should allow at least two hours for the whole appointment. This is to prepare, give time for the sedative to work (if you have one), for the gastroscopy itself and to recover. A gastroscopy may be quite uncomfortable but it does not usually hurt.


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