
每日一练 | BBC实况听力Health Risks of Long-Haul Flights 长途飞行的健康隐患

小白老师 医学博士英语 2020-02-24

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Halth Risks of Long-Haul Flights 长途飞行的健康隐患

With the continuing popularity in international travel, many people are now taking long-haul flights. Recently, there has been increasing medical evidence that such long-distance air travel can pose a health risk to some travellers.


  • 距离伦敦希斯罗机场最近的医院三年内处理了30例深静脉血栓导致的死亡事故。当时有3600万人曾途经该机场。

  • 乘坐商务舱和头等舱的乘客也有患深静脉血栓的风险。

  • 在英国,座位间最小距离是26英寸。大多数定期航线提供给每位经济舱乘客31-33英寸的间距。

  • 飞行期间,乘客应该尽量四处走动,坐着时活动双腿,睡觉时避免保存同一姿势不变。


Listen and choose the best answer.

1. Which medical condition is associated with long-haul flights?  

A. Heart attacks.

B. Deep vein thrombosis.

C. Stomach pains.

D. Eye problems.

2. What are some airline passengers doing?

A. Asking for their money back from the airlines.

B. Making a TV programme about long-haul flights.

C. Writing a book about the dangers of flying.

D. Taking legal actions against the airlines.

3. The number of passengers at risk of DVT is__________.

A. 1 in 5.

B. 1 in 10.

C. 1 in 20.

4. DVT can be caused by _________.

A. lack of sleep when travelling.

B. moving around on the plane.

C. sitting still for a long time.

5. Passengers can reduce the risk of DVT by __________.

A. exercing on the plane.

B. sleeping on the plane.

C. eating on the plane.

6. The group of people bringing the legal action say they had _________.

A. advice from the airlines.

B. no advice from the airlines.

C. no medical help from the airlines.

Key: 1.B   2. D   3. B   4. C   5. A   6. B

Listen and decide whether the following statements are True or False.

1. It was three days before Mandy went to hospital.

2. Mandy flew from Colorado.

3. Mandy went to hospital because she had a small amount of pain.

4. Mandy had deep vein thrombosis.

5. Mandy is lucky to be still alive.

Key: 1. F   2. T   3. F   4. T   5.T  

Key Words

1. long-haul  adj. 长途运输的

2. agonising pain 折磨人的疼痛

3. deep vein thrombosis (DVT) 深静脉血栓形成

4. clotting  n. 凝固

5. legal action 法律诉讼

6. proved link 被证实的联系

7. sompensate  v. 偿还,补偿

8. flex one's muscles 屈伸肌肉

9. court  n. 法庭

Tanscripts 听力原文

Tom Symonds : No one likes flying long haul, but it shouldn't threaten your life. Two days after Mandy Aitchinson got off a flight from Colorado, she ended up in hospital with agonising pains caused by deep vein thrombosis. She's lucky tp be alive.

Mandy: So I came home and then two days later, started having pains in my chest, er, went to my doctor and, um, he sent me straight up to the hospital, and, um then they diagnosed it as a deep vein thrombosis that had gone into my lung.

Tom: Recent studies suggest one in ten air passengers is at risk from DVT, or Economy Class Syndrome, as it's been dubbed. The clotting can be caused by sitting in one position for hours on end. The risk can be reduced by getting up, walking around, flexing your muscles, but the 56 people bringing today's legal action say that the advice they weren't given by the airlines.

Tom: The airlines have always said there's no proven link between flying and DVT, but they're also expected to use the 70-year-old Warsaw Convention, the set of rules that govern airlines, to argue that they shouldn't be expected to compensate victims. The Convention says they don't have to pay for medical problems that are simply a passenger reaction to the normal operation of an aircraft. It'll be for the courts to decide. Tom Symonds, BBC News.


英语中动词常常带有主语,如:I went, she likes。但当讲述故事,同一主语被重复时,该主语有时省略。例如在大家听到的这段BBC实况听力中,Mandy说:

So I came home and then two days later, started having pains in my chest, went to my doctor and, he sent me straight up to the hospital ...


