

小白老师 医学博士英语 2020-02-24


摘要(Abstract或Summary)是对整个论文主要内容的概括和总结。它具有独立性与自含性,即不需阅读全稿就能获得主要信息,也帮助读者决定有无必要阅读全文。世界上知名的文摘杂志,如Chemical Abstract、Abstracts on Hygiene等,都是通过收集资料,介绍和推广重要和有价值的科技与学术研究的理论、方法、成果等。因此,摘要已成为国际间学术交流的一种非常重要的写作文体和获取信息的途径。



1. 我们报道…:We report …; We describe …; In this paper we report …

2. 本文报道(介绍) …: …is / are presented / reported /described.

3. 本文讨论了 …:is / are discussed.

4. 报告了…的现状:The present situation of … is reported / presented.

5. 综述了…:is reviewed.

6. 调查了…:was investigated.

7. 对…进行了试验:Experiment was done / performed on …

8. 研究了…:…was studied / investigated. / Research was made in …


1. 已有报道 …:… were reported.

2. 有记载 …:… has been recorded.

3. 已证明 …:There is evidence that … / It has been proved that …


1. 为了 …: to / in order to + 动词(常用动词有study, investigate, evaluate, observe, clarify, understand, examine, substantiate, inquire into, elucidate, etc.); In an effort / attempt to + 动词

2. 为了探讨 …:In order to explore …

3. 为了弄清 … 的关系:To find out the relationship between … and …

4. 本研究旨在:The purpose / objective / aim of this study was … / This study aimed at … / The study was designed to …

5. 本研究的主要目的是 …:The primary purpose of this study was to …

6. 主语 + 谓语 + for the purpose of …

7. 表示“研究”的词语: study, investigation, research, approach

(非)实验研究:(non)exprimental study

比较研究:comparative study

回顾性研究:retrospective study

前瞻性研究:prospective study

单 / 双盲交叉研究:a single- / double-blind, crossover study

随机控制性研究:randomized, controlled study

双盲随机研究:double-blind randomized study


1. 研究过程的持续时间

近10年来 …:during / over the past ten years

在过去的10年中 …: in the past ten years

在为期10年中:during / over / in a ten-year period

在2005~1015年期间:during / in the period of 2005~2015; during / in the 2005~2015 period

从2014年1月至2016年12月:from January 2014 to December 2016; between January 2014 and December 2016

2. 检查和手术治疗

我们对…患者做了…检查 / 手术:… was done / performed / carried out in / on … patients …; 

… 患者做了…检查 / 手术: patients underwent …

3. 研究方法

用…法:using / employing …; by / with / through …; … was used / employed / applied to do …

4. 有关“剂量”的表达

每次剂量:in a dose; each dose

每天剂量:daily dosage; the dosage in a day

首次剂量:the initial dose / dosage

总剂量:the / a total dose / dosage (of)

5. 有关疗效的表达

疗效:curative effect, therapeutic effect, effectiveness, efficacy of the treatment / drug

疗效高:high efficacy

疗效好:good therapeutic / curative effect / result; respond well to …

疗效判断标准:criteria to test the efficacy / effectiveness


1. 结果表明 …:The result showed that …

2. (我们)发现 …:It was found that … / We observed that …

3. (我们)观察到 …:It was ovserved that … / We observed that …

4. …与 … 密切相关:… was closely related to …

5.  增加(减少):… increased / decreased by …


1. suggest

作者建议(认为) …:The authors suggest that … / It is suggested that …

本报告表明 …:This report suggests that …

所取得的资料表明 …:The data obtained suggest that …

结果有力地表明 …:The results strongly suggest that …

2. conclude, conclusion

我们的结论是 …:Our conclusion is that … / We conclude that …

由此可得出以下结论 …:From this we can conclude that …

可以得出 … 结论:It can be concluded that … / Conclusion can be reached / drawned that …

3. show, indicate

研究结果表明 …:The results show …

这些资料表明 …:The data show that …

本研究提示 …:The study indicates that …

这些发现指出 …:These findings indicate that …

4. illustrate, demonstrate, confirm

本例说明 …:This case illustrates that …

这说明了 …:It is illustrated that …

这些结果证明 / 显示 …:These results demonstrate that …

本研究证实 …:The study confirms that …

所获资料未能证实:The data obtained fail to confirm that …

5. feel, believe, think, consider

我们认为 …:We feel / believe / think / consider that …

我们深信 …:We strtongly believe that …

6. point out

需要指出的是 …: It is pointed out that …

7. propose, recommend

作者建议 …:The authors propose that …

建议 …:It is proposed that …

我们建议 …: The authors recommend that …; It is recommended that …

8. support

这些结果有力地支持 …:These results strongly support that …

9. suspect

我们怀疑 …:We suspect that …; It is suspected that …

我们的意见是 …:Our opinion is that …; In our opinion, …

作者的意见是 …:The authors' opinion is that …; The authors are of the opinion that …


1. 预计(可以预料)…:It can be expected that …

2. 预示:herald / presage

3. …应进一步探讨:… should be further explored / investigated

4. 有必要对…进行更深入的讨论:It is necessary to make / carry out deeper study on …

5. 对…有待进一步研究:Further study is to be done on …

6. 进一步认识:further understanding

7. 随访研究将进一步明确 …:Follow-up study will further clarify / confirm …

8. 需要 …:… will be required.

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