

小白老师 医学博士英语 2020-02-24

小白老师说:细节决定成败。一封几十词的邮件也是需要细心琢磨的,不仅需要细心检查语法和拼写, 还要把握好自己的语气、问题、格式树立良好的形象,心累不可避免,但收获也是无法估量的。


1. 在邮件正文开始前添加一句Greeting,寒暄一下,而不是上来就谈正事

Hope this email finds you well.(用于群发的邮件)

I hope you are well.

I hope all is well.

We send you our best wishes.

Greetings from all of us at ... (organization)

2. 寒暄之后,开门见山咨询问题

I am writing to inquire …

I am writing in reference to …

我写这封信是关于 …


Thank you for reaching out to us regarding …

感谢您主动联络我们 …

这边的 in reference to 还有 regarding 都是是“有关”或“关于”的意思,它们的用法和 about 很接近,差别是 about 比较不正式,是比较口语的用法。比如:

口语:I’m talking about the meeting scheduled for next week.

正式:I am writing in reference to the meeting scheduled for next week.

正式:I am writing to you regarding the possibility of scheduling a meeting for next week.

大家有没有注意到 in reference to 的用法跟 regarding 有一点点不同?通常 in reference to 用于说明已经跟对方提过的事,regarding 的用法比较广泛。

3. 礼貌的提出问题

Would you please do ...

Should you be so kind as to do ...

Please could you tell me if ...

I would like to know ...

I would be grateful/thankful if you could ...

I would appreciate knowing ...

I would appreciate information about ..

Please review the attached documents thoroughly.

I have attached the previously mentioned documents for your review.

4. 提出问题后继续表达感谢

I would appreciate your help.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

I look forward to hearing from you.

...is attached here for your reference.

Thanks for your kind support.

Please let me know should you have any further questions.

Your prompt response on this will be highly appreciated.


Dear AAA,

Hope this email finds you well.

I am writing to inquire about the project ....

Would you please send the latest version of ... to me ?

I would appreciate your help.

Yours sincerely,



如果关系不明朗的状况下不要随意缩词缩句。最有效的方法就是在你和各种native speaker交换英语邮件的时候,收集好他们的邮件,模仿他们的用词造句,然后渐渐地用到自己的用词造句中。

一个令人好感度倍增的邮件,一定是用他们说话的方式说话,他们做研究的方式做研究,要把你自己打造成你就已经是他们中的一员一样,要把communication noise降低到零。”



1. 被动句专业,客观,还可以帮助我们尽量避免使用祈使句

I have submitted the request, please approve.

→The request has been submitted for your approval.

主动语态虽写please approve但是它还是个祈使句,在native speaker看来其实很aggressive,而被动句就不需要由你将动作指向他人。

2. 需要的时候可以巧妙地规避责任

We are sorry for the inconvenience caused.

→Any inconvenience caused is deeply regretted.


多注意native speaker的用词,注意用他们常用的同义词替换你常用的。比如because of 可以用due to替代;比如请别人核实问题的时候不要只会用check, 其实clarify,verify,cross verify都非常好用。

比如表示在某件事之前除了before你还可以用prior to;表示在某件事之后除了用after还可以用upon ,当然用法上有一些区别,比如:

Let's talk about this after you come back

改成:Let's talk about this upon your return)。



1. 提到之前的讨论

Pertain to ...(issue)

As communicated earlier... 

Sorry for the delayed response... 很久没联系

Hope everything is well with you.

I hope this email finds you doing well.

2. 请求对方做某件事

Please arrange...accordingly so we can proceed with.../ move forward.

Please follow up with...


If possible could you please...

I will have to bother you on...


Could you please clarify.../ give a clarification on...

Kindly please confirm on our proposed...(schedule / plan)


Do you have any updates on...

Have you got any response from...


Please be informed that...

Please kindly note that...


Please advise.

Please let me know your thought on this.

Please give your comments if any.

Due to the short timeframe for this proposal, prompt reply is greatly appreciated. 


You are all invited to attend the meeting on...

Please check your calendar and let me know your preference/if there is any conflict.

