

小白老师 医学博士英语 2020-02-24



  1. 我国的膳食结构与西方不同。

  2. 相反,同城里人不一样,农民喜欢价廉方便的中医。

  3. 两组的症状大大不同。

  4. 相反,有些高校对心理咨询的作用认识不足。

  5. 研究人员发现,男孩和女孩在学习方式上有一些重大差异。

  6. 男女在智力方面当然没有差异。

  7. 人类所需要的各种营养素其市场价格有高低之分。

  8. 烧伤严重程度不同,对烧伤病人的急救方式也不同。



A is different from B in sth.

A differs / varies from B in sth.

A is unlike B.

In a different way, ...


1. 人有男女老少之分,工农商学兵之分,贫富地位高低之分,ABC型性格之分,四种气质之分等。

People differ / are different in gender, age, occupation, social status, character and temperament.

There are always differences between people in gender, age, occupation, social status, characters and natures.

People have different genders, ages, occjpatons, social and financial conditions, characters and natures.

2. 医生与病人进行语言交流应注意因人而异、因时制宜和因地制宜。

When a doctor talks with his patient, his talk should vary from person to person, time to time and place to place.

The conversation between the doctor and the patient should differ / vary according to different persons and occasions.

3. 由于病人的年龄、职业、性格特点、文化程度等不同,而且个人的病情不同,采取的交流方式也应该不同。

As patients differ in age, occupation, character, education and disease, the way of talking should vary / differ accordingly.

Ways of communication should vary / differ / be different according to a patient's age, occupation, character, education and severity of the illness.

Ways of communication should be different, because patients are different.(小白老师说:此句乃规避与变通之典范, 或者说“没有办法的办法”。我们的公众号之前曾推送过一篇文章,关于医博英语考试写作中的“规避”与“变通”技巧,请到历史消息中查看。)

4.  相反,与仅仅两年前相比,大学生们对心理咨询的态度完全不同。

On the contrary, compared with only two years ago, the attitude of college sudents towards mental consultation has been totally different.

On the contrary, the attitude of college students towards mental consultation has been totally different from (that) only two years ago.

5. 洋医院与公立医院的最大的不同是,前者挣的是服务费,后者挣的是药品钱。

The biggest difference between foreign-funded hospitals and public ones is that the former earn money from their services and the latter from medications.

Foreign-funded hospitals differ greatly from public ones in that the former make money chiefly from their services and the latter from medications.

Foreign-funded hospitals make money from services but public ones from medicines. That is the biggest difference.(规避与变通)

6. 专家还认为,应该根据人的不同年龄和体质状况,科学合理地搭配早膳。

Experts think that breakfast should be differently prepared according to different conditions of people.

Experts think that breakfast should differ / vary according to different conditions of people.

Experts think that it is scientific and reasonable for different people to have different breakfasts. (规避与变通)

7. 患者是具有不同个性的独特的人,对同一种情况,反应会千差万别。

Since patients are unique persons with various / different personalities, tey will respond variously to the same situation.

Because petients are all unique and different in personality, their responses to the same situation are surely various / different.

Because patients are different, their responses to the same situation are surely different. (规避与变通)

8.  相反,一旦进入青年期,行为发展开始分化。

By contrast, once a child grows into an adolescent, his or her behavior begins to be quite different / various from each other.

By contrast, in adolescence the behavior of adolescents begins to differ.

9. 询证医学与传统医学的不同有三点:一、经验的来源不同;二、证据来源不同;三、对个人的要求不同。

There are three differences between evidence-based medicine and traditional medicine: (different) sources of experience, (different) sources of evidence and (different) requirements for doctors.

Evidence-based medicine differs from traditional medicine in sources of experience, sources of evidence and requirements for doctors.


小白老师是南京医科大学外国语学院英语教师,有多年的临床医学博士入学英语考试辅导经验,利用业余时间开设此公众号,每日推送医学英语以及医学博士英语考试相关内容,致力于帮助我的医生朋友和医学生们提高英语水平,享受英语学习的乐趣。如需交流,可加小白老师私人微信号: marinabaikexin


