
TED精选演讲 | 人工设计微生物生态系统

小白老师 医学博士英语 2020-02-24

小白老师说:我们的身体是微生物的家园和栖息地——某些对我们有益、某些对我们有害。这是一个 令人脑洞大开的演讲! 工程学与生物学家Jessica Green思索:我们是否能在建筑设计中创造出促进积极、有益的微生物生长的环境?


Jessica Green—Engineer and biodiversity scientist

Jessica Green wants people to understand the important role microbes play in every facet of our lives: climate change, building ecosystems, human health, even roller derby — using nontraditional tools like art, animation and film to help people visualize the invisible world.

Why you should listen

Jessica Green, a TED2010 Fellow and TED2011 Senior Fellow, is an engineer and ecologist who specializes in biodiversity theory and microbial systems. As a professor at both the University of Oregon and the Santa Fe Institute, she is the founding director of the innovative Biology and the Built Environment (BioBE) Center that bridges biology and architecture.

Green envisions a future with genomic-driven approaches to architectural design that promote sustainability, human health and well-being. She is spearheading efforts to model buildings as complex ecosystems that house trillions of diverse microorganisms interacting with each other, with humans, and with their environment. This framework uses next-generation sequencing technology to characterize the “built environment microbiome” and will offer site-specific design solutions to minimize the spread of infectious disease and maximize building energy efficiency.

小白老师是南京医科大学外国语学院英语教师,有多年的临床医学博士入学英语考试辅导经验,利用业余时间开设此公众号,每日推送医学英语以及医学博士英语考试相关内容,致力于帮助我的医生朋友和医学生们提高英语水平,享受英语学习的乐趣。如需交流,可加小白老师私人微信号: marinabaikexin


