
口腔临床英语会话 | 病人第一次来看牙

小白老师 医学博士英语 2020-02-24

小白老师说:今天起推出口腔临床英语会话系列, 这个系列收录了口腔临床医患、医助之间的对话,非常适合临床医务人员、医学生练习口语和听力。当然,也是非常好的医博英语考试长对话素材。今天的主题是“病人第一次来看牙”。请点击下方条形框播放音频。

A=Assisant, D=Dentist, P=Patient

A: Good morning, Doctor Smith. 早安,史密斯医生。

D: Good morning, Miss Jones. Please come in. 早安,琼斯小姐。请进。

I see that you brought some new nurses uniforms with you. 我看见你带来一些新的护士服。

They're very attractive. Where did you buy them? 


A: I bought them at Isetan's at a bargain sale. They were very inexpensive.


What would you like me to do first? 我先干什么好啊?

D: You can begin by checking the treatment rooms. Be sure that they're neat and clean. 你先检查一下治疗室。 务必要做到整齐,干净。

Then, you can prepare room number two for the first patient.


A: The first patient is expected at nine-thirty. 第一个病人预计九点半到。

D: When she arrives, write her name, address and telephone number in the record book. 她来了就在登记簿上写下她的姓名,地址和电话号码。

Be sure to ask her how she was referred to my office.


A: There's a patient in the waiting room, doctor. 医生,在候诊室有一个病人。

D: Get the necessary information for our records from her.


Then ask her to be seated. After I examine he I'll probably ask you to give her an oral prophylaxis (clean her teeth)


P: Good morning, I'm Mrs. Williamson. I have an appointment with Doctor Smith. 早安,我是韦廉森夫人。我已经和史密斯医生预约好的。

A: Good morning, The Doctor will see you soon. My name is Miss Jones.

早安。 医生回头就见你。我是琼斯小姐。

P: How long will I have to wait? 要等多长时间?

A: The Doctor will see you in 10 minutes. 医生过十分钟就可以看病。

P: What time is it now? 现在几点了?

A: It's twenty minutes past nine. Would you like to sit down?


P: Thank you. 谢谢。

D: I 'm ready, Miss Jones. Would you please seat the patient? I'll examine her and tell you if she needs an oral prophylaxis.

琼斯小姐,我准备好了。 你请病人坐下。我先给她做个检查, 然后告诉你要不要进行口腔预防治疗。

D: Good morning, Mrs. Williamson, I'm Doctor Smith.

早安,威廉森太太。 我是史密斯医生。

I understand that Mr. Hughes recommended me. He's been a patient of mine for a long time. 我知道是休斯先生介绍你来的。他是我这边的熟客。

P: I've just moved to Tokyo and I expect to live here for five or six years.


I haven't seen a dentist for a long time. I thought it would be a good idea to have an examination (check-up). 我很长时间没有看牙医了,所以想来看一下。

I know that my teeth should be cleaned. 我想我的牙齿该洗一洗了。

D: I'd like to ask you some questions about your health and medical history.



小白老师是南京医科大学外国语学院英语教师,有多年的临床医学博士入学英语考试辅导经验,利用业余时间开设此公众号,每日推送医学英语以及医学博士英语考试相关内容,致力于帮助我的医生朋友和医学生们提高英语水平,享受英语学习的乐趣。如需交流,可加小白老师私人微信号: marinabaikexin


