
听最优美的英文 | 细胞生物学,各就各位

小白老师 医学博士英语 2020-02-24

小白老师说:今天的听力选自The Economist,《经济学人》。这是是一份由伦敦经济学人报纸有限公司出版的杂志,创办于1843年9月,该杂志的大多数文章严肃又不失诙谐,注重以最小的篇幅传递最多的信息。该杂志又以发明巨无霸指数闻名,是社会精英必不可少的读物。非常优美的英文,文本是中英文对照的。请点击下方条形框播放音频。

Science and technology 科学技术

Cell biology 细胞生物学

On your marks... 各就各位…

The first cell race in history may further knowledge about how cancers spread.


It will not come with garden parties, large hats or eager bookies. And the contestants will be too small to see with the naked eye.


But the World Cell Race, due to begin at the end of this month, will be the sporting event of the year for cell biologists. The idea of the race is simple.


Labs from around the world send the runners—whatever sort of mammalian cell they think will do well—to one of six testing sites. There, the cells will be injected onto plates striped with tracks of a chemical they like to adhere to.


Progress will be watched through a microscope, by time-lapse photography. And whichever cell covers a tenth of a millimetre fastest will be declared the winner. The field is wide open. Unlike horse-racing, the contest is not restricted to thoroughbreds.


In fact the organisers, Matthieu Piel, Ana-Maria Lennon-Dumenil and Manuel Thery, who all work in France, are particularly encouraging the entry of genetically modified cells, as these are likely to be the most successful—and most instructive—competitors. That is because a lot of research on cell movement uses genetic modification to silence or amplify genes thought to be involved in the process.

事实上,该次竞赛的组织者—都在法国工作的马修?彼尔, 安娜 - 玛丽?列侬-邓内尔和曼奴埃尔? 西里特别鼓励转基因细胞的参选,因为这些细胞很可能是最成功的、而且是最有意义的竞争者。这是因为很多细胞运动的研究使用遗传改造来抑制或增强基因表达。这些改造过的基因被认为参与了这个过程。

Many of these genes have been found by looking at cancerous cells. Metastatic tumour cells—those which have spread from the site of the original tumour—migrate faster than other cells.


If the genes that cause this mobility could be turned off, it would slow a cancer's spread. More positively, cell migration is the driving force of embryo development and is, in adults, essential to the immune response and to the healing of wounds. Understanding cell movement, then, is important.


Hence the idea of the race, which Dr Piel and Dr Lennon-Dumenil and Dr Thery came up with at last year's meeting of the American Society for Cell Biology.


So far their competition has attracted 30 entrants. The heats will take place throughout August. Only at the end of the month will the videos be analysed to name the winners.


The organisers say they are also considering giving a prize to the slowest cell, since lethargic cells would be a boon for cancer therapy.


For cell biologists it should be an exciting contest. But a word of advice to sports fans: maybe just catch the highlights.



1.contestant n. 竞争者;参赛者

Another contestant asked me why I was just standing there looking around.


2.biologist n. 生物学家

Similarly, every time a biologist discovers a new species, there is the opportunity to honour someone or something.


3.mammalian n. 哺乳动物

The report is on mammalian thermoregulation.


4.photography n. 摄影

Photography is her favourite pastime.


5.restrict v. 限制;约束

In a move to restrict imports, the government raised custom duties.


小白老师是南京医科大学外国语学院英语教师,有多年的临床医学博士入学英语考试辅导经验,利用业余时间开设此公众号,每日推送医学英语以及医学博士英语考试相关内容,致力于帮助我的医生朋友和医学生们提高英语水平,享受英语学习的乐趣。如需交流,可加小白老师私人微信号: marinabaikexin


