
听新闻学英语 | 美国ABC NEWS访谈录:加州350名新生儿感染肺结核

小白老师 医学博士英语 2020-02-24

小白老师说:美国广播公司(英文全称:American Broadcasting Corporation, Inc), 简称ABC,美国三大商业广播电视公司之一,目前的最大股东是华特迪士尼公司,为迪士尼-ABC电视集团的成员。今天大家即将听到的是ABC的新鲜新闻访谈“母婴护理护士患肺结核 加州350名新生儿疑受感染”。


California Newborns May Have Been Exposed to Tuberculosis

A nurse working for the hospital may have exposed newborns, their mothers and other workers to the potentially deadly disease.

位于美国加州硅谷的一家医院宣布,该院母婴护理中心一名护士最近检测出感染肺结核,由于该护士在产房工作,可能导致在该中心生产的产妇和出生的婴儿感染结核病菌,受影响婴儿达350人。该医疗中心儿科主席哈里斯(Stephen Harris)医生说:“虽然实际的感染风险较低,但婴幼儿感染结核的后果有可能很严重。”

A major health care for new parents in California fears that hundreds of newborns, their mums and hospital workers may have been exposed to TB by a nurse. ABC's DD Roy has the latest on the race to track these families down.

DD, good morning to you.

Good morning, Cecilia, this morning, some very scary news, to see the least: for hundreds of new mothers and babies in the barrier, and now the hospital is trying to track down all of the newborns who maybe at risk of TB after being exposed to the infected nurse.

This morning, a scare at Sanhezie California Hospital, after a nurse in the maternity ward test positive 阳性 for turboculosis 肺结核. Now officials at center clear valley medical center tracking down more than 350 newborns,who had contact with the nurse between mid August to mid November.TB leaves the lung and causes other problems such as mental jidice, so it's appropriate to take the protection of the newborns very seriously when the exposure has occured. Hospital officials say the nurse's annual TB test in September has negative 阴性 results. She showed no syptoms and was dignosed with TB in November after treatment for an unrelated illness. Docters say TB skin and blood test are extremly unreliable for infants and recommend the 350 potentially exposed babies undergo antibiotics for the next 6 months as a precasion. ABC news spoke with one mother who after hearing the posibble exposure rushed to her baby borned hospital in September to be tested. She said she learned on Friday both she and her baby are TB free. The hospital is offering treatment and monitoring to mothers and hospital employees who also came in contact with patient zero.

And in all of this, a small silverlining, official say that she did not show some of the worse symptoms of TB coughing and sneezing which are also the most contagious 感染性的,会蔓延的, so they are hopeful the repurcussions will be minimal. Dan?

We hope so as well. DD, thank you.

Key words

Tuberculosis (TB)肺结核

contagious 感染性的,会蔓延的


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