
干货! 医患英文对话精听 | Boil疖肿

小白老师 医学博士英语 2020-02-24


MAN, AGED 52 (男性,52岁)

D=Doctor, P=Patient

(Man with boil on back of neck)

D: How long have you had this boil(疖子)?

P: For five days.

(After examining the boil)

D: This needs an incision(切开,切口) to let out the pus(脓). For this we'd like to give you an anaesthetic(麻醉剂,麻药) so there won't be any pain. When did you have food and drink last?

P: Yesterday.

D: Are you sure you had nothing today?

P: Only a cup of tea for breakfast.

D: What time was that?

P: Three hours ago.

D: Well, you'll have to wait an hour then as we can't give you an anaesthetic until four hours after you've eaten or drunk. Are you quite healthy otherwise?

P: Yes.

D: Right. We'll attend to you in an hour's time.


小白老师私人微信号: marinabaikexin


