
1/20 OIL pres. Tzusing 被RA评为最有影响力的中国电子音乐人之一

2018-01-01 OIL OIL油





#Tzusing  被ra评为最有影响力的中国电子音乐人之一




那就是长期旅居柏林的Pan Daijing,




Tzusing was born in Malaysia, spent his formative years in Singapore and the Taiwanese manufacturing center of Taichung, studied in Chicago, and is currently based between Shanghai and Taipei. His music exists in this condition of dislocation, forged at the complicated intersection of personal, social, and national identity.

As a DJ, Tzusing’s sets mix streamlined techno, industrial electronics, non-western dance music, and contemporary club music. He adds to this a sincere belief in the redemptive power of pop music, ready to drop sophisticated, classic Asian pop into the middle of club sets. In his own productions Tzusing recombines these influences into aggressive, cathartic music, inflected with off-kilter half step rhythms, strange harmonic textures, and thick, unnaturally resonant drums. If glittering tuned percussion, reed instrument-like synthesizers, and the music’s imagery might evoke a sense of “Chinese-ness,” it is not to point to the site of “authentic culture,” but to ask what these signifiers mean and who they belong to, as diasporas mutate beyond national borders. Seeking fun and subversion in equal parts, Tzusing’s music circles around themes of power, obsession, sexuality, identity and its obliteration.

In 2011 Tzusing founded Shanghai’s “Stockholm Syndrome” night, hosted at the now-legendary Shelter, and was introduced to the wider world through a trilogy of EPs on L.I.E.S. Records beginning in 2014. He has since made appearances on Cititrax and Public Possession, and in February 2017 released his debut LP 東方不敗 through L.I.E.S. “Hollaback Boi,” his collaboration with Samo DJ, was listed in Resident Advisor’s Top 50 Tracks of 2016. Tzusing has performed sets for Boiler Room, Red Bull Music Academy, and Tokyo’s Dommune, as well as DJing Berghain for 2017’s CTM Festival. Further plans for the year include tours through Asia, North America, and Europe.

学习音乐以来至如今已经十几年的他其实早已被许多人所熟知。去到上海后,2011年他创建了“斯德哥尔摩综合征”更是成为了上海最重要的派对组织,以曾经地标性的Club Shelter作为出发,通过L.I.E.S.的EP三部曲被更广泛的介绍于公众眼前。 2014年,他就开始出现再 Cititrax 和 Public Possession,并于2017年2月通过L.I.E.S.发行了他的首张LP东方不败。 与Samo DJ合作的“Hollaback Boi”被列入2016年度“Resident Advisor’s Top 50 Tracks ” 。Tzusing在Boiler Room,Red Bull Music Academy,和东京Dommune,2017年的柏林CTM音乐节等都进行过演出。今年的进一步巡演计划则包括了亚洲,北美和欧洲。

 東方不敗 (Dongfang Bubai) 




The title is 東方不敗 (Dongfang Bubai). It’s a character in a novel by Jin Yong called 笑傲江湖 (Xiao Ao Jiang Hu). It’s not a very big character in the novel, but a very unique one. It’s a character that I always thought was super cool since I was a kid. Actually, the music is kind of influenced by the soundtrack of a movie that was made about this character. What I always found interesting about Dongfang Bubai is that he is a person that was fighting for this sacred scroll with the secret of becoming the most powerful swordsman in China. A few people actually found this scroll. After they read it, for some of them it was like a joke, because you have to cut off your balls and become a eunuch to learn this martial art.

" What’s interesting about that is that to become the most powerful man, you have to sacrifice the thing that’s a symbol of power and masculinity. Negating power makes you the most powerful. I just really like that idea."

Tzusing毋庸置疑成为了2017年techno圈内最值得一提的人。在今年他发行的两张令人兴奋的EP“东方不败”以及“一瞬千击”之后,影响力在中国以及国际上得到了超乎想象的迅猛扩散。今年夏天他的名字更是被外国媒体RA多次的报道。他将中国玄妙的东方世界元素融入于现代工业Techno和EBM的紧张声音当中,在一把将你拖入不安与紧张后,暗藏着的精致机关会从四面八方展开。间歇性出现的碎片式怪异呢喃营造出了“东方不败”世界观的未知险恶。而EBM(Electric Body Music)这类并不经常被国内DJ所选择的凶猛音乐也有幸再次被他带回到大家的视野中。

* RA:RESIDENT ADVISOR(RA)成立于2001年,是一个在线音乐杂志和社区平台,致力于在全球范围内展示电子音乐,艺术家和各大活动。为每月超过四百万个读者创建了这个生态系统。RA在全球电子音乐行业中发挥着不可或缺的作用和权威。

在RA的今年九月的报道中,Tzusing还提到了关于回到中国地下场景的一些感受,他觉得在中国的年轻人才是真正塑造他DJ方式的听众, “音乐对他们来说是全新的,你必须让他们保持兴趣,时间跨度是很短的,这里没有时间给你慢慢积累。不过这种风格也正是我所习惯的。

"Chinese kids really shaped the way I DJ," he told me. "The music is all new to them. You have to keep them interested, and the timespan is short. There's no slow build-up. That style is just what I'm used to.." 

—— Tzusing 日出東方 唯我不敗 ——

1/20 OIL pres. Tzusing  被ra评为最有影响力的中国电子音乐人之一

  时间: 1月20号 星期六  


 22:00 ~ Late

     早鸟    Early  Bird     : 50   RMB 

    预售        Pre-sale     :  70   RMB

      正票        On Door     :  90   RMB  


预售二维码🔗 :


RSVP : 18617150566



1.06th | OIL Pres. Howie Lee @OIL  

⬇️OIL抢票: ⬇️

OIL 将会提供两个名额放进我们的 guestlist>>

关注 OIL 油公众号


点赞数最高的我们将会在1月20日 6pm 前公布获奖者!!


This time we will be giving free guestlist for 2 lucky people and there is also a free limited drink for anyone who comes before 23:00pm !  ! Follow our official WeChat account, and write down a comment about them on this post for the chance to win.  We will announce the winner on JAN.20th 6pm !

 —— ABOUT OIL —— 

OIL 是位于深圳的新晋 Underground Club,致力于为南中国的地下音乐场景注入新鲜活力,呈现最好的先锋电子音乐现场,OIL有着中国地下俱乐部中首屈一指的声音系统以及灯光效果。在第一周的试营业,OIL已经迎来了柏林先锋制作人 mechatok,电子爵士神童 Swindle,以及英国低音传奇和音乐厂牌 Hyperdub的老板 - Kode9。以及 DECISIONS主理人 Air Max '97。国内前沿厂牌 Genome6.66Mbp,和 Say Yes 呈现的俄罗斯 FullPanda 厂牌实力女将 Yuka,以及 Glasgow音乐人NIGHTWAVE,日本 UK Bass 推动者 Prettybwoy和上海制作人Swimful的助阵,第一位签约柏林厂牌 Tresor Record 的中国电子音乐人SHAO,和立陶宛国宝级的四位techno音乐人。亚洲最火的活动厂牌来自北京的 Asian Dope Boys 带来 Aisha Devi 和 Zone Unknown,以及由 Asian Eyez 和 Cyber 69成立的厂牌 APOCALYPTIC FANTASIES 带来多栖艺术家 Craxxxmurf。

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Address 地址:

深圳市福田区车公庙泰然大厦01层L1-11A (下沙站D出口 ) 

   11A Ground Floor,Tairan Mansion, Tairan 8th Rd 

   Xiasha Metro Station Exit D, Futian District Shenzhen 

RSVP : 18617150566

Email :info@oilsz.com


Fb:OIL Club

