
1/19 瑞士建筑设计师的未来声音之旅 KONEKT ASIA Pres. Opuswerk

2018-01-06 OIL OIL油


这次将由 KONEKT ASIA 给我们呈现瑞士的高质量techno 音乐人 - OPUSWERK。

Jan.19th |  KONEKT Pres. Opuswerk  @OIL


Konekt Asia扎根于亚洲,轨迹遍布超过二十个中国大中型城市。从中国出发与日本,韩国,新加坡,越南,印度尼西亚,蒙古国,哈萨克斯坦,泰国,马来西亚等亚洲国家,制造先锋性的俱乐部活动,城市艺术空间多元化展览,倡导不同领域艺术合作,解决前沿性平台的商业诉求。  


No matter being in what kind of environment, using what kind of language, how to make people connect themselves with others and things, also resonate with, exploring the fact is the crucial art to the mankind. Konekt Asia is a platform of creating horizontal sound n visual arts, bringing digital creative ideas and humanity in communicating and linking both East & West art.

Konekt Asia is based in Asia, which has been tracking over 20 medium-sized cities in China. From China to Japan, Korea, Singapore, Vietnam, Indonesia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Thailand, Malaysia and any other Asian countries. Creating edgy club events, urban art space with diverse exhibitions, aiming on collaborating with different art dimensions, solving business demands for perspective platforms. 

In the future, no matter in Asia or on the world stage, Konekt Asia will be dedicated to expand and go beyond the boundaries of communicating in modern arts, so that art communication and output have more broaden and global vision, and its original immanence can be more genuine and meaningful.


出生日内瓦的Techno DJ/制作人,同时也是瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院参数化设计和建筑学学者Hendrik van Boetzelaer或者叫作 Opuswerk,则同时用电子音乐和建筑设计展现了他非凡的创造智慧。

Opuswerk曾经是一个隐藏在瑞士山脉下的秘密,如今越过阿尔卑斯山从柏林到莫斯科再到巴黎声名鹊起。源自于他职教于世界顶尖学府瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院的建筑设计专业,从世界顶级建筑大师Superstudio, Yona Friedmann, Zaha Hadid汲取未来主义建筑设计理念,他创造了兼有瑞士精细雕琢的传统工艺感和泰然自若不拘一格的现代未来主义想象的Opuswerk音乐世界。

在一个高阶知识份子的背景下,Opuswerk不仅把他的创造力体现在建筑设计上。他的音乐发行或合作项目,比如与巴黎制作人Francois X 合作成立了双人组: Hiss:1292 并在DEMENT3D RECORDS唱片公司发行作品。

Hiss:1292 -《VeVe》 EP    

去年还在Semantica Spain发行的合辑和ARTS/ Another Earth的全新EP。从实验和氛围化的无标签音乐,到高纯度舞池催化剂般的Techno,像Donato Dozzy, DVS1或Peter Van Hoesen等人将他的音乐收入唱片包中,喜爱不已。

《Nonnative 09》

Opuswerk 的派对现场

点击边框调出视频工具条 https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=f0527y9pe4t&width=500&height=375&auto=0

Opuswerk RTS.FM

在去年末,他还受邀在瑞士的Audio Club 助阵德国的techno女侠 -- Lena Willikens

Scroll down for English bio:


Generalized electronic music usually have functionalism, minimalism and futuristic commonness, these characteristics and modern architectural design art complement each other. Was born in Geneva, Techno DJ/producer, is also the parametric design and architecture scholars of EPFL (polytechnic university) Switzerland, Hendrik van Boetzelaer or called Opuswerk, shows his the creation of extraordinary wisdom at the same time with electronic music and architectural design.

Opuswerk’s reputation, once a well-kept secret behind the swiss mountains, is resonating beyond those peaks, from Berlin to Moscow or Paris. Either in the studio, solo or as HISS:1292 (his collaborative project with Parisian François X), or behind the decks, he’s known for his ability to craft those very special moments where life nally makes sense. His sound, striking and poised, could be the soundtrack to the world thought by futuristic architects like Superstudio, Yona Friedmann or Zaha Hadid. His ways to transport crowds and himself far away from the decks and the club, and the consistent quality of his dj sets have not only allowed him to play around Europe as well as for world famous clubs and fes- tivals, from the legendary Tresor (Berlin) to Mosaique (St Petersburg), and from Club Transmediale to Electron, but also earned him a resi- dency for the Techno Legends nights at le Zoo. 

His solo and collaborative productions, released on labels such as Krill Music or Dement3d (as HISS:1292), have earned a place into the nest djs bags, from Donato Dozzy to DVS1 or Peter van Hoesen
to Antho- ny Parasole, Daniel Avery or Dr Rubinstein. Educated by dub and drum and bass, his approach to producing is heavely relies on hands-on techniques. His dedication and love for music and gear make it so that he spends most of his time in the studio, exploring new sounds and techniques while crafting beats on the y. 2017 looks bright for Opuswerk, with upcoming releases on high pro le labels, such as ARTS, Dement3d (solo and as HISS:1292) and Semantica. 


Hu Yang  (Konekt Asia)

作为如今亚洲电子音乐先锋平台Konekt Asia的联合创始人兼A&R,使他成为中国电子音乐交流的重要入口和出口之一。

他的声音有着极高的辨识度:深邃、大气和复杂而特别的审美。在2015年,他完成了他的Analog Live Act首演和巡回,为Electric Rescue和Satoshi Fumi制作了Remix;他的最近一张五单曲EP“虚怀若谷”在2016年4月于Be Sure(德国)发行,而更多唱片发行即将揭晓。毫无疑问,Hu Yang是一位在不久的将来值得期待的中国电子音乐人。

Scroll down for English bio:

Hu Yang

Being a core member of Footprint China before and a present co-founder of Konekt Asia, he has become one of the major figures connecting China with the World electronic music scene.

His sound is very specific: deep, complex, bringing special atmosphere and aesthetic. In 2015 he made his debut analog live act, remixes for Electric Rescue and Satoshi Fumi. His latest 5 tracks EP “Xu Huai Ruo Gu” was released on April 2016 through Berlin’s Be Sure. Without a doubt he is someone to watch for.

 Andi Wechsier 

来自德国纽伦堡,Andi Wechsler 的成长轨迹伴随着德国地下Techno文化的发展。在他的音乐里,强调简洁有力和思考逻辑性的德式音乐理念早已深入骨髓。

English bio:

The growth of Andi Wechsler, from nuremberg, Germany, is accompanied by the development of Techno culture in Germany. In his music, the idea of a simple, powerful and logical German music has gone deep into the bone marrow.

KONEKT Pres. Opuswerk  @OIL

 时间:1月19号 ( 周五 )

Date: 19th. JAN ( Fri )

=22:00 PM -LATE=



Hu Yang

Andi Wechsler

  预售 Pre-sale: 60 RMB

  门票 On Door:  80 RMB




RSVP : 18617150566


1/12 Fri | Say Yes Pres. Dasha Redkina @OIL

1/13 Sat | Unchained Pres . The Prototypes + DJ SS @OIL

1/20  Sat | OIL Pres . Tzusing

2018 January Calendar | 一月活动 @OIL

 —— ABOUT OIL —— 

OIL 是位于深圳的新晋 Underground Club,致力于为南中国的地下音乐场景注入新鲜活力,呈现最好的先锋电子音乐现场,OIL有着中国地下俱乐部中首屈一指的声音系统以及灯光效果。在第一周的试营业,OIL已经迎来了柏林先锋制作人 mechatok,电子爵士神童 Swindle,以及英国低音传奇和音乐厂牌 Hyperdub的老板 - Kode9。以及 DECISIONS主理人 Air Max '97。国内前沿厂牌 Genome6.66Mbp,和 Say Yes 呈现的俄罗斯 FullPanda 厂牌实力女将 Yuka,以及 Glasgow音乐人NIGHTWAVE,日本 UK Bass 推动者 Prettybwoy和上海制作人Swimful的助阵,第一位签约柏林厂牌 Tresor Record 的中国电子音乐人SHAO,和立陶宛国宝级的四位techno音乐人。亚洲最火的活动厂牌来自北京的 Asian Dope Boys 带来 Aisha Devi 和 Zone Unknown,以及由 Asian Eyez 和 Cyber 69成立的厂牌 APOCALYPTIC FANTASIES 带来多栖艺术家 Craxxxmurf, 2017的最后一天我们迎来了 Future Mix 的二十周年。

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Address 地址:

深圳市福田区车公庙泰然大厦01层L1-11A (下沙站D出口 ) 

   11A Ground Floor,Tairan Mansion, Tairan 8th Rd 

   Xiasha Metro Station Exit D, Futian District Shenzhen 

RSVP : +18617150566

Email :64 36229 64 23368 0 0 3849 0 0:00:09 0:00:06 0:00:03 4837pan>info@oilsz.com


Fb:OIL Club

