
OIL 2018-05-25





 🎆 Say Yes x Silicon 👁

💫 联手呈现力派制作人 ☄️

💥 Kaito aka Hiroshi Watanabe✨ 

🎁 OIL抢票: 🎁

OIL 会再提供两张Free tickets名额作为福利

1.关注 OIL 油公众号。


点赞数最高的两位,我们将会在4月29日 18:00pm 前公布获奖者!!



This time we will be giving free tickets for 2 lucky people and there is also a free limited drink for anyone who comes before 23:00pm ! Follow our official WeChat account, and write down a comment about them on this post for the chance to win.  We will announce the winner on Apr.29th.6pm !


除了两张赠票以外,点赞数最高的获奖者除了有 Free Ticket 名额,同时还能收到来自Kaito 最新黑胶一张!!领取福利时,请出示征赞证明。严禁恶意刷票!!)

In addition, if you comment below this post, the winner with most number of likes will win the vinyl from Kaito!! 

Kaito aka Hiroshi Watanabe  

现居东京的 Hiroshi Watanabe, 作为引领日本舞曲界的重要制作人之一, 通过在全世界创造音乐历史的传奇厂牌 TransmatKompakt 的一系列作品发行,将自己的音乐成功推向全球。

点击边框调出视频工具条 https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=y0194beh51d&width=500&height=375&auto=0  

Hiroshi Watanabe, KOMPAKT Live in Australia

Hiroshi的职业生涯初始要追述到美国。极具天赋的他从伯克利音乐学院音乐作曲专业毕业,注定一生与自己热爱的音乐捆绑在一起。 留驻美国期间,他在波士顿的俱乐部DJ, 搬到纽约后便在一些较为知名俱乐部演出。除了Save The Robots的驻场,也被邀请作为嘉宾DJ去 TunnelTwiloSpeeed演出。

制作方面, 他用Hiroshi Watanabe和NITE SYSTEM项目的名称在Deeper Rekords, NitegroovesBPM King Street Sound厂牌发行了不少作品, 并曾在美国俱乐部的播放榜单上列居前茅。

较为人熟知的是他用Kaito这个化名在德国科隆著名Techno厂牌, Michael Mayer的Kompakt发行的多张作品。2002年第一张专辑《Special Life》的《Intension》被Francois K. So收录进混音CD,引起了重大的反响。十几年前的音乐依然保持着永恒的吸引力。

2013年,他发行了两张重要作品。一张是双CD混音带《Recontact》,另一张是《Until the End of Time》,谱写了新Kaito华丽的音乐景象。他敏感而又美丽的旋律为他吸引了很多乐迷, 《Trust》和《Trust Less》包含了更多的纯乐元素,更适合称作为聆听式音乐。

Kaito - < Less Time Until The End>

相比第一张专辑里的《Genesis》,以他的真名Hiroshi Watanabe 录制,成为他最畅销的单曲。还有在2011年发行的 《Sync Positive》,都是喜欢纯乐听众的不二选择。同时他还在Klik Records, Optima Trax, Moodmusic, Mule electronic, Ibadan Record等厂牌发表作品。

Hiroshi Watanabe -《The Multiverse》

他的出众才华得到了底特律三雄之一, Techno先驱Derrick May的欣赏和力捧, 并邀请他加入Transmat大家庭。2016年,在这个底特律传奇厂牌庆祝30年纪念之际, 发行了Hiroshi的作品《Multiverse》, 成为他的重大转折点之一。一系列优质的国际发行让他在全球范围内饱受赞誉, 并受邀在Sonar音乐节上演出。

Hiroshi Watanabe - 《Threshold of eternity 》

2018年4月,Hiroshi Watanabe刚刚在Transmat发行了最新作品——《Threshold of Eternity》。作品充满律动之美, 再次彰显了他在Techno制作技巧上的过硬实力。他在这张专辑中运用鼓机与合成器打造出了如科幻小说般的场景, 封面选择家乡东京作为背景。

作为一位日本音乐家,自然少不了参与电玩音乐制作,比如"Beat mania" -Konami. 他同时活跃于影视音乐制作和摄影界, 曾多次作为摄影师举办个人影展,实在是一位充满才华,不可多得的优秀跨界艺术家。

Tokyo-based Hiroshi Watanabe is one of Japan’s leading electric dance music artist.his graduation from the Berklee College of Music in Boston, USA.
He releases music under different aliases like Kaito (Kompakt), Tread, Quadra, toname a few.Hiroshi has released Kaito’s 4 albums + 4 beatless albums from one ofEuropean biggest label Michael Mayer’s Kompakt records.

2013 he released 2 albums: “Recontact” for 20th anniversary of Kompakt and album“Until the End of Time” under Kaito also.
Hiroshi has continued playing DJ/Live performance under Kaito / Hiroshi Watanabeand touring throughout all popular Japanese clubs and overseas.2016, known forreleases Hiroshi’s “Multiverse” EP and album on legendary Detroit label DerrickMay’s Transmat.

which has the great techno music history and just been reactivated to celebrate 30years of Transmat Records.He has released loads of music on many labels such asKompkat, Transmat, Optima Trax, Moodmusic, Mule electronic,
Ibadan Records, King Street Sounds, Nite Grooves, Klik Records, and more.2018will see yet another milestone in the career of Hiroshi’s EP and album release onTransmat again. 

今年是 Say Yes 第二次邀请 Kaito 到中国演出,演出前来看看 Say Yes 对他的最新专访~!

  Say Yes = S ; Kaito = K  

S: 你在中国总共演出过几次? 2016年在上海的演出是用自己的本名在Transamat发行作品后的第一次演出吗?

K: “一共2次。第一次是5年前,2013年, 在上海北京。2016年是第一次用本名, 在Tansamat发展后, 在中国的第一次演出。”

S: How many times have you played in China? Was 2016 your first time to play in China under your real name with your first release on Transmat? 

K: “Twice. My first time to play in China, it was 5 years ago, in 2013, I played in Shanghai and Beijing, and yes, 2016 in Shanghai was my first time with my first Transmat release under my real name. ”


K: 一次的合作时在2001年。其实过程还蛮简单的, 我发给了一些我的demo, 然后居然就迅速收到了回复,太妙了!至于接下来的发行, 我觉得一切都皆有可能, 因为我最近也用Kaito发行了新的Ambient作品。下一张Kaito专辑, 我正在制作中,这一次我会在自己的厂牌发行。” 

S:How did you start working with Kompakt? Would you release on Komapkt under Kaito? 

K:"My first approach to them was in 2001. it was simple process. I was sending them my demo tracks and I’ve got a response immediately! that was amazing.

Yes it’s always possible. because i had release my kaito ambient track as well. but for my next Kaito album now i am working on, will be releasing from my own label this time."

S:谈谈你和 Derrick May的第一次会面吧? 你们当时谈论了些什么?

K: “第一次见到Derrick是2008年的一场派对上,Club YELLOW的闭幕周。我和Derrick都在同一晚表演。我表演的是Kaito的LIVE。我快结束试音的时候, 我们聊了一下彼此的家庭, 孩子和音乐,因为我最小的儿子和他的女儿都出生于同一年。”

S: When was your first meeting with Derrick May? What did you guys talked about? 

K:"It was a Party at Club YELLOW closing week in 2008. me and Derrick were playing at same night. I did Kaito live. during I was finishing up my sound check,we talked about family, children, music… because my youngest son and his daughter born in exactly same year.."


K: “这张照片是我七八年前自己拍的。我一直都尝试从我自己拍的照片里找到一些合适的。当我看到这张照片是, 日落之前的东京, 我觉得这张照片非常时候我的新发行。作品的名字就聚焦于这张照片,一条连接天与地的天际线,正是我想要表达"threshold”对于永恒的诠释, 当然东京也是我出生的地方。”

S: Why did you choose a photo of Tokyo as the cover of your new release on Transmat? 

K:"That photo was taking about 7 or 8 years ago by myself. I am always trying to search exactly right photo from my bunch of archive…..

when I looked (at) this photo(tokyo view before sunrise), I was feeling this is perfect one for this release. Title “Threshold of Eternity” focusing on the photo, there is a line between sky and land, that line is exactly what I wanted to put on the meaning “threshold” for the eternal. and of cause Tokyo is where I was born. "

S:除了日本以外,在国外为Transmat Night演出过程中, 最棒的是哪一场演出?为什么?

K: “2016年, 和Derrick, Frrancesco Tristano一起在巴黎的Rex Club演出,那一晚是Tansamat 30周年纪念派对。我特别录制了下来,大家可以在网上找来听听,听了之后,你就知道原因了。”

S:The best Tansmat night that you've played outside Japan ( so far) ? When and where was it? Why? 

K:"that was “Transmat 30th Year Anniversary” party at REX CLUB Paris in 2016 with Derrick May, Francesco Tristano. I have recorded that DJ set, you can have listen on my soundcloud anytime! please listen! you know why!!!"

S:谈谈你和 Derrick May的第一次会面吧? 你们当时谈论了些什么?

K: “第一次见到Derrick是2008年的一场派对上,Club YELLOW的闭幕周。我和Derrick都在同一晚表演。我表演的是Kaito的LIVE。我快结束试音的时候, 我们聊了一下彼此的家庭, 孩子和音乐,因为我最小的儿子和他的女儿都出生于同一年。”

S: When was your first meeting with Derrick May? What did you guys talked about? 

K:"It was a Party at Club YELLOW closing week in 2008. me and Derrick were playing at same night. I did Kaito live. during I was finishing up my sound check,we talked about family, children, music… because my youngest son and his daughter born in exactly same year."


K:  “激动!这两座城市我都特别想亲自体验一下!”

S: How do you feel about your debut shows in Seoul and Shenzhen? 

K:"Really exciting!!!!! both city I really wanted to go myself. "

 Sam Lai 

深度着魔于Techno的 Sam Lai 于5年前正式开始他的音乐生涯。因其出色的舞池情绪掌控力,一年内既受邀到深圳知名锐舞派对组织The Real Deal演出,并成为他们的常驻DJ。在多次成功举办各类型户外锐舞派对(隧道、公园、沙滩)后,Sam Lai保持其谦虚的态度,不断磨练混音技巧,他独特的个人风格日益明朗,在南中国的地下音乐圈开始崭露头角,备受好评。过去两年间,除了曾受邀到深圳草莓音乐节、One Love电子音乐节、香蜜湖音乐节,等演出;Sam Lai还与英国酸性浩室先锋MR.C同台演出。以音乐为精神食粮的Sam Lai对选曲的态度就像厨师对食材一般讲究,深邃的情绪与律动的旋律糅合强有力的4/4拍,满足每一个挑剔的舞客的味蕾。他以深入浅出的布置为派对带来比音乐本身更丰富的东西,比如一场听觉享受的完整的旅程。

Sam Lai

Sam Lai, who’s been deeply influenced by Techno, started his career in music 5 years ago. He had the experience of holding all kinds of outdoor rave parties(tunnel、park、beach).He continued to hone his mixing skills and built his own style. He earned a good reputation in the underground music scene of south China. He performed in Strawberry Music Festival、One Love Electronic Music Festival、Honey Lake Music Festival.

Sam Lai wants his audience to enjoy more than just music. He is good at building atmosphere.

4/29  Say Yes x Silicon Kure Pres.  Kaito aka Hiroshi Watanabe 

 时间: 4月29日 星期日 

   Date:Apr. 29th. Sun

 22:00 ~ Late 

Line Up:

 Kaito aka Hiroshi Watanabe

 Sam Lai

预售 Pre-sale:60 RMB

正票 On Door:80 RMB

预售二维码 🔐



Table Booking: 18617150566


4/28 BMC Pres. Mala #The original dubstep lord 

4/30 dART Pres. Answer Code Request 

“Gens” Album China Tour

5/2 OIL Soy Sauce Wed. KraxyBaja Collective

5/3 OIL Soy Sauce - Studio 21 Pres. Our Space 

5/4 SVBKVLT Pres. Osheyack – Empty Hell EP Release Party

 —— ABOUT OIL —— 

OIL 是位于深圳的新晋俱乐部,致力于为南中国的俱乐部音乐场景注入新鲜活力,呈现最好的先锋电子音乐现场,·OIL有着中国俱乐部中首屈一指的声音系统以及灯光效果。


mechatok,Swindle,Kode9,Nightwave,Air Max’97, Canblaster,Howie Lee,Tzusing ,Jacques Greene,Zutzut(N.A.A.F.I),Murlo,Mina 与SVBKVLT联合呈现的Prettybwoy + Swimful,与NOTCH联合呈现的SHAO和TM404。

Say Yes 带来的Yuka,Dasha Redkina,Matrixxman、BNJMN 和 Rhyw;AsianDopeBoys: ADB48带来的Aisha Devi,Zone Unknown;Dopeness带来的Evil Needle,Apocalyptic Fantasies带来的Craxxxmurf + Hyph11E + Scintii + Asian Eyez;乐极生Bass带来的Joe Nice;Konekt Asia与瑞士文化基金会带来的Opuswerk, FutureMix带来的Mijk Van Dijk和MHP;欧盟和非刻文化呈现:EUPHORIA, 带来了DJ Firmeza, DJ Bootsie, Dinamarca, Retina Set;BRONZ 呈现:KETTAMA, Heavy HK 呈现Symbiz、赤瞳音乐带来Bulma、理化兄弟;Genome6.66Mbp、FunctionLab、元炁、Yeti、Typhoon 8、BMC、XXX Gallery、Social Room、Cakeshop也各自带来了活动。

本地厂牌Unchained带来的Fractale,the Prototypes 和DJ SS,Detached带来的Jozef K和Yang Bing,UNTZ带来的HWA aka Elvis.T,以及The Bond呈现的最后一场派对。

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 Follow us for more information and surprise!


Address 地址:

深圳市福田区车公庙泰然大厦 01层L1-11A (下沙站D出口 ) 

   11A Ground Floor,Tairan Mansion, Tairan 8th Rd 

   Xiasha Metro Station Exit D, Futian District Shenzhen 

Tel : +86 - 18617150566 

Email :info@oilsz.com


Fb:OIL Club

