
OIL 2018-05-25


Absurd Trax x Silicon Kure Pres. Sulumi + Ptwiggs 

由 Absurd Trax 与 Silicon Kure 联合呈现来自悉尼的先锋音乐人Ptwiggs和现居日本的中国8bit音乐第一人 Sulumi。前所未有的阵容搭配以及不同音乐流派间的碰撞,带你感受不一样的音乐之夜。

// About Sillicon Kure //

Silicon Kure 作为深圳新生代具有前瞻思想的音乐厂牌,是一个化虚为实,稳定而多变的存在。

// About Abusurd Trax //

Absurd Trax 是来自香港的厂牌,同时也是网站Absurd CREATION的分支。团队队员有 T0C1S,ASJ,Kelvin T,TSALAL,Cooking Bitchess,Anna Chim,Fotan Laiki ,目前为止邀请过的嘉宾有:Mobilegirl,Scintii,Damacha,Lao,Flora,Novelist,GAIKA,Tzusing,Osheyack,Meuko Meuko,Foodman,Soda Plains,Kane West,Kinnie,Dis Fig,Abyss X,Matt Tecson,Thegn,Aisha Devi,Air Max '97,H E 4 R T B R O K E N(Liyo & STEFF),ENDGAME,x/o,V Kim,DJ Sniff,Rainbow Chan,破地狱 Scattered Purgatory…


Sulumi aka CTAFAD aka 孙大威,电子音乐人、吉他手,孙大威是中国非常活跃的作曲家。十四岁开始学习吉他,之后组建朋克乐队,这成为了他开启音乐大门的催化剂。1999年定居北京,随后开始了电子音乐研究和创作,并在中国传奇朋克乐队“地下婴儿”乐队担任音乐编曲和吉他手,同时开始涉猎 Fashion Show、电影、话剧、和广告配乐工作。2004年首次以Sulumi的名义在中国知名唱片公司“摩登天空”出版专辑《Air Inhibiton Of Water/谁的空气阻滞》,这是他的实验电子音乐第一次正式展示,原始的创作手法来构建新的音乐,呈现爱你一种不同的方式来表达内心。

同时期,他也创建个人音乐厂牌“山水唱片 Shanshui Records”,十年间出版数十张电子音乐唱片。集合了众多国内外电子音乐人,独立性和音乐性并行,推动中国电子音乐革命。之后的几年里,他开始探索Chiptune风格。使用Game Boy游戏机和Nanoloop音乐软件创作,被誉为“中国8bit第一人”,其音乐深入人心。

“山水唱片 Shanshui Records”

2008年,他被受邀参加在纽约举办的世界最大Chiptune电子音乐节“Blip Festival”。枝繁叶茂终将落叶归根,这个时期的音乐创作更成熟的展现了Chiptune音乐的精神,之后他备受各界人士瞩目。完成多张唱片之后,精选集《The Heaven/天堂》的出版使他的个人音乐事业出现了飞跃。前后为:脑浊、新裤子、嘎调、EeL、Jeans Team、Snoop Lion、Kid606Zaliva-D制作一系列的Remix作品,在所有的Remix作品中,他都有自己独特的风格。

在2013年的时候“Shanshui Records”重组,以Ambient音乐和简约的Techno风格为基础。融入了摇滚的态度、世界观和现代牌意识,进一步将旋律转化成旋律感,把意识抽象化,把追求隐秘起来。

随后移居日本,并在2015年完成新专辑《Unconsciousness/无意识》由VICE CHINA出版。带来全新的声音概念和旋律——越来越沉稳节奏和暗黑系的旋律线,始终围绕着摇滚内核潜行,音乐旋律避开乐与悲。不偏不倚,顺时而动。围绕这张专辑的巡演在中国多个城市举行,他把自己标志性的演出风格带到新的维度,身体深处声音在黑暗中提供光明,引导你回到现实世界。

Sulumi -《Unconsciousness/无意识》

点击边框调出视频工具条 https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=j05012q9zs1&width=500&height=375&auto=0  

“在数次蜕变之后,为了探索不同的空间,他公布了新音乐人计划 - CTAFAD。音乐里你可以听到“没有太多修饰过的原始音色、像大气层般的压迫感、雄心勃勃的超声波实验。最终一个史诗般的内核声场经过细致的打磨,节奏和低音线从一开始就精通互动,逐渐展开而永不熄灭。”


Sulumi aka Sun Dawei. Electronic musician, guitarist, Sun Dawei is a very active Chinese composer.He started learning to play guitar at the age of fourteen and then set up a punk band,which became the catalyst for him to open the music gate.Settled in Beijing in 1999,then began the research and creation, electronic music and punk band legend in China"underground baby" as the band music arranger and guitarist, at the same time began todabble in Fashion Show, movies, drama and jingles.For the first time in 2003 in China'sfamous record company in the name Of Sulumi "modern sky" albums "Air Inhibition OfWater", this is his first formal experimental electronic music show, the original techniqueto build a new music, present a different way to express the heart.

In the same period, he also created the personal music label "Shanshui Records", andpublished dozens of electronic music Records in 10 years.Together with many domesticand foreign electronic musicians, the independence and music parallelism, promote theChinese electronic music revolution.

In the next few years, I began to explore the Chiptune style.Using Game Boy andNanoloop music software, it is known as "China's 8bit first person" and its music isdeeply popular.In 2008, he was invited to the "Blip Festival", the world's largestelectronic music Festival in New York.In the meantime, the music of this period is moremature and shows the spirit of Chiptune music. After that, people from all circles areattracted to it.The publication of "The Heaven" has made his personal music careerleap.He has made a series of Remix works, including the Brain Failure, New Pants, TheGar, EeL, Jeans Team, Snoop Lion, Kid606 and Zaliva-d. In all Remix works, he has hisown unique style.

In 2013, Shanshui Records was reorganized, based on Ambient music and the minimalistTechno style.Integrated with rock attitude, world view and modern consciousness, themelody is transformed into a melody, abstracting consciousness and hiding the pursuit.

He then moved to Japan and released his new album "Unconsciousness" by VICE CHINAin 2015.Bring new sound concepts and melodies -- more and more steady rhythm anddark line of melody line, always around the rock core stealthily, music melody avoids joyand sorrow.Unbiased, moving in time.Around the album tour held in several cities inChina, he put his signature style to the new dimension of performance and deep insidethe body sound in the dark with the light, guide you to return to the real world.

After several metamorphoses, to explore different Spaces.He announced the newmusician plan - CTAFAD.In music, you can hear "there's not a lot of modified originaltimbre, like atmospheric pressure, ambitious ultrasound experiments.Finally, an epic coresound field is carefully polished.The rhythm and the bass line from the beginning isproficient in the interaction, gradually unfolded and never went out. 


Phoebe Twigg,又名Ptwiggs,是来自悉尼的制作人以及声音编程师。她以创作复杂的音乐层次,探索在「解构」电子舞曲之中所能够带来的情绪释放。运用了软件上以及收音的进阶技巧,ptwiggs在实验俱乐部场景渐露头角。

她总是能制作出一系列在俱乐部夜晚也适合播放的旋律性多层次的音乐,Phoebe 说这是一种精神的释放;同时也是她宣泄情感的方式之一。

Ptwiggs - <Purge>

Phoebe去年在悉尼厂牌 Deep Seeded Records发行了自己的首张专辑<Purge>,而这个厂牌的名单中反映了在城市封锁后的几年内涌现出来的地下电子音乐艺术群体。专辑发行后,她还被i-D、VICE等平台进行了采访。

Ptwiggs on i-D

Ptwiggs on Noisey

""When I was making Purge, I felt like I had a lot of emotions — it was like giving birth. It's my work. And even if people don't love it, I felt like I just wanted to get it out." 


—— Ptwiggs 


Sydney producer Phoebe Twigg (aka Ptwiggs) creates expansive, deconstructed bass productions; swerving between the sensitive and the brutal in the blink of an eye.

Working with extended recording techniques, Twigg produces lustral, experimental club music as a form of catharsis. Her debut EP ‘Purge’ explores the eerie and unnerving, meticulously crafting each track whilst disregarding genre imposed boundaries.The EP comes via forward-thinking local imprint Deep Seeded Records, and follows on from singles ‘Cry For Ikari’, ‘Hypno Game’ and ‘Clarity’. Exploring a whole spectrum of emotional themes –  ultra-violence, angelic release and everything between –  Ptwiggs’ ‘Purge’ is not for the faint of heart.

                      Kelvin T                      

全名邓方正,是一名19 岁在香港土生土长的 DJ 和音乐制作人。他从初中开始音乐制作,至今自已完成并发表了 7 张 EP。远超他年纪的敏锐触觉使他在互联网音乐场景色上崭头露角。他先后加入了前卫上海厂牌 Genome 6.66 Mbp、本地团队 Absurd TRAX、 HKCR、以及许留山会。他于每次演出中急速成长,陆续在现场试验 live set、说唱、以及visual。满面稚气的他所制作的暗黑舞曲已多次被不同 DJ 选播于 NTS Radio、 Radar Radio、 Red Bull Music Academy Radio 等网上电台。今年他将再次登上 Sonar HK 的舞台,Kelvin已经连续参加了两届 Sonar HK 。


ASJ 是来自香港的制作人,意指:‘A Spiritual Journey ’。DJ ASJ 還是是台湾厂牌Under U, 香港的 Absurd Trax 和 mean girls club 的成员之一。她的set里注重实验,Trap,Dancehall,Heavy bass,地下音乐等。从不限制自己的音乐创作或者选择,所以在她注重表达。到现在支持过的艺人有 Airmax 97, Dirty K, Aisha Devi, Mechatok, Murlo, Novelist, Dis Fig, Abyss x, Jubilee, Tzusing, Gaika 等。在2017年和 Kelvin T 作为Absurd Trax 的成员一起代表团队在 Sonar HK音乐节演出。

5/25 Absurd Trax x Silicon Kure Pres. Sulumi + Ptwiggs 

 时间: 5月25日 星期五

   Date:May. 25th. Fri 

 22:00 ~ Late 

Line Up:




 Kelvin T 

 预售 Advance:60 RMB 

 正票 On Door:80 RMB 


 Table Booking: 18617150566 

  预售二维码 🔐


Scan the QR Code to get tickets


5/18 拾叁幺 x S!lk Pres. Bloodzboi

5/19 OIL Pres. TSVI+Wallwork



OIL 五月时间表

 —— ABOUT OIL —— 

OIL 是位于深圳的新晋俱乐部,致力于为南中国的俱乐部音乐场景注入新鲜活力,呈现最好的先锋电子音乐现场,·OIL有着中国俱乐部中首屈一指的声音系统以及灯光效果。


OIL呈现过的艺人有:mechatok, Swindle, Kode9, Nightwave, Air Max’97, Canblaster, Howie Lee, Tzusing, Jacques Greene, Zutzut(N.A.A.F.I), Murlo, Mina, Jesse Osborne-Lanthier; 与SVBKVLT联合呈现的Prettybwoy + Swimful, 与NOTCH联合呈现的SHAO和TM404, 与Absurd Trax联合呈现的Coucou Chloe.

Say Yes 带来的Hiroshi Watanabe aka Kaito, Yuka, Dasha Redkina, Matrixxman, BNJMN和Rhyw;AsianDopeBoys: ADB48带来的Aisha Devi,Zone Unknown; Bass Music China带来的Mala; dART呈现的Answer Code Request; Dopeness带来的Evil Needle,Apocalyptic Fantasies带来的Craxxxmurf + Hyph11E + Scintii + Asian Eyez; 乐极生Bass带来的Joe Nice, Truth;Konekt Asia与瑞士文化基金会带来的Opuswerk, 与Silk联合呈现的Slackk; FutureMix带来的Mijk Van Dijk和MHP; 欧盟和非刻文化呈现EUPHORIA, 带来了DJ Firmeza, DJ Bootsie, Dinamarca, Retina Set;BRONZ 呈现: KETTAMA; Heavy HK呈现Symbiz; 赤瞳音乐带来Bulma, 理化兄弟; Beatween 和 Rainbow Disco Club联合呈现的Ata; Cutt Records, Say Yes和Silicon Kure三方联合呈现nthng,SVBKVLT呈现Osheyack;以及Genome6.66Mbp、FunctionLab、元炁、Yeti、Typhoon 8、BMC、XXX Gallery、Social Room、Cakeshop也各自带来了活动。

本地厂牌Unchained带来的Fractale,the Prototypes、DJ SS 和 Madam X,Detached带来的Jozef K和Yang Bing,UNTZ带来的HWA aka Elvis.T,以及The Bond呈现的最后一场派对。

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Address 地址:

深圳市福田区车公庙泰然大厦 01层L1-11A (下沙站D出口 ) 

   11A Ground Floor,Tairan Mansion, Tairan 8th Rd 

   Xiasha Metro Station Exit D, Futian District Shenzhen 

Tel : +86 - 18617150566 

Email :info@oilsz.com


Fb:OIL Club

