
你离高冷的 VOGUE 只是一个聊天表情的距离

OIL OIL油 2018-12-30

小编昨晚看到我大深圳第一次引进如此别具一格极具包容性的LGBTQ活动,抑制不住内心的激动,颤抖的双手一滑把辛苦编辑的文章误删……鸡腿 🍗也没了,还做了100个俯卧撑 😭 ……特此重发。

 What Is VOGUE 

点击边框调出视频工具条 https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=y0621vwl9mj&width=500&height=375&auto=0  

“Vogue 除了是一本杂志,它也是一种舞蹈。这种与《VOGUE》时尚杂志同名的舞蹈形式 “VOGUE” 在美国纽约的哈林区的街头诞生。 


展现黑人地下文化的纪录片《Paris is Buring》

这种同性变装舞会的兴起可以追溯到上世纪20年代的哈林区,伴随着著名的艺术运动“哈林文艺复兴”(Harlem Renaissance),这种舞池文化被传入了曼哈顿,由此不仅兴起了一股黑人音乐、政治和文学的流行,更成为了城中夜生活和派对文化的新趋势。

渐渐地,这些即兴的自我表现场合由街头转入放着Disco音乐的地下俱乐部,定期的 Vogue Ball 比舞大赛成了纽约同性恋界的一大盛事。在 Vogue Ball 中,他们借由装扮、模仿扮演出最接近真实的自我,在这里他们享受人生难得的聚光灯和众人的喝采,找到了认同和归属感。当然,这里也是竞争激烈的地方。”

  Strike A Pose  

( VOGUE舞蹈元素还曾出现在麦当娜、蔡依林和 Fka Twigs 的MV中。)

部分资料来自:  iFashion


在韩国,也有这么一个群体、派对厂牌 —— Shade Seoul,他们以首尔的第一地下俱乐部Cakeshop作为据点。Shade Seoul 的派对上汇集几百各种不同的灵魂,现场强大的地下音乐氛围,包容的态度正是他们能迅速成为首尔首要LGBT之夜的原因。

Shade Seoul at Cakeshop

Shade Seoul 曾邀请过的DJ艺术家有:Mike Q,Zebra Katz,Yaeji,Le1f,Juliana Huxtable,Tygapaw 等。

7/06   FRI

Shade Seoul 从去年起联手厂牌 Most Girls Smell Good 在DADA Beijing, Shanghai 给舞客们带来了难忘的一夜。今年他们再次出动,豪华阵容即将接管中国地下俱乐部。7月6日在 OIL 用华丽的舞步与妆容给你最完美的俱乐部体验 !!

https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?vid=l1342khqv0m&width=500&height=375&auto=0Shade Seoul x MGSG Takeover VOL.2

Charlotte Goodenough

Drag Performer

Charlotte Goodenough 是一位来自首尔的drag(穿与表演者性别相反的服装)表演者,她因为其极具创造力的服装、超高活力和戏剧性的表演以及在drag表演界的长期影响力而闻名于韩国。她已经在Shade Seoul, Vogue, Neon Milk, Meet Market, I am Seoul Circuit Party, Busan Drag Prom and Hard Rock Cafe等派对演出。同时她也举办了她自己的drag派对,名叫Drag Drink Play。值得一提的是她也被曼谷的Maggie Choo’s、纽约的La Pulperia and Hardware Bar邀请成为表演嘉宾。

Charlotte Goodenough:

Charlotte Goodenough is a Seoul-based drag performer who is known for her creative costumes, high-energy and dramatic performances, and constant influence on the drag scene in Korea. Charlotte has performed at Shade Seoul, Vogue, Neon Milk, Meet Market, I am Seoul Circuit Party, Busan Drag Prom and Hard Rock Cafe to name only a few. She hosts her own drag party called Drag Drink Play. She has been featured as a guest performer at Maggie Choo’s in Bangkok, La Pulperia and Hardware Bar in New York City. 


Drag Performer

Nana Youngrong Kim 是一位来自首尔的 drag 表演者,歌手和舞者。 

Nana :

Nana Youngrong Kim is a drag performer, singer and dancer living in Seoul. 

Ligrye (DJ)

自2013年在Exit首发以来,LIGRYE将他的House,R&B 和 bass 音乐一并带到了首尔的underground 的主要舞台。但自从那时起,他的音景形式开始发生了变化,出现了更多的元素,像afrobeats, ballroom house experimental 等。他为首尔的Pute Deluxe 和 Boiler Room 等派对提供优秀的DJ,以及大型的音乐节如ULTRA Korea,Holiday Land和Arcadia Festival。LIGRYE 亦是 Pute Deluxe创意集体的核心成员。他在TRES派对上让人叹为观止的的表现使他在首尔地下音乐界成为了重要的一员。LIGRYE在艺术和时尚界也受到许多品牌的追捧。他为Balmain x H&M店的开业派对献上过非常棒的音乐。除此之外他还与LV, 首尔时装周,花花公子等合作过。他还在上海的Reel to Reel和香港的ALTN8 Festival上演出过。


Ligrye has brought his blend of house, R&B and bass to Seoul underground staple venues since his 2013. His soundscapes have shapeshifted since then and evolved to include afrobeats, ballroom house and experimental world rhythms.He has played at parties such as Pute Deluxe and Boiler Room in Seoul, ULTRA Korea, Holiday Land and Arcadia Festival in Jamsil. He is a natural collaborator and has added his flavor as a core member of the Pute Deluxe creative collective, and his residency at the TRES parties with the formidable Kingmck has put him on the map as a permanent fixture in the Seoul underground music scene. 

 Net Gala (DJ)

来自韩国的DJ/制作人 Net Gala,同时还是厂牌与组织[DAEJUNG TRAX]的成员之一,以及K-pop 组织[KPOPATTITUDE] 的主理人。2015年,当时的 Net Gala 只有18岁,他开始为巡演厂牌 Fake Virgin 担任宣传者和巡演管理经理的职位,随后他还成功开始了自己在韩国首尔的地下音乐生涯。他开始播放并制作vogue, jersey,bass音乐,吸引了不少当地DJ们的目光,现在他已是当中发展最快的音乐人之一。

Net Gala:

South Korean DJ and producer Net Gala is part of a community/label [DAEJUNG TRAX], and alternative K-pop community called [KPOPATTITUDE].In 2015, being only 18, Net Gala started off as a promoter and a tour manager for a tour label called Fake Virgin, and since then succeeded in pulling up an underground music career in Seoul, KR. His playing and making vogue, jersey, bass tracks gained interest with fellow local djs, and is now one of the fastest. 

Seesea (DJ)

Seesea 是来自首尔的DJ,她的音乐涵盖了 underground bass, grime, hiphop, wave, bounce, vogue, juke, gqom, dub, dancehall, dembow, tropical bass, garage, acid Korean trot 等。


Seesea is based in Seoul, her sound is underground bass music, grime, hiphop, wave, bounce, vogue, juke, gqom, dub, dancehall, dembow, tropical bass, garage, acid Korean trot. 

JustSyd (DJ)

JustSyd的首次DJ演出是在去年早些时候的一次南非主题派对上。自此她的sets中以South African kwaito, Bacardi house, Afro-techno 和 gqom为主,还会出现 Afro-Latin节拍, raggaeton 和 Afrobeat。她同时还是Most Girls Smell Good 的主理人 (MGSG), 曾助阵过 DJ Lag,BATUK 等。


JustSyd's DJ debut was at a South African themed party in Beijing early last year. She has since claimed South African kwaito, Bacardi house, Afro-techno and gqom, as the main genres to include in her sets, and linking to genres that draw from Afro-Latin rhythms, raggaeton and Afrobeat. 

Warmchainss (DJ)


Warmchainss is a conflation of soft melodies and relentless rhythms.

  7/06 Shade Seoul x MGSG Takeover VOL.2

 时间: 7月6日 星期五 

 Date:July 6th Fri  

 22:00 ~ Late

- Line Up -

 Drag Queens: 

Charlotte Goodenough





Net Gala





现场 DOOR:  80 RMB






*Scan the QR Code to get tickets 

Can use Visa or Paypal on 247 


6/27 SOY SAUCE Wed. Untz Pres.

6/28 MALA Pres. HOLLY

6/29 MAM Pres. Black Asteroid

6/30 Apocalyptic Fantasies Pres.

 Physical Therapy

 —— ABOUT OIL —— 

OIL 是位于深圳的新晋俱乐部,致力于为南中国的俱乐部音乐场景注入新鲜活力,呈现最好的先锋电子音乐现场,·OIL有着中国俱乐部中首屈一指的声音系统以及灯光效果。


OIL呈现过的艺人有:mechatok, Swindle, Kode9, Nightwave, Air Max’97, Canblaster, Howie Lee, Tzusing, Jacques Greene, Zutzut(N.A.A.F.I), Murlo, Mina, Jesse Osborne-Lanthier,TSVI+Wallwork; 与SVBKVLT联合呈现的Prettybwoy + Swimful, 与NOTCH联合呈现的SHAO和TM404, 与Absurd Trax联合呈现的Coucou Chloe。

Say Yes 带来的Hiroshi Watanabe aka Kaito, Yuka, Dasha Redkina, Matrixxman, BNJMN和Rhyw;AsianDopeBoys: ADB48带来的Aisha Devi,Zone Unknown, Shwefelgelb+Dis Fig; Bass Music China带来的Mala; dART呈现的Answer Code Request; Dopeness带来的Evil Needle,Apocalyptic Fantasies带来的Craxxxmurf + Hyph11E + Scintii + Asian Eyez; 乐极生Bass带来的Joe Nice, Truth;Konekt Asia与瑞士文化基金会带来的Opuswerk, 与Silk联合呈现的Slackk; FutureMix带来的Mijk Van Dijk和MHP; 欧盟和非刻文化呈现EUPHORIA, 带来了DJ Firmeza, DJ Bootsie, Dinamarca, Retina Set;BRONZ 呈现: KETTAMA; Heavy HK呈现Symbiz; 赤瞳音乐带来Bulma, 理化兄弟; Beatween 和 Rainbow Disco Club联合呈现的Ata; Cutt Records, Say Yes和Silicon Kure三方联合呈现nthng,Say Yes 与Silicon Kure 联合呈现Tobias. , SVBKVLT呈现Osheyack;Absurd Trax与Silicon Kure 联合呈现Sulumi+Ptwiggs;Vextra 带来Goth-Trad,以及Genome6.66Mbp、FunctionLab、元炁、Yeti、Typhoon 8、BMC、XXX Gallery、Social Room、Cakeshop也各自带来了活动。

本地厂牌Unchained带来的Fractale,the Prototypes、DJ SS 和 Madam X,Dbridge和Arkaik,Detached带来的Jozef K和Yang Bing,UNTZ带来的HWA aka Elvis.T,以及The Bond呈现的最后一场派对。

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Address 地址:

深圳市福田区车公庙泰然大厦 01层L1-11A (下沙站D出口 ) 

   11A Ground Floor,Tairan Mansion, Tairan 8th Rd 

   Xiasha Metro Station Exit D, Futian District Shenzhen 

Tel : +86 - 18617150566 

Email :info@oilsz.com


Fb:OIL Club

