
10/04 柏林传奇TRESOR俱乐部27周年派对

OIL油 OIL油 2018-12-29


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Dimitri Hegemann:

Industrial Ruins become Cultural Spaces




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Dimitri Hegemann interview @ 2016 by The Drone

在过去的27年里,Tresor在柏林创造了许多关于音乐及派对的历史性时刻。由Jeff Mills’rst用3个唱盘打碟、壮观的Tresor公园派对,到90年代Loveparade和Sven Väth数个演出及之后无数的跨年代派对,每个造访者都在这里得到过人生中数一数二的派对体验。


10月4日 Asylum重量呈现



Back in 1991, post- Wall Berlin used to be a no mans land, which still needed to recover from the aftermaths of the fall of the wall. Nevertheless, the subcultural scene slowly began to flourish and here, the foundation for one of the most influential techno clubs worldwide was set: Tresor. The club first opened its doors to the public in March 1991, back then at Leipziger Strasse 126a in the vault of an old department store. Tresor’s rough, dark atmosphere paired with the yetdifferent, forceful and ecstatic sounds and underlined by minimal light effects, gave the whole of Berlin a new direction. Berlin Techno was born, in the cradle of Tresor and the party hungry youth found a place where the unification of the formerly divided Germany could be celebrated to a full extent. Inspiration music-wise came from Detroit DJs like Jeff Mills, Mike Banks and Robert Hood (Underground Resistance) or Juan Atkins and Blake Baxter, just to name a few.

Oppositional to the predominant fear of being forced to close down quickly after the opening, the first period of Tresor lasted 14 years. With the dawn of 2005, Tresor was finally pushed out of the premises without having an immediate replacement. After a closing party which lasted from April, 1st to April 16th 2005 and involved among others DJ prominences like Joey Beltram, DJ Tanith, Paul van Dyk, James Ruskin &Regis or Ben Sims, the party at Leipziger Strasse finally found an end. Nevertheless, Tresor never perished and thus, exile parties at different locations in Berlin were organized. This bridgeover lasted two years and with the celebration of its 16th anniversary it was announced that the legend finally found a new home.

The former Heizkraftwerk on Köpenicker Straße 70 definitely made Tresor’s reestablishment an easy one. Themassive building, in which only a small part is used for the actual Tresor club, suits perfectly fine into the musical concept of the club and underlines it to every extent. Like in the old premises, it is located downstairs, where a long, narrow and dark corridor only tightens the excitement of what is waiting on the other side: the actual dancefloor, with the DJ decks behind the famous metal bars; where stroboscopic light arrangements and a lot of fog connect with each other and form the audience to a huge homogenous and euphoric mass, stimulated by the sound of Techno.

由DJ Gordon创办的音乐组织Asylum致力于在亚洲推广正宗的Techno及相关艺术文化。

Asylum is a music organization founded by DJ Gordon, its aim is to promote Proper Techno & Art in Asia. 







Marcus, 又名Marco de Paulis, 是现居柏林的意大利籍DJ,在首都罗马出生长大的他从小已接触电子音乐,亦经常参与欧洲各大电子音乐派对。但Marcus不甘只留在观众群中,于是16岁便开始了他的DJ生涯,及后很快就在这罗马派对圈子见到他的足迹。

曾多次受邀请到外地如英国和底特律演出的他,这十分符合Tresor的邀请条 件。并成为了Tresor驻场以及“New Face” 派对的其中一位策划人。追求时刻 不断进步的Marcus从2015年起建立好个人风格之余亦渐露头角,2017至2018两年间更进行无数演出。

对他而言,Techno不只是音乐、声音、嘈音。 Techno是一个爱的宣言,是 一种生活态度,是每天的力量泉源。 Techno也是一种技术,能把音乐变成他的声音。他很反对流行曲那种音乐模式,并坚定相信真正的音乐精神。他在演 出中利用音乐代表自己的反对声音,一直相信着音乐间的联系并打倒现在”标准 主流"的一群。

另外,Marcus从小时就喜爱收集黑胶唱片,亦经常发掘新的音乐,但绝不会是流行曲列表上的那些。他很忠于自己的喜好,只会被自己喜欢的元素触发灵感。他的DJ SET被分类为Raw和dirty groove,工业音乐及有震憾舞池和他人的因子,也非常了解舞池中派对迷所需。

Marcus, alias of Marco de Paulis, is an Italian DJ based in Berlin. Born and raised in Rome, he first approached electronic music when he was very young. Back then he started going to the first clubs and also joined illegal raves in the Italian capital. As he did not only want to be part of the audience, Marcus started djing at the age of 16, followed by his first gigs in the Roman scene some years later.

With musical references to the UK and Detroit, he became a perfect fit for Tresor booking. In the club, he is a well- known and welcomed guest at the decks of the New Faces series. With numerous gigs in 2017 and 2018 and further appearances that reach back to 2015, Marcus already has established an individual style and is looking for constant evolution every day.

For him, Techno, is more than music, is more than sounds, is more than noise, Techno is a statement of love and an attitude towards life. Techno is the energy of every day, Techno is technology, Techno becomes his voice when he plays. Marcus is strongly against mainstream and music mode, he believes in the true spirit of music. During his gigs, he uses the music as his voice of riot, believing in the music connections and fighting against the standard canons nowadays.

Further, Marcus is a vinyl collector since ages and is always eager to discover new music, which is against the standard and trendy charts the scene is offering him. He is following his own taste in music being inspired by his personal influencers. Marcus’ DJ sets are characterized by a raw and dirty groove, industrial sounds and with a strong energy impact to the floor and the people, knowing exactly what they want as a DJ coming from the dancefloor as he is.







Gordon从90年代末开始涌入澳门地下⾳乐界。他的DJ Set建立在深沈⽽暗⿊的节奏上,加上工业风格的影响。随着⼀种极具吸引力的演奏氛围。他每次都能与每一个听众建立起独特的联系,从⽽引令他们进入他独有的 Techno 氛围。


最近他受邀至德国柏林最传奇的Techno俱乐部 TRESOR Berlin 作表演嘉宾,受到了众多好评。


2000年初,Gordon在澳门威尼斯人地下音乐俱乐部Club Lotus驻场。此后,Gordon多次与著名的电子音乐家⼀同分享舞台,如 Answer Code Request、Etapp Kyle、Bryan Kasenic、Eric Cloutier、Drumcell、Adriana Lopez、Dubfire、James Zabiela、Nick Warren等等。隨后,Gordon 开始把时间和精神集中在欧洲及亚洲地区,传播他独特的地下 Techno。亦曾在世界许多地方演出,如德国、日本、泰国、中国等。

From late 90s, Gordon began emerging himself into Macau’s underground musicscene. His DJ sets are built on deep and dark rhythms with a spacey groove coupledwith an industrial sound drums kick. With an engaging presence and a knack fortelling a story, he builds a unique connection with each audience, and works anyroom until it sweats.

Recently, He was invited by Tresor Berlin – One of the best Techno club in BerlinGermany and he got a lot of good comments for his set.

In early 2000, Gordon gained residency at one of Macau’s best underground club,CLUB LOTUS at The Venetian Macau. Since then, Gordon DJ alongside some of theworld most famous artists, such as Answer Code Request, Etapp Kyle, Bryan Kasenic,Eric Cloutier, Drumcell, Adriana Lopez, Dubfire, James Zabiela, Nick Warren, just toname a few.

Subsequently, Gordon began focusing his time and energy in spreading his uniqueUnderground Techno vibe all over Europe and Asia. He performed over a dozencities in the world, including Germany-Berlin, Japan, Thailand and China etc.






业界公认天赋异禀的艺术家X.E.N aka Jacko Joao,他远远超越一般DJ或制作人所担当的角色。他从事艺术设计展现他真正独特的天赋和多重的身份。来自香港的Jacko生活在一个充满广泛多元化的城市中,令他从小已沉浸在各种各样音乐及艺术文化的特点中。性格沉默内向的Jacko无阻他在不同艺术领域发展和一些专业上的肯定,Jacko曾是乐团Blacklist的鼓手及吉他手,香港著名舞蹈团Freestylecrew主要成员,其后在2001年Jacko Joao开始学习DJ及音乐制作,在2006正式开始他的音乐生涯。

独特风格驱使他在短短1年间成为香港最受关注的DJ之一,受到众多香港本地派对/厂牌所垂青,并邀请他参与和多位本地知名DJ及国际艺术家/制作人同台演出。多年来Jacko在国内外的演出不计其数,从香港最小俱乐部Basement至到最大型的传奇演出埸地KITEC,及亚洲博览馆都留下过痕迹。其间他亦积极与不同本地的派对/厂牌,海 外音乐厂牌,商业品牌等多方面合作,成立自己的厂牌SL/NT邀请许多国际艺术家和制作人一起合作推动香港本地电子音乐文化。

在2017年Jacko Joao以新化名X.E.N归来,以更抽象、黑暗而富有前卫感的Industrial Techno / Experimental / Leftfield进发。X.E.N的音乐中富有前瞻性的合成器素材,音质抽象细利带金属感,贝斯重,风格以最黑暗的一面作为基底,Techno作为中心,利用多路音轨混音手法做变化多端的空间和敲击节奏带来的感官体验。曲风更多倾向于带侵略性的叛逆感Techno,他以特别的效果器延伸那些不安分的声音隐藏在节奏之中,音乐审美上追求律动分明不急进的舞池平衡, 将电子乐梳理得菱角分明, 错落有致。

X.E.N aka Jacko Joao is a technically gifted DJ now makinghis way into the spotlight as he curates music at some of thehottest venues around the world. Jacko’s deep influencederives from his passion & love for the sound of drums andguitars. You will not find an artist with such a distinct andunique techno style as X.E.N. His snappy house influenced percussion binds well with hismetallic take on the modern European techno trend. Inaddition to his more organic yet eccentric and undulatingbasslines, he offers an intoxicatingly stylish hybrid Live/DJperformance for the audience. Since his first sold out gig at 18 years old, X.E.N has workedalong many heavyweight DJs such as Ben Klock, Sasha,Re. you , M.A.N.D.Y, Kasierdisco,Sander van Doorn, MarkusSchulz and more. He has showcased his unique sonic identityto the world, in cutting-edge venues like Asia World Expo, Ki-Tec Star Hall, OZONE Sky Bar, KEE Club, OMA ,Basement,Social Room and Backstage Live. X.E.Nalso currently holds residents at Woobar Whotel&15grams.







出生并长大于南非约翰内斯堡的Mantis是目前深圳地下音乐领域里最有影响力的人物之一,拥有多年在音乐和DJ专业领域的丰富经验,并且在中国的十年时间里,Mantis还建立了非常多的音乐项目,参与不同的音乐活动,充分影响到当地的音乐文化。他是The Mantis Project的创始人,并曾在深圳数家酒吧担任音乐总监。

Born and raised in Johannesburg, South Africa, Mantis is now one of the most influential people in the Shenzhen underground music scene. After a music and DJ career that spans many years, over 10 of which have been spent in China, Mantis has and continues to establish numerous projects which helps the music culture of the places where he resides. He is the Founder of The Mantis Project and has been the Music Director for various Clubs in Shenzhen.

 10/04 Asylum Showcase


10月04日 星期四

Oct 4 Thu.

22:00 - Late





秀动 - 小夫 - 247

 预售 Advance 60 RMB 

 现场 Door 80 RMB 

长按识别二维码 跳转进入预售页

*Scan the QR Code to get tickets 

Foreign cards accepted on 247 tickets 


Slide up  

9/23 fatsKINI x OIL Pres.

Akito + Goto

9/29 OIL x Vextra Pres.

Swing Ting (UK)

9/30 Tape x MAM Pres. Catching Flies

10/02 Neoncity Records Pres. Night Tempo

10/03 Konekt Asia Pres.


10/04 Asylum Showcase





从2017年11月试业到目前为止,OIL呈现过的艺人有: Mechatok, Swindle, Kode9, Nightwave, Air Max’97, Canblaster, Howie Lee, Tzusing, Jacques Greene, Zutzut(N.A.A.F.I), Murlo, Mina, Jesse Osborne-Lanthier,TSVI+Wallwork; 与SVBKVLT联合呈现的Prettybwoy + Swimful, 与NOTCH联合呈现的SHAO和TM404, 与Absurd Trax联合呈现的Coucou Chloe。

Say Yes 带来的Hiroshi Watanabe aka Kaito, Yuka, Dasha Redkina, Matrixxman, BNJMN和Rhyw;AsianDopeBoys: ADB48带来的Aisha Devi,Zone Unknown, Shwefelgelb+Dis Fig; Bass Music China带来的Mala; dART呈现的Answer Code Request; Dopeness带来的Evil Needle,Apocalyptic Fantasies带来的Craxxxmurf + Hyph11E + Scintii + Asian Eyez; 乐极生Bass带来的Joe Nice, Truth;Konekt Asia与瑞士文化基金会带来的Opuswerk, 与Silk联合呈现的Slackk; FutureMix带来的Mijk Van Dijk和MHP; 欧盟和非刻文化呈现EUPHORIA, 带来了DJ Firmeza, DJ Bootsie, Dinamarca, Retina Set;BRONZ 呈现: KETTAMA; Heavy HK呈现Symbiz; 赤瞳音乐带来Bulma, 理化兄弟; Beatween 和 Rainbow Disco Club联合呈现的Ata; Cutt Records, Say Yes和Silicon Kure三方联合呈现nthng,Say Yes 与Silicon Kure 联合呈现Tobias. , SVBKVLT呈现Osheyack;Absurd Trax与Silicon Kure 联合呈现Sulumi+Ptwiggs;Vextra 带来Goth-Trad,以及Genome6.66Mbp、FunctionLab、元炁、Yeti、Typhoon 8、BMC、XXX Gallery、Social Room、Cakeshop也各自带来了活动。

本地厂牌Unchained带来的Fractale,the Prototypes、DJ SS 和 Madam X,Dbridge, Arkaik以及Total Science,Detached带来的Jozef K和Yang Bing,UNTZ带来的HWA aka Elvis.T,以及The Bond呈现的最后一场派对。

