
9/29 哦油福利 | 由曼城最棒Swing Ting吹响舞池号角

OIL油 OIL油 2018-12-29

9月29日 星期六



来自英国的街头之声 Swing Ting



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OIL will be giving free tickets to 2 lucky people! We will announce the winner before Sep. 29, 6 pm

1> Follow our Official WeChat account and share the post to wechat moment

2> Write down a comment about them on this post for the chance to win






除此之外,第1名还将获得Swing Ting<Junction>黑胶一张!

Swing Ting-<Junction>

In addition if you comment below this post, the first winner with most number of likes will win a vinyl from Swing Ting

Swing Ting

毫无疑问,近年来曼彻斯特这座城市在英国地下俱乐部文化场景中正占据越来越举足轻重的位置,而派对品牌 / 唱片厂牌 Swing Ting 在这一剧变中又享有无可替代的功劳。

有这样一群来自曼彻斯特和伦敦的艺术家,他们之中不乏DJ、制作人和歌手,出于对音乐的热爱Swing Ting孕育而生。



*如果对Swing Ting 还感到陌生的朋友,那一定不会对上面两位同样来自Swing Ting的成员感到陌生!Swing Ting 旗下猛将 Murlo 与 Florentino 在今年也曾分别来OIL做过客~!

左: Platt,右: Samrai

Samrai 和 Platt 来自英国不同城市,在曼彻斯特大学结识。二人对音乐的见解和品位相似,在大学时期就一起举办学生派对活动, 不久 Conor Thomas(现在的 Bookmat 合伙人和 Death of Rave 厂牌老板)请了他俩。

在活动和派对经历中,二人深受 Hoya:Hoya、Hot Milk 等厂牌和 Jon K 等人启发,开始将 dancehall、rap 和 garage 等当时还不甚流行的风格融合在一起,开启了曼城地下俱乐部音乐场景新画面,也奠定了现今作为唱片厂牌的 Swing Ting 多元丰富的品牌风格。

Swing Ting 除了作为曼城最优秀的厂牌之一,还是曼城最棒的俱乐部组织之一。他们定期在英国最优秀的俱乐部之一 Soup Kitchen 举办固定派对,为曼城更加前卫开放的派对动物提供避难所。Samrai 说:“我们从一个很小的场地作为出发点,一个只能容下50-100人的地方。”



我们并不希望我们的音乐太高端,我们希望它们新锐,但你依然可以随时随歌起舞。我觉得这是我们一直坚持的。有的唱片很有深度,比如 Carl Craig、Theo Parrish和 Moodymann 的之类,我不是说我不喜欢它们,但我们所追求的和这些不一样。



点击边框调出视频工具条 https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?width=500&height=375&auto=0&vid=q0750i2688f  

Swing Ting - <Addiction>

👆今年四月Samrai 和 Platt 作为组合 Swing Ting 发行了自己的首张专辑。其中有与来自英国的歌手Gemma Dunleavy合作的单曲《Addiction》,优美女声和旋律仿佛是夏日优美的赞歌。

作为Swing Ting的开山鼻祖,Samrai & Platt的实力自然不容小觑。从Hip Hop, R&B到当今日益升温的Grime,他们从容驾驭着各式的音乐风格。其中经典曲目《OneStep》,凭借着地道的Grime律动,丰富灵动的制作拿捏,以及精妙绝伦的音色渲染。屡屡在现场展现技惊四座,可谓征服力爆表。

点击边框调出视频工具条 https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?width=500&height=375&auto=0&vid=s07222vel1h  

Swing Ting 2016 (Samrai b2b Platt ft Fox) Boiler Room London DJ Set

时至今日,Swing Ting常驻的成员们已经极具影响力。他们的令人震撼的Party现场已不仅仅称霸英国,更是横跨欧洲,中美洲和加勒比海。

9月29日,Vextra和OIL将把来自英国的传奇组合 Swing Ting (Platt+Samrai) 和最纯正的英国街头之声带到你的身边!

Swing Ting:

A crew of artists based between Manchester & London including DJs, producers and vocalists, united by a love of soundsystem and street sounds.Platt & Samrai initially began Swing Ting as a specialist radio show before becoming a party in December 2008. In 2011 the dances moved to arguably the UK’s finest club venue, Soup Kitchen, where they take place every 3rd Saturday of the month with crowd favourites Fox, Murlo & Joey B joining the resident team in 2012.Winter 2014 saw the inception of the Swing Ting label, seeking to provide a platform to release fresh music from the family as well as from friends, peers and like-minded producers. Since then the releases have flowed, with Brackles, Fox, Madd Again! (Zed Bias, Trigga, Killa Benz & Specialist Moss), Famous Eno, Florentino, Trigganom, Equiknoxx, Devin Di Dakta, Alexx A-Game, Samrai & Platt all releasing on the imprint.The resident crew have built a strong reputation of rocking parties beyond just the UK taking the Swing Ting sound on the road with bookings across Europe, Central America, the Caribbean.

Katie Cooper

Katie Cooper 来自英国曼彻斯特——一个充满了Bass, Grime, Dupstep以及Garage的城市。12岁的她就开始对Bass音乐充满了热情并且在16岁拥有了第一台设备,2年前搬到中国是她与世界分享她的知识和激情的绝佳机会。

Katie Cooper :

Katie Cooper originates from Manchester, United Kingdom and comes from a background of thriving bass, grime, dubstep and garage music. She's had a passion for bass music from as young as 12 and got her first technic turntables at 16. Moving to China 2 years ago was the perfect chance for her to share her knowledge and passion with this side of the world. 


来自英国格拉斯哥的 boosterhooch,她每周都会在英国的女性电台 Subcity Radio 录制自己的节目。同时也在地下商店 Rubadub 出售唱片,并在怪异的城市和新奇的场所推广夜生活。在她的Set中你能听到UKG, bérite, jersey club, dancehall 和UK funky 等音乐类型。


boosterhooch is a familiar figure across the scene in Glasgow, where she hosts weekly shows platforming female artists in club music on freeform station Subcity Radio, works selling records at underground institution Rubadub, and promotes nights in weird and novel venues in the city. Her reputation for playful sets spanning mostly UKG, bérite, jersey club, dancehall and UK funky has seen her play across Scotland.

 9/14 OIL x Vextra Pres.

  Swing Ting 

9月29日 星期六

Sep 29 Sat.

 22:00 - Late

- Line Up -

Swing Ting

Katie Cooper



 现场 DOOR: 80 RMB






*Scan the QR Code to get tickets 

Foreign cards accepted on 247 tickets 


Slide up  

9/27 Soy Sauce Project:Techno Motel 

9/28 Club Kowloon Pres. Espen Cook

9/29 OIL x Vextra Pres.Swing Ting 

9/30 Tape x MAM Pres. Catching Flies

10/01 Silicon Kure Pres. PLOY

10/02 Neoncity Records Pres.

 Night Tempo

10/03 Konekt Asia Pres.S.O.N.S

10/04 Asylum ShowcaseTRESOR BERLIN 27 YEARS

10/06 GENOME




从2017年11月试业到目前为止,OIL呈现过的艺人有: Mechatok, Swindle, Kode9, Nightwave, Air Max’97, Canblaster, Howie Lee, Tzusing, Jacques Greene, Zutzut, Murlo, Mala, Mina, Jesse Osborne-Lanthier, TSVI+Wallwork,Nina Las Vegas,IVVVO,Florentino,Moro,False Witness,Mirnor Science,King Doudou; 与SVBKVLT联合呈现的Prettybwoy + Swimful, 与NOTCH联合呈现的SHAO和TM404, 与Absurd Trax联合呈现的Coucou Chloe;与 MALA 联合带来 Gundam,与ALL联手呈现 HOWELL + MIIIN。

Say Yes 带来的Hiroshi Watanabe aka Kaito, Yuka, Dasha Redkina, Matrixxman, BNJMN,Rhyw,Broken English Club,Barker 和 Chris SSG;Unchained带来的Fractale,the Prototypes、DJ SS 和 Madam X,Dbridge, Arkaik,Total Science,Sinistarr 和 Subp Yao,Detached带来的Jozef K和Yang Bing,UNTZ带来的HWA aka Elvis.T,TURMOIL 呈现 Bambii 。AsianDopeBoys: ADB48带来的Aisha Devi,Zone Unknown, Shwefelgelb+Dis Fig; Bass Music China带来的Mala; dART呈现的Answer Code Request; Dopeness带来的Evil Needle,Apocalyptic Fantasies带来的Craxxxmurf + Hyph11E + Scintii + Asian Eyez,Physical Therapy; 乐极生Bass带来的Joe Nice, Truth;Konekt Asia 带来Machinewoman,还与瑞士文化基金会带来的Opuswerk, 与Silk联合呈现的Slackk; FutureMix带来的Mijk Van Dijk和MHP; 欧盟和非刻文化呈现EUPHORIA, 带来了DJ Firmeza, DJ Bootsie, Dinamarca, Retina Set;BRONZ 呈现: KETTAMA; Heavy HK呈现Symbiz; 赤瞳音乐带来Bulma, 理化兄弟; Beatween 和 Rainbow Disco Club联合呈现的Ata; Cutt Records, Say Yes和Silicon Kure三方联合呈现nthng,Say Yes 与Silicon Kure 联合呈现Tobias. , SVBKVLT呈现 Osheyack;Absurd Trax与Silicon Kure 联合呈现Sulumi+Ptwiggs;Vextra 带来Goth-Trad, MAM呈现Jack De Marseille,Black Asteroid,大福唱片带来 33EMYBW,Gooooose,王长存+DUDU,RMBit,MZN9 X Silicon Kure 呈现 MACROSS 82-99, The Neighbourhood 带来 Double Clapperz + ONJUICY,TAPE 呈现 Flamingosis,SEVEN ENTERTAINMENT 带来 DJ Krush 和 DJ Kentaro,以及Genome6.66Mbp、FunctionLab、元炁、Yeti、Typhoon 8、BMC、XXX Gallery、Social Room、Cakeshop、Prajnasonic、MGSG x Shade Seoul,基立下道,The Bond,Public,也各自带来了活动。

