
12/20 Soy Sauce Project | 在这间旅馆里都能干些什么?

OIL油 OIL油 2018-12-26

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Techno Motel

Techno Motel

Techno Motel

生命是一条漫长的道路,而Motel将是你经历长途跋涉中最想落脚的地方。12月24日周四晚,将再次由Techno Motel 接管舞台。

SOY SAUCE 这个项目的成立,是为了给更多藏匿于深圳以及深圳周边地区的 Promoter 一个以音乐交流为目的的活动,对于新人而言更是一个难得的机会去做些尝试,一起让深圳的地下音乐能够更加新鲜活跃,让深圳派对场景更加多样化。

OIL希望能见到更多的 promoter做出大胆的尝试,并不局限于固有的形式与风格。OIL 作为深圳地下音乐场景最出彩的场地,将在以后的每周三夜晚不定期的为大家呈现的 SOY SAUCE 之夜。

SOY SAUCE is a project with the purpose of providing venue for promoters who are based in or surrounding Shenzhen, who is willing to do events for music communication. It is a rare opportunity for beginners to experiment with music in order to make the underground music of Shenzhen fresher and more lively, as well as diversifying the underground party scene of Shenzhen. OIL would like to see more promoters to make bold attempts in any forms and styles. OIL is the venue which get the best underground music scene in Shenzhen, will become holding SOY SAUCE Night every Wednesday from time to time. Please stay tuned for any updates about our events. All promoters who would like to hold interesting events are welcomed, and please do not hesitate to contact us.

Techno Motel:

“对你我而言,这也是一个特别的地方。每天我们都会迎接不同的客人,大家都应该相互尊重。Techno Motel是面向具有开放思想的人们,我们正在向别人推广现代techno音乐: Ethnicsound,Tech,deep,lofi,dark,melodic,industrial, acid等。我们来自深圳,” 

Life is a long road. Motel, is the place where you want to be, after a long way. It’s an unique place, for you and me. Every time, we got new guests.Don’t be rude, respect each other.Techno Motel is for open mind people.We are promoting to the others modern techno music: Ethnic sound, Tech, deep, lo-fi, dark, melodic, industrial, acid. Based in Shenzhen. Chill and respect.

Chill and Respect,Propaganda Community —— Techno Motel


MarYna是来自乌克兰的DJ和制作人,从柏林回来后开始爱上Techno音乐。MarYna回国后开始在乌克兰第一家Dance Music电台Kiss FM工作,在那里待了4年。所有这些经历都对她的风格产生了影响,2012年,她跟随自己在北京的职业生涯,搬到了更有异国情调的地方,比如中国。在这里,她发现了当地和国际上都很欣赏她的作品。

这让她踏上了成功之旅,并来到了Pepper Club。在这间俱乐部看到了许多伟大的艺术家,如Richie Hawtin, Dubfire, Umek, Tiga, Basement Jaxx, Pete Tong, James Zabiela等等。在那里,她成为了“Techno Only”的常驻DJ和Booker。

最近,她决定选择伊比沙岛作为她的新方向和住所,作为“Light Codes Ibiza” 派对的headliner,她在那里有了一个很好的开端。同时作为嘉宾参与伊比沙岛的电台节目。

MarYna曾在这些地方抛投露面比如:深圳的Tunel Rave,泰国的Bermudos,巴厘岛的Mirror, 上海的Shanghai,北京的InfraRouge,昆明的 Kunming和珠海的AClub等。


Always being into music. At early age studying piano and teenage exploring electronic music in places as Kazantip. 2006 living for few months in Berlin and falling in love with techno. Maryna when was back to her home country started to work at the first Dance radio station of Ukraine Kiss FM, stayed there for 4 years. All of this experiences influenced on her style and then she followed her path in the DJing career moving to more exotic parts of the world as China in 2012. This is where she found a local and international crowd who appreciated her work.


This lead her to a journey of achievements and brought her to a relevant place Pepper Club. The club which have seen great artists such as Richie Hawtin, Dubfire, Umek, Tiga, Basement Jaxx, Pete Tong, James Zabiela and many more. There she became resident DJ and Booker of “Techno Only”, concept which is an established wide network with the underground DJs community in Asia and worldwide. 


Recently she decided to choose Ibiza as her new direction and residence and had great beginning of her path there as headliner of “Light Codes Ibiza” parties. And Guest Dj of live radio shows at Ibiza Live Radio and Loca FM. 


Maryna had gigs in places like: Tunel Rave/ Shenzhen, Bermudos/Thailand, Mirror/Bali, Celia/Shanghai, InfraRouge/Beijing, Vervo/Kunming, AClub/Zhuhai and many more. 


“Let’s continue to make magic with our power and ability to connect our hearts and unite through the energy of music all over the world. Never stop dancing and move to the light!” Y


MLRV来自俄罗斯,职业生涯开始于2010年,起初是house表演。从当地的俱乐部上升到更大的空间,比如音乐节、社交活动和大型聚会,通过这些他的制作逐渐转向了更深层次和出色的一面,转到了techno。受到早期模拟合成器声音和底特律techno平直baseline的启发,2015年MLRV创作了厂牌“倾听底特律”,他和他的团队一起分享,并支持了AGRABA,Martin Eyerer,SODEYAMA,Nikita Zabelin,D.A.L.I.,Eostra,Going Deeper,Swanky Tunes,Hard Rock Sofa等艺术家。

在最大的地区音乐剧院担任音响工程师的工作对Vladi影响颇深, 在那里他有机会与许多著名的俄罗斯和国外古典音乐艺术家合作。techno跳动氛围的感受,是需要分享给更多的听众的。 2016年,Vladi来到中国深圳,并迅速扎根深圳地下音乐团体。MLRV现任希尔顿酒店音乐总监,最受欢迎的深圳地下俱乐部和techno活动(如Club OIL、Sector俱乐部、Dolores Park、Secret Spot)的guest dj。


MLRV Was born in Russia. He started his dj career in 2010 playing house music. From local clubs he moved into a bigger spaces as music festivals, social events, and bigger parties and with all these luggage his sound had turned to deeper and groovy side, it has turned techno. Inspired by early sound of analog synthesizers and flat baseline of Detroit techno.

In 2015 MLRV creates party label “Listen to Detroit”, where he and his crew were sharing desks and supporting such artists as AGRABA, Martin Eyerer, SODEYAMA, Nikita Zabelin, D.A.L.I., Eostra, Going Deeper, Swanky Tunes, Hard Rock Sofa.

Working as a sound engineer at the biggest regional music theatre influenced on Vladi much. There he had an opportunity to work with many famous Russian and foreign classical music artists.

Feeling the beating of techno vibe, which are needed to be shared with bigger audience. In 2016 Vladi moves to SZ, China and quickly takes roots into SZ underground community.

Now taking position of music director at Hilton Hotel, headliner and guest dj among the most popular SZ underground clubs and techno events(such as Club OIL, Sector Club, Dolores Park, Secret Spot).


Moon 自2008年开始收藏音乐,2012年,她开始在莫斯科的俱乐部公关,在那段时间,她开始学习DJ并开始在莫斯科周边得俱乐部比如Vanilla Ninja, Angelov, Time out bar, Stereopeople bar表演。2014年,她和她的员工创办了一个名为Kontur活动公司,承接聚会,带出了像Rayo, Djebali等等这样的DJ。

2017年,她有机会发展出莫斯科并来到中国。在深圳,她在一些私人派对上表演的时候被发觉,开始在中国学音乐。BOA俱乐部常驻DJ同时作为其他俱乐部的特邀DJ:Oil 俱乐部,Peacock 俱乐部, Tik Tak俱乐部,Eden 酒吧,Very Siam, Wann 酒廊,Viny屋(深圳), Lucca(广州),Flow(清远)

Propaganda community成员,合作成员:Toxic娱乐,Liquid Project, Mauvision。

Moon被认为是蓬勃发展的中国地下音乐的新鲜血液,有很好得发展前景。但她已经取得了很大的进步,并开始制作自己的音乐。2018年末,她将作为嘉宾Drumcell(Droid behaviour -Dystopian)暖场,还将作为特邀嘉宾在Lantern (BJ)俱乐部于Episode电音音乐节上演奏。她每月和Mlrv一起录制电台广播Fusion。这个搭配创造了她独特的Deep House、Techno-house同清新的民族风混搭的风格。


Moon started to develop her trade and collect music from 2008. In 2012 she began to PR in clubs in Moscow, during that time she developed her DJ skills and then began to play in clubs around Moscow like Vanilla Ninja, Angelov, Time out bar, Stereopeople bar.

In 2014 she and her crew created an events company called Kontur throwing parties and bringing djs like Rayo, Djebali etc.

In 2017 she had a chance to branch out of Moscow and go to China. Arriving in Shenzhen she played at some private parties where she was noticed and learnt the the music scene in China. 

Guest dj: Oil club, Peacock club, Tik Tak bar, Eden bar, Very Siam, Wann lounge,  Vinylhouse(SZ), Lucca (GZ), Flow (Qingyuan), Lantern (BJ).

Member of Propaganda community. Collaborating with such communities as: Toxic Entertainment, Liquid Project, Mauvision.

Moon is considered as fresh blood and an exciting  prospect in the new and flourishing Chinese underground scene. But she already showed big progress and started to produce her own music. 

She made support and warm up for Drumcell (Droid behaviour -Dystopian). 

Monthly recording her podcast Fusion with Mlrv. This colloboration makes an own unique style of deep and tech house with fresh ethnic sounds.

12/20 Soy Sauce Project: Techno Motel

12月20日 星期四

Dec 20th Thur

22:00 - Late

- Line Up -




Free Entry 免门票

Free Entry 免门票

Free Entry 免门票


盲鸟Blind Bird 80RMB


Only 48Hr

预售Advance 120RMB

现场Door 180RMB

12/31 星期一 Mon.



2019 New Year Eve 




Slide right to choose the QR Code to get tickets


Slide up  

12/21 Say Yes X OIL Pres. Giant Swan (Live)

12/22 早场:发家致富

12/22 晚场 Unchained Pres. CHRISTMAS

12/23 Soy Sauce 128KM

12/27 Soy Sauce:基立下道五周年

12/28 早场: MC 光光

12/29 早场 : Zebbler Encanti Experience 




从2017年11月试业到目前为止,OIL呈现过的艺人有: Mechatok, Swindle, Kode9, Nightwave, Air Max’97, Canblaster, Howie Lee, Tzusing, Jacques Greene, Zutzut, Murlo, Mala, Mina, Jesse Osborne-Lanthier, TSVI+Wallwork,Nina Las Vegas,IVVVO,Florentino,Moro,False Witness,Mirnor Science,King Doudou; 与SVBKVLT联合呈现的Prettybwoy + Swimful, 与NOTCH联合呈现的SHAO和TM404, 与Absurd Trax联合呈现的Coucou Chloe;与 MALA 联合带来 Gundam,与ALL联手呈现 HOWELL + MIIIN, 与 Roaringwild 联合呈现 Ziúr + Abyss X;OIL x fatsKINI 共同呈现 Akito + Goro,OIL 与 Vextra 呈现 Swing Ting。

Say Yes 带来的Hiroshi Watanabe aka Kaito, Yuka, Dasha Redkina, Matrixxman, BNJMN,Rhyw,Broken English Club,Barker 和 Chris SSG;Unchained带来的Fractale,the Prototypes、DJ SS 和 Madam X,Dbridge, Arkaik,Total Science,Sinistarr 和 Subp Yao,Detached带来的Jozef K和Yang Bing,UNTZ带来的HWA aka Elvis.T,TURMOIL 呈现 Bambii, Suicideyear。AsianDopeBoys: ADB48带来的Aisha Devi,Zone Unknown, Shwefelgelb+Dis Fig; Bass Music China带来的Mala; dART呈现的Answer Code Request; Dopeness带来的Evil Needle,Apocalyptic Fantasies带来的Craxxxmurf + Hyph11E + Scintii + Asian Eyez,Physical Therapy; 乐极生Bass带来的Joe Nice, Truth;Konekt Asia 带来Machinewoman,还与瑞士文化基金会带来的Opuswerk, 与Silk联合呈现的Slackk; FutureMix带来的Mijk Van Dijk和MHP; 欧盟和非刻文化呈现EUPHORIA, 带来了DJ Firmeza, DJ Bootsie, Dinamarca, Retina Set;BRONZ 呈现: KETTAMA; Heavy HK呈现Symbiz; 赤瞳音乐带来Bulma, 理化兄弟; Beatween 和 Rainbow Disco Club联合呈现的Ata; Cutt Records, Say Yes和Silicon Kure三方联合呈现nthng,Say Yes 与Silicon Kure 联合呈现Tobias. , SVBKVLT呈现 Osheyack;Absurd Trax 与 Silicon Kure 联合呈现Sulumi+Ptwiggs;Vextra 带来Goth-Trad nn, MAM呈现Jack De Marseille,Black Asteroid,大福唱片带来 33EMYBW,Gooooose,王长存+DUDU,RMBit,MZN9 X Silicon Kure 呈现 MACROSS 82-99, The Neighbourhood 带来 Double Clapperz + ONJUICY,TAPE 呈现 Flamingosis,Catching Flies,SEVEN ENTERTAINMENT 带来 DJ Krush 和 DJ Kentaro,Lure饵呈现Former,Abusurd Trax带来Organ Tapes, Yayoyanoh, 破地狱, Tzekin。以及Genome6.66Mbp、FunctionLab、元炁、Yeti、Typhoon 8、BMC、XXX Gallery、Social Room、Cakeshop、Prajnasonic、MGSG x Shade Seoul,基立下道,The Bond,Public,也各自带来了活动。

