01/19 颅内高潮的代名词:渐进浩室之神NICK WARREN
与Sasha, John Digweed, Paul Oakenfold, Carl Cox, Hernan Cattaneo, Carl Cox等传奇制作人齐名;
以御用DJ的身份与Trip-Hop三巨头之Massive Attack展开世界巡演;
在世界级厂牌Global Underground旗下发行过最多个人专辑;
作为Way Out West的成员之一以Live Act的形式展开全球巡演;
受邀为流行音乐巨星Lana Del Ray混音;
影响力极高的厂牌Hope Recordings的艺人和音乐指导老师(A&R);
拥有一个成功的国际派对品牌The Soundgarden;
Daddy G (Massive Attack):以一个DJ的角度来说,其实我挺纠结的。我一直想成为一个DJ大人物,就像Nick Warren还有Paul Oakenfold那样。那原本是我几年前的目标,我梦想着成为像他们俩那样的DJ。
Daddy G (Massive Attack):" I’m a frustrated DJ when it comes down to it. I wanted to be a big DJ, like Nick Warren or Paul Oakenfold. That was on the plans seven years ago. I was going to be Oakie."
90年代初期,Massive Attack刚发行了他们的首张全长专辑「Blue Lines」,那个时候的Daddy G还是Nick Warren的DJ拍档。他们的身影出现在英国各大传奇派对场地,所到之处的每个夜晚都沦陷在浩室音乐的波浪里。
1998年MIXMAG杂志采访Massive Attack,
在Massive Attack刚成名的时候,Nick Warren以他们的御用DJ身份参加了最初几轮Massive Attack的世界巡演。同一段时间内,Nick Warren为Massive Attack制作了他人生的第一首混音作品,这首作品可以说是将Nick引入音乐制作领域的那一个台阶。尝到音乐制作的甜头后,他更加地让放肆自己在其中游走。
1994年,他与Jody Wisternoff成立了制作人组合Way Out West。在很短的一段时间内,他们就被迅速挖掘,签约到当时Sasha所在的厂牌Deconstruction下。
Way Out West成立至今已制作了许多Progressive House的代表曲目,如“Tuesday Maybe”, “Mindcircus”, “The Gift”, “The Fall”, 等等。并且至今仍然活跃在舞池。
1997年,Nick受邀为Progressive House界的至尊厂牌Global Underground制作他们的“Global Underground混音系列”专辑「GU003」。值得一提的是:GU系列的前5张都是在全球的各大传奇俱乐部现场混音演出时录制的,从第6张开始则都是在录音室进行录制。
Nick Warren - GU#028: Shanghai [2005]
https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?width=500&height=375&auto=0&vid=n0808g0f1frGlobal Underground是90年代至今的电子舞曲(以Progressive House为主,也包含House, Trance House, 以及碎拍)发展的缩影,世界上首个集齐令人哭泣级传奇舞曲制作人作品的厂牌。可以说在其旗下出品作品等于拿到业界的超级大红花。
GU 003 : Prague [1997];GU 008 : Brazil [1998];GU 011 : Budapest [1999];GU 018 : Amsterdam [2000];GU 024 : Reykjavík [2003];GU 028 : Shanghai [2005];GU 030 : Paris [2007];GU 035 : Lima [2008]
包括Tony De Vit, Sasha, Paul Oakenfold, John Digweed, Danny Tenaglia, Dave Seaman, Darren Emerson, James Lavelle, Carl Cox, Solomun等你不可能不知道的制作人们都参与过GU混音系列,而Nick Warren则是其中发行过最多GU系列专辑的制作人。仅仅是英国地区,他的GU系列专辑在10年间达到了110,000+张的销量。
从1988年到1999年,年仅30岁的Nick Warren通过音乐生涯的第一个10年,成为了与Sasha, John Digweed, Paul Oakenfold, Carl Cox, Hernan Cattaneo, Carl Cox等传奇制作人齐名的大人物,而他作为传奇Progressive之神的旅程在刚刚开始。
Nick Warren @ La Feria, Santiago, Chile 4hs set [201807]
https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?width=500&height=375&auto=0&vid=v0807vni5nyResident Advisor:Nick Warren真的深谙‘点到为止’的艺术,他用回味无穷的氛围、碎拍的绚烂、超前的音乐理念,制造出一个会呼吸的音乐生物。
"Always able to put together top notch mixes, while keeping things interesting and exciting; Nick Warren takes a blank landscape, paints it with touches of atmospheric mastery, breakbeat magnificence, and experimental brilliance - thus creating a masterpiece." - Resident Advisor
迈入千禧年后,不管是制作、混音、巡演,他受到的邀请不断,以DJ身份展开过至少5次的全球巡演。期间除了厂牌(如Global Underground),他也曾为Resident Advisor, Mixmag, DMC等权威平台制作混音。而组合Way Out West同样仍然在活跃的发行着作品并在全世界带来live act形式的演出。
身经百战后,Nick Warren再一次扩大了自己的领域。他成为影响力极高的老炮厂牌Hope Recordings的艺人/音乐指导老师(A&R),带领着Hope Recordings步入一个新纪元。
期间在旗下发行的Way Out West和他本人的接近30张原创作品中,也包括为美国当红歌手Lana Del Rey制作的一首混音"Summertime Sadness"。2011年,在厂牌迎来他们即将发行第100张作品的特别时刻,Nick Warren的"Buenos Aires"成为了这个里程碑。
2014年。Nick Warren成立了自己的国际音乐、派对品牌The Soundgarden。Nick Warren亲自挑选优秀的Electronic, Techno, House等音乐制作人,并通过该厂牌发行他们的音乐作品。除此之外,成立至今The Soundgarden已在阿根廷、希腊、西班牙(Ibiza和巴塞罗那)、迈阿密等城市举行了成功的系列派对,以及每个月更新2次的在线电台。虽然有Nick Warren的光环加持,然而,The Soundgarden所获得的成功仍然和其出品的高水平音乐脱不了关系。
“I don't really feel like that, I just want to play the best music I can to likeminded people. ”
2019年是Nick Warren音乐生涯的第31个年头!然而这个家伙根本就没有慢下来的意思。去年2月份的Way Out West巡演伴随着一致好评而结束、在多个厂牌继续发行着作品、The Soundgarden的成功派对和电台、马不停蹄的个人巡演...没有人知道,早已赢得“传奇”标签的Nick Warren在未来还会给我们带来什么惊喜。
Hernan Cattaneo B2B Nick Warren @
(DJAwards) Electronic Music Awards, Ibiza [201808]
https://v.qq.com/txp/iframe/player.html?width=500&height=375&auto=0&vid=p0807469hmySAM LAI
受电子音乐影响多年的Sam Lai于6年前正式开始他的DJ生涯。因其出色的舞池情绪掌控力,相继受邀到深圳各大锐舞派对演出,并成为他们的常驻DJ。在多次成功举办各类型户外/仓库锐舞派对(隧道、公园、沙滩)后,Sam Lai保持谦虚的态度,不断磨练混音技术,他独特的个人风格日益明朗,在南中国的地下音乐圈开始崭露头角,备受好评。
过去两年间,除了曾受邀到深圳草莓音乐节、One Love电子音乐节、香蜜湖音乐节演出,Sam Lai也与众多著名DJ/制作人同台献技,如:英国Acid House先锋MR.C,台湾知名电子音乐人Elvis T,德国Kompakt旗下艺人Hiroshi Watanabe a.k.a Kaito,柏林Techno先驱Mijk van dijk,法国浪漫黑胶骑士Jack De Marseille,德国Berghain驻场Ambivalent,Tobias.The BUNKER New York主脑Eric Cloutier,著名厂牌Perlon旗下DJ Bihn,氛围Techno 先锋Rrose 等同台演出。他也是南中国众多知名俱乐部的常客,如广州HANGOVER,深圳PEPPER,OIL,SECTOR,Public,MAGMA,DeSOUND,PEACOCK,DEMO等等。
以音乐为精神食粮的Sam Lai对选曲的态度就像厨师对食材一般讲究,深邃的情绪与律动的旋律糅合强有力的4/4拍,满足每一个挑剔的舞客的味蕾。在Tech House, Melodic House, Techno之间自由转换,个人风格凸显其独特的Progressive架构。他以深入浅出的布置为派对带来比音乐本身更丰富的东西,仿佛是一场听觉享受的完整的旅程。
Sam Lai, who’s been deeply influenced by electronic dance music, started his DJ journey 6 years ago. He had the experience of holding all kinds of outdoor rave parties (tunnel, park, beach, etc.) in Shenzhen since 2011. He continued to hone his mixing skills and built up his unique structure. He earned a good reputation in the underground music scene of south China.
He performed in Strawberry Music Festival, One Love Electronic Music Festival, Honey Lake Music Festival. He has been invited to play with British acid house pioneer MR.C, outstanding electronic dance music producer Elvis T, Hiroshi Watanabe a.k.a Kaito (Kompakt), Berlin techno legend Mijk van dijk, Franch vinyl expert Jack De Marseille, Ambivalent(Cocoon), Tobias.(Berghain), Eric Cloutier(The Bunker New York), DJ Bihn (Perlon), Rrose etc. He played at many famous venues in south China such as Oil Club, Pepper Club, Sector Club, Hangover, Public, Magma, DeSOUND, Peacock S.K.A, Demo Club.
Sam masters the skill of building up atmosphere for party people, he wants his audience to enjoy more than just music but also the whole ambience.
生长于广州的他自小受到另类音乐影响。投入社会工作到至今,购买唱片已成为他多年的生活习惯。十多年前从师学习DJing技巧,早前曾驻场于广州著名夜店,近年致力为和自己理念相近的活动场合和派对作演出。他喜欢的音乐类型广泛,总能从多年日积月累的音乐收藏中以其丰富的现场经验和独特的思路方式编排出极具品质的超长DJ Set。
介于模糊与鲜明之间的演出风格,似乎让他总是在大家的眼里蒙上了一层神秘的面纱。他过人的DJ技艺,却因为拥有恢弘海量的气度而显得内敛如流水。这位安静的唱片骑师,在不温不火的折衷风格中,穿越Electronica, Deep House, Tech House, Techno,让其DJ Set多了一份晶莹剔透的美感和充满东方精致风格的细腻。
Based in Guangzhou, Pal Wong influenced by some alternative music since childhood. He kept on spending most of income to buy records after stepped into the society for years. He Learned DJ skills more than a decade ago, and played in some famous nightclubs in Guangzhou. In recent years, he has been committed to perform in occasions and parties that share similar ideas. Pal has a variety taste of music, and from years of accumulation, with his rich experience and unique way, he’s always able to come up with some extended DJ sets with high quality.
It seems that he is covering a mysterious veil on audiences eyes, since his performance style is between fuzzy and distinctive. In spite of its excellence, his DJ skill tends to be low-pitched like running water due to great tolerance. He’s a quiet disc jockey with tepid style. Through Electronica, Deep House, Tech House, Techno, a sense of pure beauty and oriental delicacy was shown on his DJ Set.
Mugi主要活跃于香港、深圳和广州三地,曾参与的派对或演出超过50场:合作过的艺人包括Ben Klock(Brownsugar/广州)、Tiga(Pepper/深圳)、Kode9(Oil/深圳)、Mijk Van Dijk(Oil/深圳)、Elvis.T(Oil/深圳)、Goth Trad(XXX/香港)、Sunju Hargun(Hangover/广州)等等。
A science guy but loves design, graduated from department of mechanical engineering and is engaged in the clothing industry. He used to perform on theater stages while in university and is a former actor at Hong Kong Zuni and Edward Lam Theatre Company. Mugi has been listening to British rock and electric music since junior high. His first contact with electronic music party culture was in Guangzhou in 2006.
In 2015, he aroused interest in studying the relations between visual art and electronic beats. In his leisure time, he started to write with laptops and collaborate with computer image, VJ and visual artists. With the rhythm, Mugi can always converts layers of overlapping materials to fantasy visions, just like like unreal dreams, leading party animals to a wonderful space.
01/19 PUBLIC Pres.
[The Soundgarden/Global Underground/Hope Recordings]
01月19日 星期六
Jan 19 Sat.
22:00 - Late
- Line Up -
Nick Warren
Sam Lai
Pal Wong
预售 Advance 100 RMB
现场 Door 150 RMB
长按识别二维码 跳转进入预售页
*Scan the QR Code to get tickets
Foreign cards accepted on 247 tickets
Slide up
01/11晚场 Equalier Pres. Ciel
01/11早场 明堂唱片 Pres.
夏之禹 x 李老板「我去2000年」巡演深圳站
01/12 Unchained x Hospital Records Pres. HOSPITALITY SHENZHEN
01/18 乐极生Bass x Vextra Pres. Joe Nice + Killa P
OIL以国内首屈一指的声音系统及灯光效果呈现最先锋的电子音乐现场,2017年11月开业至今,OIL呈现过的艺人包括:Mechatok, Swindle, Kode9, Air Max’97, Nightwave, Canblaster, Howie Lee, Tzusing, Jacques Greene, Zutzut, Murlo, Mina, Jesse Osborne-Lanthier, TSVI + Wallwork, Nina Las Vegas, IVVVO, Florentino, Moro, False Witness, Minor Science, King Doudou…
OIL与SVBKVLT, NOTCH, Absurd Trax, 麻辣派对, ALL, ROARINGWILD, fatsKINI, Vextra联合呈现过的艺人包括:Prettybwoy + Swimful, SHAO + TM404, Coucou Chloe, Gundam, MIIIN + Howell, Ziúr + Abyss X, Akito + Goro, Swing Ting...
除此之外,Say Yes, Unchained, Detached, 元炁, Genome6.66Mbp, Fresh, Dopeness, AsianDopeBoys, Apocalyptic Fantasies, FunctionLab, Future Mix, Ecstatic Bass, Konekt Asia, Experience Europe, The Bond, BRONZ, Yeti, ACID-PROGRESSIVE, Studio-21, Underground Union, Vextra, Floating City, UNTZ, Propaganda, Typhoon 8, Bass Music China, XXX Gallery, Heavy HK, Cutt Records, Spirit Tribe, Ruby Eyes Records, Connector, Cakeshop, Beatween, Rainbow Disco Club, Silicon Kure, S!LK, 12-Inch, The Mantis Project, Border Breaks, Martial Artists Management, dART, Mettāsonic, 拾叁幺, Technica, Upperkutz, Pomegranate Sounds, Prajnasonic, 基立下道, PUBLIC, Shade Seoul x MGSG, D Force Records, MZN9, The Neighbourhood, TAPE, SUPAMEGA, AMSbookings.ASIA, SEVEN Entertainment, TURMOIL, Totally Rad, Asylum, Lure饵, Club Kowloon x 15 Grams x Acadana, Neoncity, BLUE-ICON, A.V.O蒸汽所….等出色的主办方也都在OIL带来过精彩的活动,邀请到的艺人包括: Fractale, YUKA, grad_u, JON, Mantas T, SHN, Oolong Gas, Evil Needle, Aisha Devi, Zone Unknown, Craxxxmurf, Mijk Van Dijk, MHP, Jozef K, Dasha Redkina, The Prototypes, DJ SS, Joe Nice, Opuswerk, Tzusing, DJ Firmeza, DJ Bootsie, Dinamarca, Retina Set, KETTAMA, Matrixxman, BNJMN, HWA aka Elvis.T, Symbiz, Basic Soul Unit, Bulma, 理化兄弟P.C.B, Rhyw, Ata, nthng, Truth, Slackk, Cero39+AAMAR, Madam X, Mala, Answer Code Request, Osheyack, Sushi Robot+KITrust, Barker, Jstar, Bloodz Boi, Sulumi, Ptwiggs, D-Bridge, Arkaik, Jack De Marseille, Goth-Trad, Kraak+Smaak, Tobias., Schwefelgelb, Dis Fig, Machine Woman, Total Science, HOLLY, Black Asteroid, Physical Therapy, 33EMYBW, Gooooose, 王长存AYRTBH+DUDU, RMBit, MARCROSS 82-99, Broken English Club aka Oliver Ho, Sinistarr, Double Clapperz, ONJUICY, Chris SSG, Eric Cloutier, Flamingosis, 李老板+Hiroshi, silverlining, DJ Krush, DJ Kentaro, Subp Yao, Bambii, Takaaki Itoh, Suicideyear, Former, A.Fruit, Espen Cook, Catching Flies, Ploy, Night Tempo+矢野杏奈, Marcus, Lucy, City, Prism, Darius, Kartell, Bake, VANTAGE//, 傳琦SAMA+五石散, Arnaud Le Texier, DJ ZINC…等