
04/26 “失控舞蹈音乐”和“反舞曲舞曲”到底是什么玩意儿

OIL油 OIL油 2019-11-16


Genome 6.66Mbp


4月26日,他们将带来上个月刚结束伦敦Boiler Room演出的南非先锋制作人HDMIRROR,在瞬间以极简主义声音搭配激烈硬核鼓点的Live Set撕裂你的情绪。还有音乐风格实在是无法描述的阿姆斯特丹制作人组合Know V.A.,通过反乌托邦的音乐情绪重新定义风格的界限。


HDMIRROR是来自南非的制作人,视觉艺术家和全能多媒体达人Gerard Olivier的代号。在2年前开启这个项目后,HDMIRROR迅速用他们的“失控舞蹈音乐”(他们自己称作反舞曲舞曲,Anti Dance Music Dance Music)得到了一大批忠实追随者。他们用DIY的方式已经自行发布了多大52首歌与6支音乐视频(全部由他们自己负责制作,设计与后期)





他们最近在Mutek, CTM和Unsound这三个大型音乐节的Live sets现场表演赢得了广泛的赞誉,刚刚与Pussy Riot一同参与的Boiler Room直播中被誉为“极限俱乐部加速器”。




( HDMIRROR介绍部分来自Genome 6.66Mbp公众号)

HDMIRROR is South African producer, visual artist and all round sound fashionist Gerard Olivier. Since launching the project 2 years ago, HDMIRROR is fast building up a core following with their unique brand of ‘Dysfunctional dance music’. Their DIY approach to releasing music has seen an excess of 52 tracks and 6 music videos (All self made, designed and mastered) posted since the project’s inception.


Drawing influence from our collective daily overdose of information and disinformation, HDMIRROR makes dance music for an accelerated age. With a focus on pure sound generation as opposed to sampling existing sources they aim to push things forward. Their stark, maximalist sound design and thundering kick drums is hard to ignore. Releases such as ‘ADRENALIN’, ‘AVANT-TRANCE’, and ‘ANTHEMS’ come packaged with dense visual material and offer a relentlessly modern vision of rave related culture.


Their recent live sets at CTM festival and Unsound Festival drew widespread acclaim and 2019 will see HDMIRROR take the project further by expanding their sound pallette and performing IRL. HDMIRROR has been described as being at the ‘forefront of new wave of avant-hardcore music’ and intends to keep it that way.

Know V.A.

俱乐部音乐希望在各种风格之间寻找交点,艺术家们愿意通过这种方式探索关于声音之外的世界,他们穿梭在时间与风格的缝隙之间,将支离的片段打造成属于自己的感官系统,来自荷兰阿姆斯特丹的DJ/制作人双人组Know V.A. (Feico & Marijn)就擅长做这样的事情,在他们的音乐世界里,Hardcore, Gabber, Rap, Trance等风格被编织在一张黑色的网上,抑郁却又引人幻想,并正打算带你走向幽闭空间,那里有无尽头的黑暗和冥想。


Know V.A. - Reification

Know V.A.的音乐类型难以定义,科幻题材影片原声、Auto-tune和Gabber的任意混搭、Trance音效被安置在亚特兰大麾下、Grime合成器音色、传统律动Dembow的歌曲编排…这些元素都在他们的作品中屡屡出现,就连Know V.A.自己都无法描述,并在官网上打出了“?????”来为风格辩解。然而,元素的多元化并不是他们想要传递的真正内容,在那些看似闷闷不乐与自我反思的旋律中,一股来自Know V.A.的“反乌托邦”主题正在升华。


正如名字Know V.A. (Know Various Artists),这两位艺术家希望听众用不同的角度去看待音乐,而不是被局限在风格之中。最早受到Gabber的影响之下,他们尝试寻找其他风格与硬核风格的交点,从Lowriders Recordings厂牌下的简单粗暴,再到DISPLAY厂牌下专辑的不断瓦解,他的硬核标准从具象变得融合并且非常情绪化,而这个月即将在Signal Life厂牌下发行的新作「Signal Life」也将会营造一种末世环境下苦楚与焦虑。

Strange Days x Boris Postma

Strange Days x Genome 6.66Mbp

与此同时,Know V.A.还是阿姆斯特丹当地活动主办方,他们的“Strange Days”活动尝试探索当代俱乐部文化中最具硬核特点的风格、声音和图像,联动各界艺术家一起活跃在地下。去年10月份,他们就和视觉艺术家Boris Postma举办了一场关于“千禧年后无网络亚文化”的活动;而在今年年初,他们还邀请了Genome 6.66Mbp坐镇阿姆斯特丹。这次Genome将把他们带来深圳,空降OIL!

( Know V.A.介绍部分节选自the Boring Room公众号)

Amsterdam-based duo Know V.A. is one of the voices in the current renaissance of Dutch early hardcore. Driven by the search for the new, the two producers strip down the hard dance music they know until only the core principles remain. With the sheen of brute violence removed, a softer and more intricate existence appears. Their music is synthetic. For the duo, this unnatural sound aligns with people’s obsession to control and manufacture the world around them. 

The new record ‘Strange Days’ on Signal Life tells a story about a disintegrating world in which its inhabitants are paralyzed by the weight of impending doom. Whether it’s global warming, a potential nuclear war or a crumbling society. 

 “With this record we tried to grasp some of this zeitgeist, as well as picture a possible future. While there’s hope; the end is in sight. How does contemporary music sound like amidst this realization? It definitely brings forward a certain recklessness. It’s strange days now.” 

Over the last years, Know V.A. have gained an international reputation. In between touring Asia and Europe, they’ve hosted a series of 'Strange Days' club nights in Amsterdam, which seeks to showcase contemporary hardcore and explore how the genre, sonically and aesthetically has remained active in the underground. Their aim is to create a cross-cultural event, by making surprising combinations of source and inspiration, older and newer names, Dutch and international talent next to each other on the line-up. 

Kilo Vee

Kilo Vee 在 The Shelter 开始自己的 DJ 生涯,而当这座传奇地下音乐据点不复存在之后,他带着逐步稳定的个人风格游走于这座城市更为广阔的夜幕下,吸纳并完善着新的融合与拼接。对 Club、Experimental、Grime等不同风格的包容让他的作品得以渲染各色氛围,满足着派对上的摇晃的头颅和耳机下颤栗的鼓膜。

他和朋友领导的厂牌Genome 6.66 Mbp在国际上广受关注与好评,于今年早些时候完成了首次厂牌日本和欧洲巡演,并且受邀参与了柏林CTM音乐节在臭名昭著的Berghain进行演出。现在他与他的同僚们每个月扎根于上海的All Club举办派对传播属于他们自己的不妥协之声让上海的夜生活保持纯粹与活力。

Kilo Vee is one of the brightest young stars emerging through the Chinese club scene in recent times. Years of working at clubs (The Shelter) have helped him build a solid understanding of underground music and culture, reflected in his on-point, en-vogue track listing. He's shared the decks with local crews and international stars alike (Kode9,RP Boo,Lotic and Rabit,DJ Lag come to mind), and his intensely energetic sets, centered around experimental club sounds, heavy bass and emotion, practically guarantee a good time. He has just finished the Japan/Europe tour with his label mates earlier this year and been invited to play at Saule/Berghain on CTM Festival 2019. 


Now as a co-founder of Genome 6.66 Mbp who is mainly in charge of Genome Parties, he has organized a lot of international acts in last 3 years with his cohorts and take ALL CLUB as a platform to spread their uncompromising sound!



SHUTFOREVER take advantage of his DJ and Motion Design skills, dedicated to merge motion graphic and visual dynamic art into party's spirit. As a DJ, he take inspiration from all kinds of music, his performance cross into multiple genres with full emotion, put the dance-floor drowning in an experience of beats but nothing else.

04/26 Fri.

Genome 6.66Mbp Pres.


x Know V.A.

04月26日 星期五

April 26 Fri.

22:00 - Late


Know V.A.

Kilo Vee






预售 Advance 100 RMB

现场 Door 120 RMB

长按识别二维码 跳转进入预售页

*Scan the QR Code to get tickets 

Foreign cards accepted on 247 tickets 

🎁 绝对惊喜 绝对早鸟 🎁


ABSOLUT Early-bird

90 RMB


Slide up  

04/17 Soy Sauce Project. ENCLAVE

04/18 TURMOIL Pres. 

BAD ZU(Live)

04/19 Konekt Asia x Public Pres. DJ Masda

04/20 Say Yes x Silicon Kure Pres. Agonis(Live) + Galaxian(Live)

04/21 Soy Sauce Special:UNTZ x DWCS Pres. PLANETTECHNO

04/26 Genome 6.66Mbp Pres. HDMIRROR(Live) x Know V.A.

04/30 Unchained Pres.

Labour Day Smash



OIL以国内首屈一指的声音系统及灯光效果呈现最先锋的电子音乐现场,2017年11月开业至今,OIL呈现过的艺人包括:Mechatok, Swindle, Kode9, Air Max’97, Nightwave, Canblaster, Howie Lee, Tzusing, Jacques Greene, Zutzut, Murlo, Mina, Jesse Osborne-Lanthier, TSVI + Wallwork, Nina Las Vegas, IVVVO, Florentino, Moro, False Witness, Minor Science, King Doudou…

OIL与SVBKVLT, NOTCH, Absurd Trax, 麻辣MALA, ALL, ROARINGWILD, fatsKINI, Vextra联合呈现过的艺人包括:Prettybwoy + Swimful, SHAO + TM404, Coucou Chloe, Gundam, MIIIN + Howell,  Ziúr + Abyss X, Akito + Goro, Swing Ting...

除此之外,Say Yes, Unchained, Detached, 元炁, Genome6.66Mbp, Fresh, Dopeness, AsianDopeBoys, Apocalyptic Fantasies, FunctionLab, Future Mix, Ecstatic Bass, Konekt Asia, Experience Europe, The Bond, BRONZ, Yeti, ACID-PROGRESSIVE, Studio-21, Underground Union, Vextra, Floating City, UNTZ, Propaganda, Typhoon 8, Bass Music China, XXX Gallery, Heavy HK, Cutt Records, Spirit Tribe, Ruby Eyes Records, Connector, Cakeshop, Beatween, Rainbow Disco Club, Silicon Kure, S!LK, 12-Inch, The Mantis Project, Border Breaks, Martial Artists Management, dART, Mettāsonic, 拾叁幺, Technica, Upperkutz, Pomegranate Sounds, Prajnasonic, 基立下道, PUBLIC, Shade Seoul x MGSG, D Force Records, MZN9, The Neighbourhood, TAPE, SUPAMEGA, AMSbookings.ASIA, SEVEN Entertainment, TURMOIL, Totally Rad, Asylum, Lure饵, Club Kowloon x 15 Grams x Acadana, Neoncity, BLUE-ICON, A.V.O蒸汽所….等出色的主办方也都在OIL带来过精彩的活动,邀请到的艺人包括: Fractale, YUKA, grad_u, JON, Mantas T, SHN, Oolong Gas, Evil Needle, Aisha Devi, Zone Unknown, Craxxxmurf, Mijk Van Dijk, MHP, Jozef K, Dasha Redkina, The Prototypes, DJ SS, Joe Nice, Opuswerk, Tzusing, DJ Firmeza, DJ Bootsie, Dinamarca, Retina Set, KETTAMA, Matrixxman, BNJMN, HWA aka Elvis.T, Symbiz, Basic Soul Unit, Bulma, 理化兄弟P.C.B, Rhyw, Ata, nthng, Truth, Slackk, Cero39+AAMAR, Madam X, Mala, Answer Code Request, Osheyack, Sushi Robot+KITrust, Barker, Jstar, Bloodz Boi, Sulumi, Ptwiggs, D-Bridge, Arkaik, Jack De Marseille, Goth-Trad, Kraak+Smaak, Tobias., Schwefelgelb, Dis Fig, Machine Woman, Total Science, HOLLY, Black Asteroid, Physical Therapy, 33EMYBW, Gooooose, 王长存AYRTBH+DUDU, RMBit, MARCROSS 82-99, Broken English Club aka Oliver Ho, Sinistarr, Double Clapperz, ONJUICY, Chris SSG, Eric Cloutier, Flamingosis, 李老板+Hiroshi, silverlining, DJ Krush, DJ Kentaro, Subp Yao, Bambii, Takaaki Itoh, Suicideyear, Former, A.Fruit, Espen Cook, Catching Flies, Ploy, Night Tempo+矢野杏奈, Marcus, Lucy, City, Prism, Darius, Kartell, Bake, VANTAGE//, 傳琦SAMA+五石散, Arnaud Le Texier, DJ ZINC…等

