
05/04 | 如何在香港这座高楼林立的城市里建造年轻人的失乐园?

OIL油 OIL油 2019-11-15



也许你不记得 Absurd Trax 或许对这个名字感到陌生, 这一次让他们来重新跟你say “HELLO”!5月4日晚10点再次登陆OIL,“这绝对是你初夏夜晚不能错过的爬梯!” 

- 2018年Absurd TraxOIL呈现的厂牌年末派对

图一:2018年 Absurd Trax 上海 ALL Club

图二:2019年Absurd Trax 日本巡演 🇯🇵

在香港这么一座高楼林立的城市里,Absurd Trax就从零开始,之后在香港传奇俱乐部 XXX 抛头露面。除了高产的新发行,到今年他们的足迹已从香港到上海,再从上海走向日本,还备受音乐媒体 Bandcamp 以及 boiler room 等媒体的关注。

2015年,创始人Gavin Wong和一些朋友一起办起了博客“Absurd Creation”,目的是像Tiny Mix tape这样的小众博客一样,提供现场报道。2016年,Gavin开始了香港社区电台 (Hong Kong Community Radio 简称 HKCR),通过向通过YouTube和Facebook收听节目的观众播放本地艺术家在绿色屏幕前表演的节目,来解决香港缺乏场地的问题。两年后,音乐厂牌Absurd Trax正式推出。

一排:Absurd Trax 在上海 ALL Club


三排:最初群体在香港 XXX


前身为 “只能活一个” 的 AGEUSIA 联手香港厂牌 Absurd Trax, 带来今年登上Sonar HK舞台的成员之一:Alexmalism 和ASJ 奉上live现场, 其他几位得力猛将 T0C1S, Kelvin T 和也刚刚登上Sonar HK的艺术家Nerve。以及来自AGEUSIA两位老朋友XHANKONKON和Warmchainss,此外当晚还将有一位 神秘嘉宾 现场舞客的品位带来升华般的打击!



Absurd Trax 是来自香港的厂牌,同时也是网站Absurd CREATION的分支。团队队员有 T0C1S,ASJ,Kelvin T,TSALAL,Cooking Bitchess,Anna Chim,Fotan Laiki,目前为止邀请过的嘉宾有:Mobilegirl,Scintii,Damacha,Lao,Flora,Novelist,GAIKA,Tzusing,Osheyack,Meuko Meuko,Foodman,Soda Plains,Kane West,Kinnie,Dis Fig,Abyss X,Matt Tecson,Thegn,Aisha Devi,Air Max '97,H E 4 R T B R O K E N(Liyo & STEFF),ENDGAME,x/o,V Kim,DJ Sniff,Rainbow Chan,破地狱 Scattered Purgatory…

ABSURD - THE ƎND OF 2018 是一个特别为年终精心策划的活动系列,致在将世界各地地下音乐及视觉媒体的艺术家,从互联网的社区呈现并扩散于我们的现实空间。非限定音乐种类的拘泥,今届的演出囊括了电子流行乐、俱乐部、实验、现场、说唱、装置艺术等等,并以音乐会, Club和电台广播等形式呈现,一同庆祝具前卫思想和具冒险精神的非主流创作。


- Absurd Trax (HK)

无论你如何称呼他为“作曲家、DJ、声音艺术家、音乐制作人”,Alexmalism 也许并不害怕通过突破艺术种类之间的界限来扩展自己的艺术表现形式。从极简主义、工业、Trance、流行甚至古典音乐中汲取灵感,Alexmalism 创造出一个属于自己的折衷主义音乐世界,作为声音艺术家,他的作品曾展在香港/上海/温哥华和伦敦。

从2015年开始,Alex已经在XXX, HKCR, OIL Club, ALL Club, Times Museum Guangzhou等地开启了自己的dj生涯。他的新单曲《Alter Ego》 曾在Burning Man音乐节被UNPOP播放过,2018还在Absurd Trax发行了自己的首张ep 《TKO》。🎻这次他将准备独特的live set,用小提琴演奏俱乐部音乐。

Composer, DJ, sound artist, producer’ no matter how you call him, Alexmalism (aka Alex Yiu) is perhaps never afraid of expending his own artistic expression through breaking boundaries in between forms and disciplines. Based in Hong Kong, Alex draws inspiration from minimalism, industrial, trance, vogueing and even classical music to create his own eclectic sound world. As a sound artist himself, his works have been exhibited in Hong Kong, Shanghai, London, and Vancouver. Since 2015, Alex has already DJ’ed at XXX, HKCR, Oil Club, Times Museum Guangzhou, and many other places. His multichannel electroacoustic music piece ’Alter Ego’ was played in Burning Man 2018 by UNPOP, and his debut EP ‘TKO’ is released by the Hong Kong underground label ‘Absurd Trax’ in Dec 2018. Alexmalism will also perform at Sónar Hong Kong 2019 his audiovisual set based on his debut EP ‘TKO’. 


- Absurd Trax (HK)

- UnderU (TW)

ASJ,意指A Spiritual Journey,本名梁佑曦,现居于香港,她相信魔法世界的存在,十分喜欢电影巜哈利波特》,相信宇宙一切都是频律,永不分离。水是圣物,因为它可拥有不同型态。这也是她从小就喜欢水系卡通人物车厘龟的原因。  很多人或许觉得她的想法天马行空,但频律能量确实存在的。  那也是从相信自己跟相信宇宙万物开始。    

某一天,她发现音乐在跟她的潜意识沟通,是一种了解自己和心灵 的互动。每次听音乐给她的享受都是物质没法满足到的,它们都比人类还要了解她。   所以她想要给别人类似的体验,所以开始做歌以及接歌,把自己的体会从音乐分享出去,给他人传译出自己的故事。

“Everything is vibration, nothing is separate within us.”Hong Kong based producer and DJ. ASJ refers to ‘A Spiritual Journey’, ASJ first started out DJing and producing in Taiwan while her pursuing university studies in the city,Everything started off from her experience of a spiritual awakening. When she started to respect and love herself more, every encounter is a blessing. Life is a playground , a constant reminder of the purpose she came on earth for, to be what she is passionate at and become one with the universe.After joining Sonia Calico’s label UnderU, her music was first then introduced via the label’s compilation “WAREHOUSE”. Her first digital LP “The Road to Become One” was released recently on 29th June via Hong Kong local Label Absurd Tax.  Not to restrict herself, she believes in the magic of connecting souls and self expression through sounds/music.

Kelvin T

- Absurd Trax (HK)

- Genome 6.66 Mbp (SH)

Kelvin T,全名邓方正,是一名来自香港的 DJ 和音乐制作人。他从初中开始音乐制作,至今自已完成并发表了 7 张 EP。远超他年纪的敏锐触觉使他在互联网音乐场景色上崭头露角。他先后加入了前卫上海厂牌 Genome 6.66 Mbp、本地团队 Absurd TRAX、 HKCR、以及许留山会。他于每次演出中急速成长,陆续在现场试验 live set、说唱、以及visual。满面稚气的他所制作的暗黑舞曲已多次被不同 DJ 选播于 NTS Radio、 Radar Radio、 Red Bull Music Academy Radio 等网上电台。今年他将再次登上 Sonar HK 的舞台,Kelvin已经连续参加了两届香港 Sonar 音乐节。

Kelvin T, full name Tang Fong Ching Kelvin, is a 20-year- old DJ and music producer from Hong Kong. Having started making music since he was in secondary school at the age of 15, Kelvin has managed to finish and self release 7 EPs on his own. In 2016, he joined the forward-thinking Shanghai-based label Genome 6.66 Mbp and subsequently resided in local label Absurd TRAX later that year. Kelvin now runs his own radio show at Hong Kong Community Radio as a radio DJ. His music has received plays on NTS Radio, Radar Radio and RBMA Radio.


- 20 Alpha  (HK)

香港实验派跨界艺术家,拥有当代古典音乐作曲和九十年代地下锐舞文化背景。擅长以电子原声、节拍、低频、音效和鋭舞取样炼成自成一派的自由即兴表演。他以极速控製打击垫及旋钮创造出充满棱角却又令人起舞的噪音,探索难以归类且超越我们想像似外的极端声响经验。活跃于15 Grams、Buffneck Rizness、Kill the Silence、XXX及DIY户外派对地下场域,曾于柏林CTM Vorspiel及瑞士洛桑地下电影音乐节(LUFF)演出,并为DVA、Goth-Trad、Kode9、Pinch、Visionist等暖场。

With a background in classical composition and 90s rave culture, Hong Kong's experimentalist Nerve explores the extreme sound experience by mixing electroacoustic, beat, bass, fx and rave samples into a new form of free improvisation performance. His high-speed finger triggering and knob twisting style generates a harsh yet danceable noise that can't be categorized and moves beyond our imaginations. Nerve is active in the local and international underground scene, performing and djing at 15 Grams, Buffneck Rizness, Kill the Silence, XXX, CTM Vorspiel (Berlin), LUFF (Lausanne), as well as numerous DIY outdoor parties. He has been warming up for DVA, Goth-Trad, Kode9, Pinch, Visionist and many others.


來自香港 , Absurd TRAX 的厂牌主理人 ,  Absurd Creation HKCR 的共同主理人。 

Secret Guest





05/04 AGEUSIA Pres.

Absurd TRAX-Mini Label Showcase

5月4日 星期六

May 4th Sat.

22:00 - Late

- Line Up -

Alexmalism (Live)

ASJ (Live)


Kelvin T 


Secret Guest 


预售 Advance: ¥40 RMB

现场 On Door: ¥50 RMB

人间不值得 请你喝野格


到场者赠送野格 1 shot



单Shot 原价38,特价30

6 Shots 原价228,特价168。






长按识别二维码 跳转进入预售页

*Scan the QR Code to get tickets 

Foreign cards accepted on 247 tickets

!! 未成年人不可进入 !!

No Minors Allowed 


Slide up  


05/02 Silicon Kure Pres.

Vril (Live)

05/02 Room 2:May Day Birtiday Party. katie &friedn 

05/03 Silicon Kure Pres.Neel

05/04 AGEUSIA Pres.

Absurd TRAX-Mini Label Showcase

05/04  Soy Sauce Project 

Room 2 Boom Midnight Creed





从2017年11月试业到目前为止,OIL呈现过的艺人有: Mechatok, Swindle, Kode9, Nightwave, Air Max’97, Canblaster, Howie Lee, Tzusing, Jacques Greene, Zutzut, Murlo, Mala, Mina, Jesse Osborne-Lanthier, TSVI+Wallwork,Nina Las Vegas,IVVVO,Florentino,Moro,False Witness,Mirnor Science,King Doudou; 与SVBKVLT联合呈现的Prettybwoy + Swimful, 与NOTCH联合呈现的SHAO和TM404, 与Absurd Trax联合呈现的Coucou Chloe;与 MALA 联合带来 Gundam,与ALL联手呈现 HOWELL + MIIIN, 与 Roaringwild 联合呈现 Ziúr + Abyss X;OIL x fatsKINI 共同呈现 Akito + Goro,OIL 与 Vextra 呈现 Swing Ting。

Say Yes 带来的Hiroshi Watanabe aka Kaito, Yuka, Dasha Redkina, Matrixxman, BNJMN,Rhyw,Broken English Club,Barker 和 Chris SSG;Unchained带来的Fractale,the Prototypes、DJ SS 和 Madam X,Dbridge, Arkaik,Total Science,Sinistarr 和 Subp Yao,Detached带来的Jozef K和Yang Bing,UNTZ带来的HWA aka Elvis.T,TURMOIL 呈现 Bambii, Suicideyear。AsianDopeBoys: ADB48带来的Aisha Devi,Zone Unknown, Shwefelgelb+Dis Fig; Bass Music China带来的Mala; dART呈现的Answer Code Request; Dopeness带来的Evil Needle,Apocalyptic Fantasies带来的Craxxxmurf + Hyph11E + Scintii + Asian Eyez,Physical Therapy; 乐极生Bass带来的Joe Nice, Truth;Konekt Asia 带来Machinewoman,还与瑞士文化基金会带来的Opuswerk, 与Silk联合呈现的Slackk; FutureMix带来的Mijk Van Dijk和MHP; 欧盟和非刻文化呈现EUPHORIA, 带来了DJ Firmeza, DJ Bootsie, Dinamarca, Retina Set;BRONZ 呈现: KETTAMA; Heavy HK呈现Symbiz; 赤瞳音乐带来Bulma, 理化兄弟; Beatween 和 Rainbow Disco Club联合呈现的Ata; Cutt Records, Say Yes和Silicon Kure三方联合呈现nthng,Say Yes 与Silicon Kure 联合呈现Tobias. , SVBKVLT呈现 Osheyack;Absurd Trax 与 Silicon Kure 联合呈现Sulumi+Ptwiggs;Vextra 带来Goth-Trad nn, MAM呈现Jack De Marseille,Black Asteroid,大福唱片带来 33EMYBW,Gooooose,王长存+DUDU,RMBit,MZN9 X Silicon Kure 呈现 MACROSS 82-99, The Neighbourhood 带来 Double Clapperz + ONJUICY,TAPE 呈现 Flamingosis,Catching Flies,SEVEN ENTERTAINMENT 带来 DJ Krush 和 DJ Kentaro,Lure饵呈现Former,Abusurd Trax带来Organ Tapes, Yayoyanoh, 破地狱, Tzekin。以及Genome6.66Mbp、FunctionLab、元炁、Yeti、Typhoon 8、BMC、XXX Gallery、Social Room、Cakeshop、Prajnasonic、MGSG x Shade Seoul,基立下道,The Bond,Public,也各自带来了活动。

