
06/14 哦油福利 | Async Figure: 以开放视角突破禁锢化音乐产业的重围

808080880808 OIL油 2019-11-16

几乎每一种独立艺术都想要保持自身在全球文化领域中的独特性,这是为了想要确立、捍卫和巩固其在独立文化中的立场。每一篇关于商业主义、资本主义、艺术突破或艺术合法性的文章基本都是都源于这种基本的思考倾向,一种既源于现实,又同时能被受众人群感知到并产生共鸣的边缘化的倾向。对于英国具有前瞻发展思路的英国音乐厂牌Her Records来说,同样也是如此。

Her Records近期作品发行(按新旧排序)

近30多年来,现代地下音乐一直是一个半主动的产业,这一事实也从根本上影响着所有听众人群的思考方式。但Her Record唱片却始终保持着他们指向性的独立观点,与这家厂牌的联合创始人MM(Miss Modular)对音乐产业的看法如出一辙;他与Her Records的其他俩位创始人Sudanim和 CYPHR正一同推动英国乃至欧洲俱乐部音乐框架的边界,他们也被认为是现代英国那些鲁莽、年轻的制作人群体的领衔人物,并通过自己的方式在全球电子音乐产业露出锋芒。


MM(Miss Modular) Boiler Room London DJ Set

作为当代让全球电子音乐不断触摸到新层次的音乐厂牌,在这几年来持续推陈出新的Her Record将音乐爱好者们的口味和审美提升到新的边界。人们不断感受到Her Records对于艺人作品一丝不苟的态度,Her推出的每一份作品仿佛都在给当代电子音乐场景带来新的冲击。旗下成员几乎都已不止一次出现在世界级的优秀电子音乐派对/Club中,包括Suda,CYPHR,MM,NKC,Kid Antoine等大家都多多少少有些熟悉的出色DJ/制作人。

曾在2018年10月于OIL带来表演的Her Record旗下艺人NKC, 点击图片可了解详情。

不过实际上,当2014年Miss Modular的Reflector Pack/Cruzer Edge 单曲在Her Records发布时,这家厂牌仍然还处于名不见经传的时期,只有两张合辑和几张不那么成功的EPs和专辑点缀在该品牌的Bandcamp上。而正是在这段过渡期结束后,这家厂牌则立马出现了一系列让人惊掉大牙的作品发行,包括Sudanim的The Link EP、CYPHR的Brace/Gloss Finish,以及他们的第三张合辑,这些作品受到了来自多家媒体的不低评价。

MM、Suda和CYPHR只是在表面上模仿了遵守传统发展方式的厂牌框架,他们创造了完全属于自己的音乐环境与独特立场,从Jersey club、dancehall到hyper-crisp再到洛杉矶风格的说唱元素制作,Her Records从这些风格的演变中奠定了里程碑。当然,这些风格也并不是这家厂牌带给外界唯一切实的影响力和观点,就如同他们在Fact mag接受采访时所表现的态度:“我们非常愿意对当前死板的英国电子音乐场景来一句F@@k Y@U”, 这让我们不得而知他们更加想要以更加多维性与开放化的思考方式去为整个当代电子音乐环境带来新的冲击。


星期五 Fri.

Instant Rhythms呈现英国前卫电子音乐厂牌Her Record两位创始人Sudanim与MM,本周五他们将通过Async Figure的姿态在OIL舞池带来一场不可多得的迷失派对体验。

Async Figure在2018年Unsound Festival带来表演






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before Jun 14th, 6 pm



Async Figure(Suda+MM)

作为 Her Records 的掌舵人,Suda 与 MM 不仅把控着厂牌发行的美学与质感,更是通过一系列发行在俱乐部场景中掌握了话语权。但在过去一年中,这两位艺术家与他们的厂牌却鲜有动作,这背后的原因实则是一场更深层的思考:不仅仅是声音,而是如何在空间维度中更好的表达一直以来坚持的美学和探索,而最后的答案就是 Async Figure。

Her Record

Async Figure 由 Suda 与 MM 两位英国艺术家组成。他们从 2012 年在前卫俱乐部音乐厂牌 Her Records 开启了一系列合作,经过长期的合作与磨合,最终推出了这个全新的项目。他们于 2018 年 10 月在 Unsound Festival 首次亮相。这次表演被称为一次 “深度迷失”的体验。尽管他们的音乐充斥着英国俱乐部文化的元素碎片,但却无法用任何一个类似的模板可以参考。无论是 Her Records,还是 Async Figure,他们追求的是一种无法理解和非理性的体验。

Async Figure 的核心是通过一种新的声音,在舞池中打破日常的感知范围,从而打开全新的感官体验。没有任何特定的目标和计划,无论是 Her Records 还是 Async Figure, 目的都是为了实现沉浸式的俱乐部体验。这个项目不再是传统的 DJ 表演方式,也不再将表演者作为演出空间的中心,而是通过听觉和视觉冲击无意识的将参与者联系起来,让释放的身体共同构筑一个沉浸的世界。

Her Record近期发行

Async Figure将抽象运用到了极端:把实验性的音频乐段编织成不寻常但连贯的律动,随之突如其来的冲击,最终被融化为极其治愈的温暖。每个人对于这种体验都会有自己的感触 — 也许是视觉和听觉上的震撼,也可能是精神得到了释放。


但可以肯定的是,大家最终都会在这个沉浸的世界中找到自我。我们知道你也一样都向往着这个“世界”,所以我们邀请你在 OIL 与我们一同构筑。

Async Figure is the new project from UK based MM & Suda, the culmination of a long history of collaboration, beginning with Her Records in 2012. Async Figure furthers the approach of Her Records in prioritising the thrill of the unfathomable and the irrational. Central to the music is the idea that the sensory disruption that can take place through contact with new and unexpected sounds on the dancefloor can destabilise everyday modes of perception and open up transgressive potentials. High emotion melodies will fold into chaotic yet physically coherent polyrhythms, melting sudden senses of system shock into rehabilitation and warmth. Async Figure was debuted with a live set at Unsound Festival in October of 2018, which was described as a 'deeply disorientating' experience, 'littered with fragments of UK club culture', but with 'no readily available point of reference'


凭借毫无妥协的创作意识和独特的审美,Suda 通过一系列单曲和 EP 发行成功乱入俱乐部场景。作为南伦敦标志性厂牌 Her Records 的运营者,Suda 在 2014 年自家发行 The Link EP,随后一直处于上升势头,并在 Sound Pellegrino,Mixpak,Local Action 和Crazylegs 等厂牌发行作品。

《The Link EP》与《Pleasure Flood EP 》

The Link EP 已经展现了 Suda 对前沿俱乐部音乐的独特意识,随后发布的 Pleasure Flood EP 更是愈发不可收拾,令人震撼的实验舞曲走向已经成形。但这并不是 Suda 的最终形态,经过三年的沉淀,他发布了包含 6 首单曲的 Hives EP。Hives 不仅再次将实验舞曲进一步延伸,同时这张 EP 也得到了广泛的肯定。


《Hives EP》

作为 Rinse FM 的常住 DJ,Suda 的 DJ Set 仍然在表达自身对俱乐部音乐的理解:凶猛厚重的鼓组街拍,充斥着警笛声、洞穴声等音效,配合着剔透的合成器旋律。从不遵循常规的 Suda 常常会让人在不经意间受到冲击,这让他成为了俱乐部场景中不可忽视的角色。


Sudanim - GetDarker TV 224

With an uncompromising aesthetic Suda burst into the club music consciousness with a string of successful singles and EPs. Co-operator of bubbling south London label Her Records, Sudanim announced his arrival with 2014’s The Link EP and has been on an upward trajectory ever since, garnering features on releases from Sound Pellegrino, Mixpak, Local Action and Crazylegs. Later that year came the Pleasure Flood EP, an accelerated take on the angular club forms established in The Link and a look into the jarring, if not downright apocalyptic, end of experimental dance music. 2017 saw the release of Hives, a six-track EP of tangled club rhythms that was the result of two years of graft. A regular on Rinse FM, Suda’s sets deliver the same punch heard in his releases, as exemplified by bomb shelter sirens, cavernous booms and a penchant for razor-sharp, crystalline synth-lines. And it’s that ethos, a willingness to disregard convention and disarm the listener, that makes Suda such an enticing and necessary presence in the dance music world at large.


很少能有艺人能像 MM 一样,能够如此低调的成为俱乐部场景中的意见领袖。从 17 岁就与 Suda 开始 Her Records 厂牌,到掌控 Rinse FM 的节目,再到横跨大洋彼岸掀翻锅炉房。

作为 DJ 和制作人,MM 擅长凶猛的俱乐部音乐风格,在各种风格之间游刃有余,同时也能制作出 9th Ritual 和 Reflector Pack 这样的精品单曲。不只有 Her Records,同时他也在 Purple Tape Pedigree,Staycore, Mixpak,Fade to Mind 等厂牌发行了优秀作品。可以肯定的是,DJ MM 还有很多值得我们去发掘。

Few artists have managed to rise from relative obscurity to being a leader in their scene quite like DJ MM, from starting nascent club outfit Her Records with Sudanim at age 17 to holding down Rinse FM slots, headlining nights both sides of the atlantic and smashing Boiler Room gigs. As both a DJ and producer, MM has approached club music with a near-reckless flair, leaping between styles without breaking a sweat, all the while churning out undeniable hits like 9th Ritual & Reflector Pack. With a incendiary debut EP and white label recently released on his own Her Records, a vinyl offering on New York's rising Purple Tape Pedigree and one-offs shared via labels such as Staycore, Mixpak and Fade to Mind, it’s clear that DJ MM has only begun to show us all he’s got.

As a party organization born in Beijing, we will also bring the power of Beijing club scene. Oshi and Negative808 will unite with local producer 3asic to ensure you have an immersive experience all night long.

艺人文字描述摘自主办方Instant Rhythms


作为身在天朝范围内的舞客,你一定听说过 Oshi 这个名字。不知不觉中,这位来自法国的音乐人带着他的唱片定居中国已有十年之久。作为一名 DJ,Oshi 拥有广泛的选曲审美,从具有未来感和灵魂元素的 beats 音乐,到极具冲击感的 UK Bass, Grime, Hard Drum, Dubstep 和 Footwork 音乐。他那独特的选曲审美意味着,他既能驾驭深沉的 Techno 舞池,也能用经典之作掀翻屋顶,同时行云流水的 DJ Set 也为“好歌”赋予了新的意义。

不仅仅是一名 DJ,拥有多重身份的 Oshi 拥有一家艺人经纪机构,同时也是一名推广者和艺术指导,作为背后推手实现了众多的活动和音乐节,包括红牛、InMusic 和草莓音乐节。现在他的触手延伸到了国际范围,包括Glastonbury (英国), ADE (荷兰) EXITE (塞尔维亚) 和 World Music Festival (韩国)。

作为一名推广者,Oshi 的 THE DROP 派对从 2010 年就开始建立了影响力,并且将众多 UK Bass, Grime, Dubstep, Footwork, Jersey club 和 Tropical 艺人带到了中国,包括 My Nu Leng, Fatboy Slim, A-Track, UZ, Dub Phizix, Quantic, Canblaster, Zed Bias, Tokimonsta, Flava D, Goldie, AC Slater, DJ Krush, Tyga, Justin Martin, Roska, Mø, Mr Carmack, NKC, Drumcell, Benjamin Damage, Truncate 等等... 

If you've been partying in the Middle Kingdom, you will have come across the name 'Oshi'. The French selector has been leading trends in the far east since he packed up his records and moved there more than a decade ago.

With mixes that run the gamut from future & soulful beats, to tear outs, bristling with UK Bass, Grime, Hard Drum, Dubstep & Footwork. His unparalleled selector’s sense means that, from the deepest Techno rave to the classiest rooftop hangout, his seamlessly eclectic sets bring new meaning to the term ‘finely tuned’.

DJ and crowd-reader above all else, Oshi is on a mission to develop the Chinese club scene. As a promoter, Booking agency boss and art director, he is the mastermind behind many successful parties and stages at festivals such as Redbull InMusic and Strawberry. his international credentials have grown further afield, reaching all the way to Glastonbury (UK), ADE (Holland) EXITE (Serbia) and World Music Festival (Korea). 

Oshi's signature party THE DROP has been firmly put on the map since its debut in 2010. The event series is famous for bringing the most exciting UK Bass, Grime, Dubstep, Footwork, Jersey club and Tropical acts to China. 

His reputation spreading further and wider, bringing in its wake a slew of exciting bookings, giving him the opportunity to tear up dance floors alongside some of the best DJs and producers around, including My Nu Leng, Fatboy Slim, A-Track, UZ, Dub Phizix, Quantic, Canblaster, Zed Bias, Tokimonsta, Flava D, Goldie, AC Slater, DJ Krush, Tyga, Justin Martin, Roska, Mø, Mr Carmack, NKC, Drumcell, Benjamin Damage, Truncate…  and many more. Oshi’s dynasty looks set for another landmark year as even more of the globe quakes and shakes to the energy of his eclectic sound. 



自 2013 年开始,他活跃地参与到中国本土电子音乐场景中,表演遍布了国内各个音乐节和俱乐部,还曾被邀请至欧洲电子音乐盛会 ADE (Amsterdam Dance Event) 演出。从他最新发布的几首单曲、和他在私人电台、俱乐部现场里播放的众多未发行曲目就可以窥探出他的音乐视野与下一步。

他不仅在中文圈和说唱歌手 Jony J 共同缔造了播放量近亿的爆炸金曲《套路》,更受到众多国际音乐平台如 Red Light Radio、Bass City 的支持,低音音乐王牌组合 Noisia 和才华横溢的 Ivy Lab 都肯定过他的作品。在俱乐部里,他总将 Bass、Grime、Experimental、Trap、Techno 等等不同风格的音乐元素融合在一起,给舞池营造独一无二的凶猛体验。

3ASiC is a Nanjing-born and Shenzhen-based electronic musician, who finished recording arts and sound design degrees in China and the Netherlands. In addition, he is a geek who started coding in primary school. These backgrounds have made him extraordinarily obsessed and sophisticated with Sound and Technology. Both his genre and ways of making music are uncommon. Recently he loves physically blowing people’s speakers with intangible extreme sounds. He has been actively participating in the Chinese under


Negative808 (Hotwill)是来自南方海岸、现居北京的低音制作人:在同步计划及燃⾳乐发⾏的数⾸个性彰显的单曲,让 Negative808 得以将自己融合了 Drum N Bass, Grime, Footwork, Leftfield bass等多种高BPM舞曲⻛格的节奏炸弹投入京城的舞池,并以此得到了京城知名低音组织和多位 DJ 的认可,成为 Syndicate 和 S!lk 的固定成员。


Negative808 不仅是⼀位前卫的⾳乐内容创造者,同时也积极的在幕后推⼴着电子音乐⽂化:和好友 EZZZ 创办了线上电子⾳乐媒体 Freq, 定期在 Midifan 贡献⾳乐制作技术科普文章...这些努力让他成为了国内新一代年轻电⼦音乐人中受⼈瞩⽬的潜力新星。


除了作为制作人和 DJ 活跃于北京的地下场景,Hotwill 同时也是音乐科技研究员和推⼴者,相关⼯作经历和强烈的个人爱好使其成为了 Ableton Live 认证讲师,常驻于每周三发生在帝都鼓楼的 Floso x 燃 Workshop 推⼴关于音乐制作的相关知识。

Negative808 is a Beijing music producer who hails from the southern Chinese province of Fujian. He has had several singles released on the Beijing based electronic label Ran Music. Since living in the capital he has integrated various upbeat electronic dance styles into his work; such as Drum & Bass, Grime, Footwork and Leftfield bass. On many occasions he has taken part in events thrown by one of China’s most respected Drum & Bass DJ collectives, Syndicate and Beijing pioneer club music collectives S!lk.

06/14 Instant Rhythms Pres. 

Async Figure (Suda+MM)

6月14日 星期五

Jun 14th Fri

22:00 - Late

  -Line up- 

Async Figure (Suda+MM)








预售 Advance 80 RMB

现场    Door  100 RMB

长按识别二维码 跳转进入预售页

*Scan the QR Code to get tickets 

Foreign cards accepted on 247 tickets 

🎁  绝对惊喜  绝对早鸟  🎁


ABSOLUT Early Bird ¥70


No Minors Allowed 


   Slide up  

06/13 麻辣MALA Pres. PlayGroundz Festival Pre-Party

06/14 Instant Rhythm Pres.

Async Figure (Suda + MM)

06/15 Silicon Kure Pres. Oliver Deutschmann

06/16(早场) A.V.O蒸汽所 Pres. ミカヅキBIGWAVE(Live)

06/16 (晚场) Couch Co-Op Vol.3 巫女的初戀

06/20 AGEUSIA x TURMOIL Pres. RP Boo

06/21 Underground Union Pres. Joachim Spieth

06/22 Silicon Kure x Say Yes Pres. Delta Funktionen

+ Cardopusher

06/28 M-LAB Pres. Sega Bodega

06/29(晚场) OIL Pres. Soda Plains




从2017年11月试业到目前为止,OIL呈现过的艺人有: Mechatok, Swindle, Kode9, Nightwave, Air Max’97, Canblaster, Howie Lee, Tzusing, Jacques Greene, Zutzut, Murlo, Mala, Mina, Jesse Osborne-Lanthier, TSVI+Wallwork,Nina Las Vegas,IVVVO,Florentino,Moro,False Witness,Mirnor Science,King Doudou; 与SVBKVLT联合呈现的Prettybwoy + Swimful, 与NOTCH联合呈现的SHAO和TM404, 与Absurd Trax联合呈现的Coucou Chloe;与 MALA 联合带来 Gundam,与ALL联手呈现 HOWELL + MIIIN, 与 Roaringwild 联合呈现 Ziúr + Abyss X;OIL x fatsKINI 共同呈现 Akito + Goro,OIL 与 Vextra 呈现 Swing Ting。

Say Yes 带来的Hiroshi Watanabe aka Kaito, Yuka, Dasha Redkina, Matrixxman, BNJMN,Rhyw,Broken English Club,Barker 和 Chris SSG;Unchained带来的Fractale,the Prototypes、DJ SS 和 Madam X,Dbridge, Arkaik,Total Science,Sinistarr 和 Subp Yao,Detached带来的Jozef K和Yang Bing,UNTZ带来的HWA aka Elvis.T,TURMOIL 呈现 Bambii, Suicideyear。AsianDopeBoys: ADB48带来的Aisha Devi,Zone Unknown, Shwefelgelb+Dis Fig; Bass Music China带来的Mala; dART呈现的Answer Code Request; Dopeness带来的Evil Needle,Apocalyptic Fantasies带来的Craxxxmurf + Hyph11E + Scintii + Asian Eyez,Physical Therapy; 乐极生Bass带来的Joe Nice, Truth;Konekt Asia 带来Machinewoman,还与瑞士文化基金会带来的Opuswerk, 与Silk联合呈现的Slackk; FutureMix带来的Mijk Van Dijk和MHP; 欧盟和非刻文化呈现EUPHORIA, 带来了DJ Firmeza, DJ Bootsie, Dinamarca, Retina Set;BRONZ 呈现: KETTAMA; Heavy HK呈现Symbiz; 赤瞳音乐带来Bulma, 理化兄弟; Beatween 和 Rainbow Disco Club联合呈现的Ata; Cutt Records, Say Yes和Silicon Kure三方联合呈现nthng,Say Yes 与Silicon Kure 联合呈现Tobias. , SVBKVLT呈现 Osheyack;Absurd Trax 与 Silicon Kure 联合呈现Sulumi+Ptwiggs;Vextra 带来Goth-Trad nn, MAM呈现Jack De Marseille,Black Asteroid,大福唱片带来 33EMYBW,Gooooose,王长存+DUDU,RMBit,MZN9 X Silicon Kure 呈现 MACROSS 82-99, The Neighbourhood 带来 Double Clapperz + ONJUICY,TAPE 呈现 Flamingosis,Catching Flies,SEVEN ENTERTAINMENT 带来 DJ Krush 和 DJ Kentaro,Lure饵呈现Former,Abusurd Trax带来Organ Tapes, Yayoyanoh, 破地狱, Tzekin。以及Genome6.66Mbp、FunctionLab、元炁、Yeti、Typhoon 8、BMC、XXX Gallery、Social Room、Cakeshop、Prajnasonic、MGSG x Shade Seoul,基立下道,The Bond,Public,也各自带来了活动。



Follow us for more information and surprise

+86 18617150566





11A Ground Floor, Tairan Mansion, Tairan 8th Rd., Shenzhen (Xiasha MTR Station Exit D)

