
06/21 哦油福利 | Joachim Spieth: 德国灰度Techno领域中的一抹色彩延伸

OIL油 OIL油 2019-11-17

稀疏的植物枝叶、灰度的黑白景象、丰富的自然空间以及被沉默掩盖的阴影角落,这些都是构成Joachim Spieth创作灵感的主要因素。他的节奏来源于对这缤纷世界中不曾被挖掘的那一片单色地带的深刻感知,将能触摸到的所有情绪通过创作传递到每位听众的耳朵及内心,并使用多元的Techno节奏将这股被黑白覆盖的情绪转变为一抹五彩缤纷的色彩。




Joachim Spieth




Joachim Spieth




Joachim Spieth




Joachim Spieth




Joachim Spieth




Joachim Spieth



你从Affin中学到了什么? 12年的经营你一定也学到了不少东西。

Joachim Spieth


(The interview write by Maggie)






此外,点赞数第一名还将获得由Underground Union提供的AFFIN tote Bag一份!

Write down a comment about them on this post for the chance to win the tickets. Also first place gets the AFFIN tote Bag + Ticket. Second place gets the Ticket. We will announce the winners before June 21, 6 pm



扫描二维码关注Underground Union电台收听节目 搜索Underground Union关注公众号

Underground Union是广东本土一直致力于推动派对文化发展并专注于推广Techno和House等4/4拍音乐的活动组织。由几位不同背景、不同职业却有着相同理念和爱好的人组建。他们本着不妥协的地下音乐精神和对音乐独到的触觉和品位,将电子之声的深邃、柔美、缥缈、空灵、狂野等特质通过持续变化的律动并以“叙述故事”的形式糅合成一个整体呈现给舞池的听众。通过他们的努力迅速将其月度派对活动打造成广东高质量派对的代名词。同时他们也将众多优秀的国内外艺人带来广东,如:Blazej Malinowski(PL)、Marco Bailey(BE)、Deepbass(UK)、Ness(IT)、AWB(FR)、Kyle Geiger(US)、Mansun Lui(CN)、Arnaud Le Texier(FR)、 Scøpe(KR)、Michal Jablonski(PL)等。而Underground Union存在的目的也正是为喜爱这种音乐的人带来更多高品质的派对,从而传播音乐、散播快乐!


About UN: 

  Underground Union (UN) is a local label always focused on promoting Techno and House music parties. Founded by a group of people with the same interest but different backgrounds and careers in Guangdong Province, they insist to spread underground music spirit with their unique sense and taste towards electronic music. The music mixed by the skillful resident DJs always let the audience enjoyably have the deep, mellow, misty, intangible or wild feeling through constant changing beats. Their monthly party now become one of the best underground parties in Guangdong, At the same time, they also bring many excellent artists to GuangDong, like: Blazej Malinowski(PL)、Marco Bailey(BE)、Deepbass(UK)、Ness(IT)、AWB(FR)、Kyle Geiger(US)、Mansun Lui(CN)、Arnaud Le Texier(FR) 、Scøpe(KR) 、Michal Jablonski(PL) etc.They still keep working hard to build up good atmosphere dancing cultures and parties. The vision of UN is to organize high quality parties for all electronic music fans, at the same time to spread underground electronic music and happiness!


UN网易云电台地址: http://music.163.com/#/radio/?id=341006071&userid=51733812


PYRO地址: https://pyromusic.cn/profiles/underground-union




Facebook : UndergroundUnionGZ


Ins : underground_union_gz


If you never knew Techno, what would you feel when you first saw this realistic black-and-white photo?

Affin成立十周年纪念唱片《10 Years Affin》封面

Cover of 10 Years Affin anniversary album


Wild flowers and plants are hidden in grayscale shadows, grows and spreads with freedom. The background darkens from bottom to top, and light grows from the ground.Plants grow in light but long for darkness.


Cover of 《Irradiance》Album 

 Joachim Spieth总是将自己藏在阴影中,他沉默寡言,喜爱自然,并热衷于拍下植物在阴影中呈现的向死而生的美感。

Joachim Spieth always hides himself in the shadows. He is silent, loves nature and is fond of photographing the beauty of the plants dying in the shadows.


Joachim Spieth于自家厂牌Affin发行的单曲Vurt

Joachim Spieth


  Joachim's love of nature goes beyond photography. As he says, each Techno producer has a unique style (he's a reverseist), and his unique style is his sampling of natural sounds and layering them on top of each other to create a unique dark atmosphere.

Joachim Spieth目前已发行的个人作品

在Techno音乐里我们总能遇见暗黑氛围(Dark Techno)这个词,这是个极大的概念,或者说一种抽象的直观感觉。他可以是像Arnaud Le Texier那样潮湿阴暗犹如下水道的氛围,也可以是Shxcxchcxch那样急促压迫而带着工业感的氛围,而在Joachim Spieth营造出的空间里,我们感受的是午夜时分划过树林里的阵阵阴风,树叶窸窣作响,是惊鸟的回声划破天际。

In Techno music we always come across the term Dark Techno, which is a huge concept, or an abstract intuitive feeling.It can beArnaud Le Texier’sdamp, dark, sewer-like atmosphere, orShxcxchcxch’s oppressive, industrial atmosphere. In the space created by Joachim Spieth, we feel the dark wind in the woods at midnight, the rustle of leaves, and the echo of the starling birds.


Joachim Spieth - Trails [AFFIN045]

Joachim Spieth从来都不是Dancehall Producer,20年前他在德国史诗级厂牌Kompakt发行了自己的第一首单曲《Abi99》,实验味(Weird House)十足的House,紧接着是以Ambient 为主的第二首单曲《You don't fool me》,早期对Ambient和Minimal 的偏爱可以说是Basic Channel与Warp Records给他打下的烙印。

Joachim Spieth has never been Dancehall Producer. Twenty years ago, he released his first single <Abi99>, and very experimental house style<Weird House>on the German epic label Kompakt. Followed by the second single <You don't fool me>, which is mainly Ambient. His early preference for Ambient and Minimal can be attributed to Basic Channel and Warp Records.

Joachim Spieth于德国史诗级厂牌Kompakt下发行了自己的第一首单曲《Abi99》(1999)和第二首单曲《You don't fool me》(2000)


Joachim definitely wanted to do something newand innovative, something that he learned at the legendary German label Kampakt.In October of 2007, he started Affin, which took some of the elements of Kompakt, but it was more based on Joachim's own stuff.Affin is hard to be defined, it has been evolving and growing along with Joachim.

Joachim Spieth创立的Affin唱片公司

从2007到2019年来,Joachim 带领着Affin走过了一条很长的路,从以2013年发行的《Dark Matter》(为代表的舒适House到后期(2017-)逐渐成熟并自成一派的Affin式压抑沉重的自然系氛围Techno (中间有过一段Hard/Industrial 时期),听众很容易便能捕捉到这些变化,其标志性的音色和音效让其有非常显著的辨析度。

Since 2007 to 2019, Joachim has led Affin come a long way, from 2013 released "Dark Matter", represented by the comfortable House, to the later period (2017 -) is gradually mature and sui generis Affintype of depressive and heavy but with natural atmosphere Techno (during the time had a Hard/Industrial period), the audience can easily capture these changes, its outstanding timbre and sound has very significant discrimination.

Joachim Spieth于2013年在Aaffin发下的《Dark Matter》

但与Planet Rhythm(另一个基于荷兰的Techno厂牌,在2005年转型)如同变形虫一般不断在顺应时代、Techno场景等客观条件的改变不同的是,Affin的改变始终是以制作人本身为中心。

But unlike Planet Rhythm (another dutch-based Techno label, which was transformed in 2005), which keeps changing in response to the times, Techno scene and other objective conditions, Affin's changes are always centered on the producer himself.


“The feeling of Techno depends on the listeners' personality",一百个人听同一首Techno感受到的东西也会有一百种,对于音乐感知永远没有标准答案,Joachim是个热衷于接受新鲜事物的人,近20年的制作生涯中他的心境与想法是始终在改变的,不论在外人看来他的作品风格如何多变,这始终都是他忠于内心的结果。在这样的制作人面前论及曲风与流行便是狭隘的,For them techno is all。

"The feeling of Techno depends on the listeners' personality", one hundred people listening to a same Techno track will come out with diverse feelings. It never has the standard for music perception, Joachim is a man of keen to accept new things, he keeps himself moving forward with his state of mind and ideas for recent 20 years. Regardless how people judge his changeablestyle, they are the results always loyal to his heart.It's too narrow to talk about style and popularity in front of such producers, for them techno is all.

Reggy Van Oers & Joachim Spieth《Noctilucent》(2019.5)-Mammatus

Joachim Spieth 《Astral Plane》(2019.4)-Astral Plane

Joachim Spieth 《Luminophor》(2018.10)-Introspect

Joachim Spieth 《Irradiance》EP(2017.11)


Joachim Spieth 《Aidan》(2014.06)-Aidan  

点击阅读原文收听Joachim Spieth的作品


Joachim Spieth - Luminophor [AFFIN043


Krome来自广东佛山。唱片收集者,广东派对活动组织Underground Union成员。1995年开始接触电子音乐。并在电子音乐未普及的年代就一直致力推动派对文化和推广House等4/4拍音乐在佛山的发展。二十多年来一直活跃在广州、佛山、深圳各种音乐场景。对Disco和House有着特殊的情结和个性的理解,通过娴熟的故事叙述能力和细致紧密的歌曲编排令到听众的情绪和舞池气氛跟着他的韵律和节奏融入到丰富多彩的音乐世界中,并受到本地乐迷的喜爱和支持。同时他作为暖场嘉宾也和众多国内外知名DJ同台演出,如:Blazej Malinowski(PL)、Marco Bailey(BE)、Deepbass(UK)、Ness(IT)、AWB(FR)、Kyle Geiger(US)、Mansun Lui(CN)、Arnaud Le Texier(FR) 、Scøpe(KR) 、Michal Jablonski(PL)等。

 Krome is a resident DJ and record collector in Foshan. Guangdong party organization Underground Union's member. He got to know electronic music since 1995 and he has been devoted himself to the development of underground music around the resident area for over 20 years. With the special insight in music, he is very experienced in playing Disco and House music, and able to lead the music fans into a rich mixture of music story world by arranging songs carefully. As a guest DJ played with some famous producer and DJs like:Blazej Malinowski(PL)、Marco Bailey(BE)、Deepbass(UK)、Ness(IT)、AWB(FR)、Kyle Geiger(US)、Mansun Lui(CN)、Arnaud Le Texier(FR)、Scøpe(KR) 、Michal Jablonski(PL) etc.



Woody Jac

Woody Jac来自广东汕头,广东派对活动组织Underground Union成员。从2011开始接触电子音乐,就一直在其家乡推动地下音乐的发展,对4/4拍音乐在汕头的发展和推广起到重要的作用。曾受邀到迷笛音乐节、丛林音乐节Silent Disco Stage演出。在对不同类型的电子音乐不断的探索后发现丰富的旋律是他的音乐中最不能缺少的部分,同时坚定了他在音乐道路上的方向。其恰到好处的把控能力、现场精心的组合和选曲来保持Progressive house和Tech之间的律动性。通过细腻的混音手法让层叠渐进的旋律来保持对舞池的层层冲击,让听众都迷失在他制造的漩涡之中,不能自拔!同时他作为暖场嘉宾也和众多知名制作人和DJ同台演出,如:Marco Bailey(BE)、Blazej Malinowski(PL)、Deepbass(UK)、Ness(IT)、AWB(FR) 、Excell(GER)、Kyle Geiger(US) 、Scøpe(KR) 、Michal Jablonski(PL)等。

Woody Jac from Shantou is based in Guangzhou, Guangdong party organization Underground Union's member. He started to play electronic music since 2011 and plays a very important role in developing underground music in his hometown. He was also invited by lots of domestic music festivals like Midi Festival, Electric jungle Music Festival. After exploring and playing different types of electronic music, he found the significant part in his music path just couldn't without rich melody . He always pays attention to song selection and the details of mixing to keep it groove between Progressive house and Tech. People are always attracted by the fascinating rhythm in his exquisite mixing sets! As a guest DJ played with some famous producer and DJ like:Marco Bailey(BE)、Blazej Malinowski(PL) 、Deepbass(UK)、Ness(IT)、AWB(FR) 、Excell(GER)、Kyle Geiger(US) 、Scøpe(KR) 、Michal Jablonski(PL) etc.


  UN厂牌新晋DJ,少年时期培养了扎实的音乐功底,常年出没于各大音乐现场。热爱4X4节拍,由舞池转战DJ台,将多年蹦迪经验转化为直击神经的音符利器。擅长跌宕起伏的音乐编排,并用旋律与富有力量的鼓点将你卷入Techno的漩涡中,身体与灵魂持续共振,每一个节拍都能成为你脑海里的致幻循环。同时她作为暖场嘉宾也和众多知名制作人和DJ同台演出,如:Blazej Malinowski(PL)、Marco Bailey(BE)、Deepbss(UK)、Ness(IT)、Kyle Geiger(US)、Mansun Lui(CN)、Arnaud Le Texier(FR) 、Scøpe(KR) 、Michal Jablonski(PL)等。

 As a new member of Underground Union, Viyee has solid musical foundation in younger age, and constantly has been in different music scenes. Being passionate for ‘4X4 Beat’, she moves from dance floor to the DJ booth, and is ready to attack your neure by transforming the years of experience into a straightforward note. Viyee is skill in ups and downs of music, drifting your body into TECHNO vortex with melody and powerful drumbeats. Through her energetic performance, every single beat would be a hallucinating loop to blow your mind. As a guest DJ played withsome famous producer and DJs like:Blazej Malinowski(PL)、Marco Bailey(BE)、Deepbss(UK) 、Ness(IT)、Kyle Geiger(US) 、Mansun Lui(CN)、Arnaud Le Texier(FR) 、Scøpe(KR) 、Michal Jablonski(PL) etc.


Funkie来自深圳,广东派对活动组织Underground Union成员。对Techno彻底沉沦并无法自拔。受到众多知名DJ如:Amelie lens,Charlotte de witte,Deborah de luca,Paula temple,Rebekah,Nina Kraviz的影响和自身对Techno的热爱与执着,使他在短时间内从一名发烧友到DJ的飞跃。通过不断的钻研,他找到了自己极具标识的风格,迅速累积技术和人气后,他的身影经常出现在国内知名地下俱乐部如:广州Hangover;重庆Echo bay;深圳Oil等,同时也和众多知名制作人和DJ同台演出,如: Blazej Malinowski(PL)、Marco Bailey(BE)、Deepbass(UK)、Ness(IT)、AWB(FR)、Frank Muller(DE)、Melania.(PL)、Mansun Lui(CN)、Wrong Assessment(IT)、Arnaud Le Texier(FR)、Scøpe(KR)、Michal Jablonski(PL)、Ambivalent(US)、Black Asteroid(US)、Fantastic Plastic Machine(JP)等。他以顺滑的旋律作为诱饵,混合极具攻击性和刚劲猛烈的低音去冲撞听众的感官和意识,营造出入魔的氛围,给Raver留下深刻印象。

 Funkie a Techno fanatics in Shenzhen. Guangdong party organization Underground Union's member. Influenced by lots of Techno DJs like : Alan Fitzpatrick,Joseph Capriati,Slam,2pole,Sam Paganini,Julian Jeweil and Adam Beyer.He became a Techno DJ with his unique insight and style.As a guest DJ played with some famous international DJs like: Blazej Malinowski(PL)、Marco Bailey(BE)、Deepbass(UK)、Ness(IT)、AWB(FR)、Frank Muller(DE)、Melania.(PL)、Mansun Lui(CN)、Wrong Assessment(IT)、Arnaud Le Texier(FR)、Scøpe(KR)、Michal Jablonski(PL)、Ambivalent(US)、Black Asteroid(US)、Fantastic Plastic Machine(JP), he often plays at underground clubs in different cities like Hangover in Guangzhou,Oil in Shenzhen,Echo Bay in Chongqing etc.He prefers to set dance floor on fire and impressed the ravers by using industrial noise elements and strong bass.

VJ 欧振忠

06/21 Underground Union Pres. Joachim Spieth

06月21日 星期五

Jun 21st Fri.

22:30 - late~

Joachim Spieth


Woody Jac 



VJ Zhen





预售 Advance 70 RMB

现场    Door  100 RMB

长按识别二维码 跳转进入预售页

*Scan the QR Code to get tickets 

Foreign cards accepted on 247 tickets 

🎁  绝对惊喜  绝对早鸟  🎁


ABSOLUT Early Bird ¥60


No Minors Allowed 


   Slide up  

06/19 Sunkissed Souls Pres. 'Juneteenth Celebration'

06/20 AGEUSIA x TURMOIL Pres. RP Boo

06/21 Underground Union Pres. Joachim Spieth

06/22 Silicon Kure x Say Yes Pres. Delta Funktionen

+ Cardopusher

06/23 广深DNB大混斗 ChAos!嘈! x D1SG0V3RNMENT

06/28 M-LAB Pres. Sega Bodega

06/29(早场) PUBLIC Pres. Eton惡童

06/29(晚场) OIL Pres. Soda Plains




从2017年11月试业到目前为止,OIL呈现过的艺人有: Mechatok, Swindle, Kode9, Nightwave, Air Max’97, Canblaster, Howie Lee, Tzusing, Jacques Greene, Zutzut, Murlo, Mala, Mina, Jesse Osborne-Lanthier, TSVI+Wallwork,Nina Las Vegas,IVVVO,Florentino,Moro,False Witness,Mirnor Science,King Doudou; 与SVBKVLT联合呈现的Prettybwoy + Swimful, 与NOTCH联合呈现的SHAO和TM404, 与Absurd Trax联合呈现的Coucou Chloe;与 MALA 联合带来 Gundam,与ALL联手呈现 HOWELL + MIIIN, 与 Roaringwild 联合呈现 Ziúr + Abyss X;OIL x fatsKINI 共同呈现 Akito + Goro,OIL 与 Vextra 呈现 Swing Ting。

Say Yes 带来的Hiroshi Watanabe aka Kaito, Yuka, Dasha Redkina, Matrixxman, BNJMN,Rhyw,Broken English Club,Barker 和 Chris SSG;Unchained带来的Fractale,the Prototypes、DJ SS 和 Madam X,Dbridge, Arkaik,Total Science,Sinistarr 和 Subp Yao,Detached带来的Jozef K和Yang Bing,UNTZ带来的HWA aka Elvis.T,TURMOIL 呈现 Bambii, Suicideyear。AsianDopeBoys: ADB48带来的Aisha Devi,Zone Unknown, Shwefelgelb+Dis Fig; Bass Music China带来的Mala; dART呈现的Answer Code Request; Dopeness带来的Evil Needle,Apocalyptic Fantasies带来的Craxxxmurf + Hyph11E + Scintii + Asian Eyez,Physical Therapy; 乐极生Bass带来的Joe Nice, Truth;Konekt Asia 带来Machinewoman,还与瑞士文化基金会带来的Opuswerk, 与Silk联合呈现的Slackk; FutureMix带来的Mijk Van Dijk和MHP; 欧盟和非刻文化呈现EUPHORIA, 带来了DJ Firmeza, DJ Bootsie, Dinamarca, Retina Set;BRONZ 呈现: KETTAMA; Heavy HK呈现Symbiz; 赤瞳音乐带来Bulma, 理化兄弟; Beatween 和 Rainbow Disco Club联合呈现的Ata; Cutt Records, Say Yes和Silicon Kure三方联合呈现nthng,Say Yes 与Silicon Kure 联合呈现Tobias. , SVBKVLT呈现 Osheyack;Absurd Trax 与 Silicon Kure 联合呈现Sulumi+Ptwiggs;Vextra 带来Goth-Trad nn, MAM呈现Jack De Marseille,Black Asteroid,大福唱片带来 33EMYBW,Gooooose,王长存+DUDU,RMBit,MZN9 X Silicon Kure 呈现 MACROSS 82-99, The Neighbourhood 带来 Double Clapperz + ONJUICY,TAPE 呈现 Flamingosis,Catching Flies,SEVEN ENTERTAINMENT 带来 DJ Krush 和 DJ Kentaro,Lure饵呈现Former,Abusurd Trax带来Organ Tapes, Yayoyanoh, 破地狱, Tzekin。以及Genome6.66Mbp、FunctionLab、元炁、Yeti、Typhoon 8、BMC、XXX Gallery、Social Room、Cakeshop、Prajnasonic、MGSG x Shade Seoul,基立下道,The Bond,Public,也各自带来了活动。



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+86 18617150566





11A Ground Floor, Tairan Mansion, Tairan 8th Rd., Shenzhen (Xiasha MTR Station Exit D)

