
10/11 弗拉明戈勾搭上足疗俱乐部?Iberian Juke厂牌之夜

OIL油 2019-11-15

以下文章来源于GrooveNightsGroup ,作者G N G


Footwork是一种音乐也是一种舞蹈,诞生于芝加哥街头的音乐人和舞者社区,逐渐走向世界,为全球带来了音乐思维革新及舞蹈运动风潮,因讲究利落的腿脚功夫,“足疗"大名渐渐传开!今年中来过OIL的RP Boo是Footwork发源地芝加哥的祖师爷,而西班牙厂牌Iberian Juke则是让Juke和Footwork在欧洲伊比利亚半岛落地生根的重要推手,他们甚至开发出了弗拉明戈式足疗!


对Footwork的衍生和发展颇有研究的新晋Bass派对组织GNG,正走出武汉,带着我们的新朋友西班牙Footwork龙头厂牌Iberian Juke,阵容包括厂牌当家组合BSN Posse、Swoosh小霸王Ria Ekin以及厂牌二把手Rumbler攻陷深圳OIL!以下文字内容整理自GNG公众号。

Sergio Ruiz (aka Stay Puft)  Enrique Gervilla (aka Broken Lip)因为相同的品味一拍即合,在2011年搭档成为BSN Posse,并在2015年建立Iberian Juke。作为当下甚有影响力的Footwork组合,他们的高产和作品质量令人刮目相看,另一方面,在常年未曾间断的演出旅程中,Sonar、BAM、Boiler Room都见证着BSN Posse逐渐成为西班牙低音音乐场景里最具话语权的组合之一。

BSN Posse Boiler Room 2015

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而根源性的Soul和Funk素养也处处体现在他们的音乐里。自2012年首张EP <Songs From The Sea> 发行以来已经拿出了7张正式发行。

他们的视觉总是铺满了西海岸的悠闲色调和卡通矢量画,而受到西班牙本土音乐和芝城的影响,他们的音乐也容易让人联想到早期Teklife出品的那些Soulful 160 Beats。

2014年发行的<Too Long / Let Me Go>是他们标志性的弗拉明戈低音崭露头角之作(文章开头音乐),悠长的旋律和飘渺人声与强劲的Juke节拍相得益彰,沉稳而不失灵动。此后发行的<Forever>是他们职业生涯中的首个巅峰,优秀的声音设计和多元化的视野使得这张专辑一经发行就饱受好评,成为了厂牌Slime Recordings最受欢迎的发行之一。但别忘了,BSN Posse的音乐根植于千禧年后的现代低音:Future Garage, Dubstep, UK Funky和Grime对他们也影响甚深。除了那些轻松明快的音乐,BSN Posse同样有大量充满力量和沉重打击感的单曲以及Remix,展现出他们在吸收英式低音精髓方面的成就。

Take Me Back To The South ‎(LP, Album)

Iberian Juke 2018    


BSN Posse - Glory Days 2018

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Untitled Album


Sergio Ruiz (aka Stay Puft) and Enrique Gervilla (aka Broken Lip) founded BSN Posse in 2011 in order to share their common musical tastes and obsessions. Their music draws heavily on UK genres of 21st century electronics: Future Garage, Dubstep, UK funky, Grime and any other musical manifestation falling under today’s bass music umbrella.

Their tracks also include recent American distinctions like Trap or Juke & Footwork, without forgetting its soul, funk, and hip-hop roots. The resulting is a high voltage sound recipe, demonstrated on many EPs to the date on Slime Recordings (UK), Freshmore (USA), Car Crash Set (USA) Hot N Heavy (USA) Sweat Taste (Spain), Freshmoon Records...

Ria Ekin是Albert Zaragoza Gas的艺名。18岁以前他一直作为本地摇滚乐队成员活跃,2002年搬到巴塞罗那之后他开始接触电子音乐并拿到了声学工程学位。2011年伊始他野心勃勃的个人计划Lenticular Clouds把他送入了Sonar音乐节以及红牛音乐学院Bass Camp,此后Ria Ekin在持有例如Traxman和DJ Paypal等传奇人物发行的厂牌Interscope拿出了他的处女作,至今仍然积极地活跃在160新生代舞台里。

Ria Ekin - Luce en tu Cara Morena 2016

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眼花缭乱的堆叠碎片和各式Nike Swoosh掩盖之下,Ria Ekin的音乐是基于弗拉明戈(Flamenco)和其他西班牙传统音乐、融合Juke的繁复节拍,以及其他各种类型的电子音乐而生的冷酷异种。2013年发行的同名专辑展示了他在玩弄Trap、Juke节奏和多种人声采样方面的诙谐才能,对全球资本主义语境下的音乐工业进行了无情的嘲弄。而2016发行的NUEVAS BULERI’AS 是他在Footwork的宽容框架下对西班牙民族风情拓宽的探索,明亮轻快的弗拉门戈旋律被带入芝加哥的大熔炉里,产生了独特的化学反应。除了这些精彩的专辑和EP之外,他也是多个厂牌包括目前隶属的Iberian Juke合集发行的常客。


Albert Zaragoza Gas is the artist behind RIA EKIN. He studied music in his childhood, and played in several local rock bands until he moves to Barcelona in 2002; there he mets the electronic music scene and studies Sound Technician Degree focused on music prodution. He starts to write for music spanish Magzinesand his first music produtions. In 2011 he creates Lenticular Clouds, an electronic music project that makes him perform at Sonar Barcelona among other festivals, includinga Brazilian Tour. When he came back from Brazil he is invited to take part in the Red Bull Bass Camp Madrid in 2013, after this experience he decided to create RIA EKIN with whom he realease at american label Interscape (DjPaypal, Traxxman) and Iberian Juke. His current show is a unique mixture of flamenco and traditional spanish music blended with juke and electronic music


Pablo Reguilo aka ‘Rumbler’借助他的唱机,通过Jungle和Drum&Bass凶猛地冲入他的电子音乐生涯。2011年在Get The Boost的Promoter经历让他开始重视起这份对他拥有更多意义的工作,在一系列疯狂的活动策划中将目光聚焦在Footwork、Juke以及Jungle上之后,他最终成为了Iberian Juke的外交官,肩负起为志同道合的艺术家保驾护航的责任,保证线上沟通和线下活动的有序进行。正是因为有了他,Iberian Juke才得以邀请到像DJ Earl, Kozee, DJ Paypal,Sinjin Hawke这样的艺术家去到西班牙,为整个场景带来源源不断的知识和经验革新;或是往外部世界输送着巴塞罗那之声,让弗拉明戈的欢快旋律溢满充满汗水和无尽低音的俱乐部。

作为DJ的Rumbler擅长用繁杂的元素交织起他的叙事性Set,这和UK Bass以及弗拉明戈民乐对他产生的影响密不可分,而他在这个Set中无拘无束的表达如同游走的巨响,在多样化的风格中发酵出奇异的气味,使得能量与律动并进,冷静的叙事和挑逗性的情绪交替,最终将观众置于一个充满金属感而极具诱惑力的两难选择境地中。

Pablo Reguilon aka 'Rumbler' began to enter electronic music in 2011 through Jungle and Drum & Bass, when acquiring his first turntables. Over that time, his musical interests were expanding, investigating other sounds with a great influence from the UK such as Dubstep, Hardcore, Garage, Grime or UK Funky.

In 2012 he joins the platform / label 'Get The Boost', where he starts organizing parties and managing artists like Mario Nieto or ETM. With ‘Get the Boost’ he begins to realize that electronic music is more than a hobby for him. He host a residence in ‘Delirium Tremens’ (Ibiza) during 2013’s summer, where they bring artists like Aphex or Impak and sets his first guest mix for ‘Vandal Records’ (France).

At the end of 2014 he founds 'Ciento Sesenta' with other DJs from Barcelona, focusing on promoting Footwork, Juke and Jungle music and culture through events, parties and dance workshops, bringing to the city artists like RP Boo, Addison Groove, Slick Shoota, Big Dope P, DJ Earl, Sirr TMO, Taso, A.Fruit or Weezy. Later on, in 2015, he becomes part of ‘Iberian Juke’ net label, where he will organize events, being the head of communications and acting as project and artists manager alongside with BSN Posse and Perez.


XHANKONKON是一名常驻于深圳的DJ、制作人和Promoter,同时也是众所周知最神经质电子音乐厂牌FunctionLab的成员。他在2018年于FunctionLab发行了他极具个人色彩的EP《查找失败》与单曲“Digital Pigs”之后来到深圳,创立派对组织“AGEUSIA”,致力于使用来自正常世界反面的音乐开发听众们隐藏的大脑功能。XHANKONKON往往在他的DJ set中融合工业气息浓厚的Techno、EBM、Hardcore舞曲并添加大量冷门的、极端的音乐作为佐料,组合在一起发出震撼人心的轰鸣,击碎关于舞曲音乐的一切固有认知。

在演出方面,他曾在2019年6月1日登上Boiler Room的舞台,令整个世界听到了来自深圳的声音。曾经同台的艺人有:IVVVO、False Witness、Minor Science、Fractal Fantasy、DJ Paypal、CYBER 69、IC3PEAK、Melania、Tygapaw、LAO、Nick Hook、Shayu、RP Boo、NET GALA、LSDXOXO等

XHANKONKON is a DJ, Producer and Promoter based in Shenzhen and a member of Functionlab, the most neuroticism electronic music label. After he released his personal EP "Finding Failure" and the single "Digital Pigs" in Func?tionlab in 2018,he came to Shenzhen and founded Party organization  “AGEUSIA” to develop some hidden functions of Listener’s brain with the music from the reverse direction of normal world.

XHANKONKON often combines Industria Techno, EBM, Hardcore and a lot of Unpopular & extreme music, combined to make a big shocking roar, crushing all the inherent recognition of dance music.


子颜 aka CherryRook以轻小说配角作为DJ Name,在偶然间开启他的DJ生涯。他的Set是一个气质肮脏粗糙的混合仓库,包括140bpm-160bpm的常见Bass音乐,混合一些他最近感兴趣的解构音乐和高速Techno。作为一个唱片Digger,他集中挖掘着来自千禧年初伦敦大街小巷的诗人,众多稀有的Grime/Garage/Dubstep唱片是他的舞池重锤,而各种各样的田野录音、蜂鸣、禅修音乐则进一步拓宽着他的养分,弥补舞池之外的冥想空白。他也是边缘派对组织GNG的发起人。

Ziyan aka CherryRook started his dj career with character name from Japanese light novel by chance. His set is a ghetto warehouse which across 140-160 bass music, deconstructed tunes and some high speed techno beats he interests in seasoned. As a vinyl digger he focuses on poets from streets of london, rare grime, garage and dubstep vibes are his nuclear weapons for dancefloor, on other side various of ambient and drone music make up the space out of club for him. He is the founder of GNG.

GNG是根植于武汉的新生派对组织,兼有资讯平台和小小社群,致力于推广前卫低音音乐。由唯一成员子颜 AKA CherryRook运营。

Based in Wuhan, GNG is a brand new event brand. It’s also a tiny community, a Information platform. It’s dedicated to bass music. Run by the only member Ziyan AKA CherryRook.


GNG+Iberian Juke TakeOver 

10月11日 星期五

Oct 11th Fri.

22:00 - Late

- Line Up -

BSN Posse

Ria Ekin





 现场票 DOOR: ¥120 RMB

🎁 绝对惊喜 绝对早鸟 🎁





长按识别二维码 跳转进入预售页

*Scan the QR Code to get tickets 

Foreign cards accepted on 247 tickets


Slide up  

10/06 TURMOIL Pres.

Tayhana [NAAFI]

10/07 Soy Sauce Project:


YangCun Bonfire Ball


GNG+Iberian Juke TakeOver 

10/12 UNCHAINED Pres. The Upbeats

10/17(Room2) Soy Sauce Project: D1SC0V3RMENT Pres. Good Bass


OIL Pres. Hodge

10/19 Silicon Kure Pres. Sinus O(Live)

10/24 TURMOIL Pres. 

Prison Religion

10/25 Martial Artists Management x TAPE Pres. “Lady's Tech Series”

One With Lena Willikens

10/26 Say Yes Pres. 

DJ Deep



OIL以国内首屈一指的声音系统及灯光效果呈现最先锋的电子音乐现场,2017年11月开业至今,OIL呈现过的艺人包括:Mechatok, Swindle, Kode9, Air Max’97, Nightwave, Canblaster, Howie Lee, Tzusing, Jacques Greene, Zutzut, Murlo, Mina, Jesse Osborne-Lanthier, TSVI + Wallwork, Nina Las Vegas, IVVVO, Florentino, Moro, False Witness, Minor Science, King Doudou…

OIL与SVBKVLT, NOTCH, Absurd Trax, 麻辣MALA, ALL, ROARINGWILD, fatsKINI, Vextra联合呈现过的艺人包括:Prettybwoy + Swimful, SHAO + TM404, Coucou Chloe, Gundam, MIIIN + Howell,  Ziúr + Abyss X, Akito + Goro, Swing Ting...

除此之外,Say Yes, Unchained, Detached, 元炁, Genome6.66Mbp, Fresh, Dopeness, AsianDopeBoys, Apocalyptic Fantasies, FunctionLab, Future Mix, Ecstatic Bass, Konekt Asia, Experience Europe, The Bond, BRONZ, Yeti, ACID-PROGRESSIVE, Studio-21, Underground Union, Vextra, Floating City, UNTZ, Propaganda, Typhoon 8, Bass Music China, XXX Gallery, Heavy HK, Cutt Records, Spirit Tribe, Ruby Eyes Records, Connector, Cakeshop, Beatween, Rainbow Disco Club, Silicon Kure, S!LK, 12-Inch, The Mantis Project, Border Breaks, Martial Artists Management, dART, Mettāsonic, 拾叁幺, Technica, Upperkutz, Pomegranate Sounds, Prajnasonic, 基立下道, PUBLIC, Shade Seoul x MGSG, D Force Records, MZN9, The Neighbourhood, TAPE, SUPAMEGA, AMSbookings.ASIA, SEVEN Entertainment, TURMOIL, Totally Rad, Asylum, Lure饵, Club Kowloon x 15 Grams x Acadana, Neoncity, BLUE-ICON, A.V.O蒸汽所….等出色的主办方也都在OIL带来过精彩的活动,邀请到的艺人包括: Fractale, YUKA, grad_u, JON, Mantas T, SHN, Oolong Gas, Evil Needle, Aisha Devi, Zone Unknown, Craxxxmurf, Mijk Van Dijk, MHP, Jozef K, Dasha Redkina, The Prototypes, DJ SS, Joe Nice, Opuswerk, Tzusing, DJ Firmeza, DJ Bootsie, Dinamarca, Retina Set, KETTAMA, Matrixxman, BNJMN, HWA aka Elvis.T, Symbiz, Basic Soul Unit, Bulma, 理化兄弟P.C.B, Rhyw, Ata, nthng, Truth, Slackk, Cero39+AAMAR, Madam X, Mala, Answer Code Request, Osheyack, Sushi Robot+KITrust, Barker, Jstar, Bloodz Boi, Sulumi, Ptwiggs, D-Bridge, Arkaik, Jack De Marseille, Goth-Trad, Kraak+Smaak, Tobias., Schwefelgelb, Dis Fig, Machine Woman, Total Science, HOLLY, Black Asteroid, Physical Therapy, 33EMYBW, Gooooose, 王长存AYRTBH+DUDU, RMBit, MARCROSS 82-99, Broken English Club aka Oliver Ho, Sinistarr, Double Clapperz, ONJUICY, Chris SSG, Eric Cloutier, Flamingosis, 李老板+Hiroshi, silverlining, DJ Krush, DJ Kentaro, Subp Yao, Bambii, Takaaki Itoh, Suicideyear, Former, A.Fruit, Espen Cook, Catching Flies, Ploy, Night Tempo+矢野杏奈, Marcus, Lucy, City, Prism, Darius, Kartell, Bake, VANTAGE//, 傳琦SAMA+五石散, Arnaud Le Texier, DJ ZINC…等



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11A Ground Floor, Tairan Mansion, Tairan 8th Rd., Shenzhen (Xiasha MTR Station Exit D)

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