5/30 刚过完4周年就要来拆掉OIL舞池 这家俱乐部怎么这样?
"电梯有个大家族,虽然有时候它会有点奇怪:我们的主办方们将这里称之为家,并且热衷于点燃我们每一次的舞池。他们互相支持,以及会在Raver们崴了脚的时候及时提供温暖关怀。他们来自山东,苏格兰,云南,厦门,美国,天津,新疆,安徽,河北,广东,澳大利亚,上海,四川,英国,浙江以及新西兰… 他们中包括20年的Techno老兵,也会有新鲜的Disco血液!但有一处他们有着绝对的一致:他们在意着你们的每一次的舞步!"
ELEVATOR HAS A BIG, STRANGE FAMILY - the promoters who call it home & make its dancefloor explode. They support each other, and take care of ravers while destroying their feet. They come from Shandong, Scotland, Yunnan, Xiamen, America, Tianjin, Xinjiang, Anhui, Hebei, Guangdong, Australia, Shanghai, Sichuan, England, Zhejiang, and New Zealand. They include 20-year techno veterans, and fresh disco meat. They might only have one thing in common - how much they make us dance.
5月30日周六晚,上海现存元老级电子音乐俱乐部Elevator将空降OIL,身兼多职的电梯主理人Mau Mau携带纯正的4/4拍炸药包,以及来自Eating Music的Knopha和Scandal的Yinan都将轰炸你的耳膜!(这也是我们场景交换计划的一部分)
Mau Mau
Mau Mau的左脚脚趾以一种奇怪的方式弯曲, 但这无法阻止他为充满灵魂的House、 迷幻的Techno和介乎两者之间的一切尽情舞蹈,也无法阻止他尝试让你一同加入的意图。
Elevator的音乐总监、Medusa的常驻DJ、白酒机器人、核物理学家、前杂技演员、灯罩艺术家、 INFJ、色盲、球拍运动爱好者、业余佛教徒、专业的煎饼食家。这些奇妙且互不相关的标签都是他。
他的音乐生涯从2005年开始,Mau Mau最初在美国地下俱乐部放一些Hiphop音乐。
2008年他搬到了上海居住,在一年后他结交了一名挚友Heatwolves,他们彼此都有着很多共同的喜好。例如噪音部落风House、Italo disco、白酒。
他们随即一拍即合,成立了派对组织—Baijiu Robot。
如果把Baijiu Robot对应街机游戏里的角色,那他一定是98拳皇里的镇元斋。
大名鼎鼎的Medusa派对Mau Mau也是创始人之一。
Resident Advisor报道Medusa
他为上海近几年的地下夜生活组织了无数场怪异有趣的派对,并因此声名大噪。从 Shelter, Arkham, Lola 再到 Dada,到处都留下了他的身影。
现如今,他任职于上海新晋地下音乐空间站 Elevator的音乐总监。如果说他最爱的除了音乐是什么,那就是白酒!白酒!白酒!
Michael Cignarale b2b Mau Mau - Elevator x SHCR不要出门 3/16
能遍历广泛音乐品味的DJ本身就不多,更何妨在国内。听起来像是个老梗,但是Knopha,他总能自如地放出warehouse rave舞曲,碎拍techno,或者是厦门海岸般舒适的氛围音乐。
一般人都会认为博艺无所精,Knopha 凭着对舞池的嗅觉和播放各样风格音乐时机的把握,使他迅速跃升为国内地下音乐场景炙手可热的DJ。当几年前的演出仍是稀疏不定期,除了出现在他自己协助细心打理的Beatween派对(曾邀请Orpheu The Wizard, MNDSGN, Yu Su, Mr Ho, Pender Street Steppers, Bell Towers, PLO Man等艺人),从来没人料到他默默地不断钻研制作和挖掘音乐。随着他逐渐被认识,当Efdemin, Hodge, Laurel Halo, Dixon, Project Pablo 等艺人来到国内时,Knopha成为了这些派对助燃的最佳人选。而现在,经过一连串在招待所,Elevator ,宀(香港),Savage(河内),Darker Than Wax(新加坡) 等headliner的出演,让有机会展现面对高峰时刻舞池的另一面,一改舞客和promoter对他暖场时间的印象。
于2018年末在Eating Music上发行的Nothing Nil EP 意外地获得了众多圈内人的好评,其中包括Hessle Audio的主理人Ben UFO。亲临Oil现场感受过他当晚的派对揭幕秀后,便随即邀请Knopha为其厂牌在Rinse FM的节目内录制guest mix。此前,他分别为Redlight Radio,Pender Street Steppers的NTS电台节目,录制了曲风各异但又独具个人品味的mix。而今年六月,他将为在燃音乐发表的新EP Gym作宣传巡演。
《Nothing Nil》
Swipe Up
Through his own take on 90s oriental ambient music, Noah Li aka Knopha is slowly drawing attention within and outside of China. He is paving his own way through the unknown world where dance, ambient music and alien soundscape co-exist.
The surprisingly well received EP ‘Nothing Nil’ that was released via Shanghai based label Eating Music, instead of the deep house groove he was previously known for, Noah presented an enigmatic fourth world 3-tracker built on 90s inspired sound palette. The record was supported by Chee Shimizu, PLO Man, AZ (Revelation Time, Osaka), Julian Horn (Edition Hawara, Vienna) and etc.
Besides being a producer and DJ, Noah is also a party promoter with goals to connect China with the underground worldwide. He co-founded club night Beatween, which has hosted revered selectors including Orpheu The Wizard,Pender Street Steppers,Bake,Bell Towers and more. He also co-produces a podcast show Beatween Radio, a platform to share a wide range of music with guests.
在学术的宏(春)图(秋)壮(大)志(梦)之余,她和当地多才多艺的音乐人分享舞台,或给Bambounou, JASSS, NDRX, Yung Acid等来宾同场支持。
熬夜健(蹦)身(迪)的第二天她喜欢来一份doner kebab补充能量,治愈身心,所以可以期待她把同样美味,热烈,愉悦,在意的音乐情绪带到她一直热爱的舞池中。
Yinan - Elevator x SHCR不要出门 3/2
Swipe Up
Yinan moved back to Shanghai from doing DIY warehouse parties with friends in northeast United States. She is currently 1/3 of Scandal, resident at elevator, and still a chemical physicist wannabe.
When not dozing off to sweet academic dreams, you can find her sharing the stage with local talents and international visitors such as Bambounou, JASSS, NDRX, Yung Acid..
She loves to get doner kebab for a post rave recovery meal, so expect her to channel a similar spirit from the spinning grill, to the spinning jog wheels, and bring the same attention, care, heat, and succulence for her beloved dancefloor.
21:00 - Late
Elevator at OIL
-Line Up-
Mau Mau
预售 Pre-sale:70RMB
普通 Door (Before 0:00): ¥90RMB
为配合社区防疫工作,OIL Club 的舞池开放时间调整为 21:00 ,请各位提前到场。
In cooperation with the community’s prevention work, the opening time for our dance floor changed to 21:00 so please come early.
每日22:00前OIL Club将为大家提供全场酒水8.8折优惠,使用“至尊酱油卡”、“铁杆奶油卡”、“静候重启卡”消费的顾客同样可享受此优惠。
Before 22:00, we will have a 20% off discount on all drinks. Customers who hold a "Black Card", "Silver Card" and "A+B Card" can combine using their cards for an even bigger discount.
OIL Club每日营业前都将使用84消毒水对地面、桌椅、角落进行全面消杀,让大家安全遇见好音乐。本店内配备有独立的新风系统,保证场内空气流通,全场不同地方均有放置免洗消毒洗手液,方便大家随时清洁双手
Before opening OIL Club every night 84' disinfectant is used to fully disinfect the floor, tables, chairs and all corners. Also, OIL has a special fresh air system to ensure fresh air circulation in the club. There is hand sanitizer placed at different stations throughout the venue, so that everyone can clean their hands at any time. We want everyone to enjoy themselves in a safe environment.
凡是进入OIL Club营业区域的顾客都需接受体温测量、过去30天行程查询、身份信息登记方可入场。为您带来的不便敬请谅解!
All customers who enter the club must undergo a temperature check, provide a QR code scan that shows 14-days travel history, and identity registration before entering the venue. Thanks for your understanding and cooperation.
卡座预定 Deck Reservation
Slide up
5月23日 周六
UNCHAINED Pres.Fractale
5月30日 周六
6月5日 周五
Do Hits
6月6日 周六
6月12日 周五
Hoodoo MHP
6月13日 周六
OIL以国内首屈一指的声音系统及灯光效果呈现最先锋的电子音乐现场,2017年11月开业至今,OIL呈现过的艺人包括:Mechatok, Swindle, Kode9, Air Max’97, Nightwave, Canblaster, Howie Lee, Tzusing, Jacques Greene, Zutzut, Murlo, Mina, Jesse Osborne-Lanthier, TSVI + Wallwork, Nina Las Vegas, IVVVO, Florentino, Moro, False Witness, Minor Science, King Doudou…
OIL与SVBKVLT, NOTCH, Absurd Trax, 麻辣MALA, ALL, ROARINGWILD, fatsKINI, Vextra联合呈现过的艺人包括:Prettybwoy + Swimful, SHAO + TM404, Coucou Chloe, Gundam, MIIIN + Howell, Ziúr + Abyss X, Akito + Goro, Swing Ting...
除此之外,Say Yes, Unchained, Detached, 元炁, Genome6.66Mbp, Fresh, Dopeness, AsianDopeBoys, Apocalyptic Fantasies, FunctionLab, Future Mix, Ecstatic Bass, Konekt Asia, Experience Europe, The Bond, BRONZ, Yeti, ACID-PROGRESSIVE, Studio-21, Underground Union, Vextra, Floating City, UNTZ, Propaganda, Typhoon 8, Bass Music China, XXX Gallery, Heavy HK, Cutt Records, Spirit Tribe, Ruby Eyes Records, Connector, Cakeshop, Beatween, Rainbow Disco Club, Silicon Kure, S!LK, 12-Inch, The Mantis Project, Border Breaks, Martial Artists Management, dART, Mettāsonic, 拾叁幺, Technica, Upperkutz, Pomegranate Sounds, Prajnasonic, 基立下道, PUBLIC, Shade Seoul x MGSG, D Force Records, MZN9, The Neighbourhood, TAPE, SUPAMEGA, AMSbookings.ASIA, SEVEN Entertainment, TURMOIL, Totally Rad, Asylum, Lure饵, Club Kowloon x 15 Grams x Acadana, Neoncity, BLUE-ICON, A.V.O蒸汽所….等出色的主办方也都在OIL带来过精彩的活动,邀请到的艺人包括: Fractale, YUKA, grad_u, JON, Mantas T, SHN, Oolong Gas, Evil Needle, Aisha Devi, Zone Unknown, Craxxxmurf, Mijk Van Dijk, MHP, Jozef K, Dasha Redkina, The Prototypes, DJ SS, Joe Nice, Opuswerk, Tzusing, DJ Firmeza, DJ Bootsie, Dinamarca, Retina Set, KETTAMA, Matrixxman, BNJMN, HWA aka Elvis.T, Symbiz, Basic Soul Unit, Bulma, 理化兄弟P.C.B, Rhyw, Ata, nthng, Truth, Slackk, Cero39+AAMAR, Madam X, Mala, Answer Code Request, Osheyack, Sushi Robot+KITrust, Barker, Jstar, Bloodz Boi, Sulumi, Ptwiggs, D-Bridge, Arkaik, Jack De Marseille, Goth-Trad, Kraak+Smaak, Tobias., Schwefelgelb, Dis Fig, Machine Woman, Total Science, HOLLY, Black Asteroid, Physical Therapy, 33EMYBW, Gooooose, 王长存AYRTBH+DUDU, RMBit, MARCROSS 82-99, Broken English Club aka Oliver Ho, Sinistarr, Double Clapperz, ONJUICY, Chris SSG, Eric Cloutier, Flamingosis, 李老板+Hiroshi, silverlining, DJ Krush, DJ Kentaro, Subp Yao, Bambii, Takaaki Itoh, Suicideyear, Former, A.Fruit, Espen Cook, Catching Flies, Ploy, Night Tempo+矢野杏奈, Marcus, Lucy, City, Prism, Darius, Kartell, Bake, VANTAGE//, 傳琦SAMA+五石散, Arnaud Le Texier, DJ ZINC…等
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