弥金 GENE | 艺术家介绍:庞飞
无题, 庞飞, 192x141cm, 绢本水墨, 2019
红谷之一,庞飞, 137x168cm, 纸本设色, 2019
First:Set a Boundary
Compared with the definition of abstract ink painting, I tend to set a realistic image. Because my ink painting is not meaningless, after all, it is an extension of my study of landscape painting, or rather, growth. The pursuit of landscape images and the brewing of artistic conception take place in almost all the moments of my creation and my life.
Secound:The Process
On the one hand, I was trained strictly in traditional landscape painting. In the exploration and pursuit of personal style, I also tried the experiment of accidental effects of ink on different materials. Combined with the perception of traditional classics as well as under the guidance of the Chinese people's view of nature, I formed my current personal style with splash-ink as the main body.
On the other hand, as a curator who has been working for nearly 20 years, my artistic concept is relatively open. I will not give negative judgment to art forms that are not in line with my own creative concept. Instead, I will observe, study, judge and reserve some judgments. So around 2000, some friends supported me to put out this kind of ink works.
Third:The Growth
My landscape painting creation always has a pre-production process, which the first step is to look for contingency; The second step is to paint on the basis of making, showing self-cultivation through inevitability. In my almost 30 years production process, there is indeed a very small part of paintings actually developed its necessity accidentally in the first step, that could express itself. I notice that kind of artworks and think about them till now. I think this is what could be concluded a "natural growth process".
Pang Fei
2007年 《望—庞飞中国画作品观摩展》,刘海粟美术馆,上海,中国。
2012年 《海上星象—庞飞水墨篆刻作品展》,上海徐汇艺术馆,上海,中国。
2019 《赐墨图》,弥金画廊,上海,中国。
2008年 《纪念改革开放30周年全国美展》,广东美术馆,广州,中国。
2008年 《第三届全国青年美展》,中国美术馆,北京,中国。
2009年 《第十一届全国美展》,上海展览中心,上海,中国。
2011年 《第四届全国青年美展》,中国美术馆,北京,上海。
2012年 《上海艺术新人大展》,刘海粟美术馆,上海,中国。
2013年 《上海艺术新人大展》,上海中国画院美术馆,上海,中国。
2013年 《亚洲画廊艺术博览会上海海派艺术精品展》,上海展览中心,上海,中国。
2005年 《珍藏的记忆——哈琼文宣传画回顾展》,上海徐汇艺术馆,上海,中国。
2006年 《畅神——林曦明写意花鸟画展》,上海徐汇艺术馆,上海,中国。
2006年 《徜佯丘壑间——萧海春山水画展》,上海徐汇艺术馆,上海,中国。
2007年 徐汇艺术馆青年美术年系列活动,上海徐汇艺术馆,上海,中国。
2007年 《水墨江南——林曦明从艺70周年回顾展》,上海美术馆,上海,中国。助理策展。
2008年 《上海土山湾美术馆开馆展暨江浙沪油画邀请展》,上海徐汇艺术馆,上海,中国。
2008年 《上海著名艺术家工作室系列展》,上海徐汇艺术馆,上海,中国。
2008年 《木石精神——赖少其晚年精品特展》,上海徐汇艺术馆,上海,中国。
2012年 《上海艺术新人大展》,刘海粟美术馆,上海,中国。
2013年 《上海.艺术新人大展》,上海中国画院美术馆,上海,中国。
2013年 《海上星象——上海青年水墨十人系列个展
2013年 《亚洲画廊博览会——“海上新水墨”版块》,上海展览中心,上海,中国。
Pang Fei
1995 Graduated from the School of Arts, Baoji University of Arts and Sciences
1996-2000 Work successively in Xiamen, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, China
2001 Graduated from School of Chinese painting, China Academy of Art
2005 Working as a curator at Xuhui Art Museum, Shanghai
2006 Left Xiao Haichun landscape painting studio, Liu Haisu Art Museum
2007 Graduated from advanced study program at Shanghai Chinese Painting Academy, Shanghai
2009 Started working at Shanghai Chinese Painting Academy, Shanghai, China
2013 Became a painter at Shanghai Chinese Painting Academy, Shanghai, China
Solo Exhibitions
2007 Hope—Chinese Painting by Pang Fei, Liu Haisu Art Museum, Shanghai, China
2012 Stars Above the Sea, Xuhui Art Museum, Shanghai, China
2019 Composition of Black, Gene Gallery, Shanghai, China
Group Exhibitions
2008 30th Years of Reform & Opening Up in China, Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou, China
2008 3rd National Youth Art Exhibition, National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China
2009 11th National Art Exhibition, Shanghai Exhibition Centre, Shanghai, China
2011 4th National Youth Art Exhibition, National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China
2012 New Art Blood Shanghai, Liu Haisu Art Museum, Shanghai, China
2013 New Art Blood Shanghai, Museum of Shanghai Chinese Painting Academy, Shanghai, China
2013 Fine Art in Shanghai Art Expo of Asian Galleries, Shanghai Exhibition Centre, Shanghai, China
Curated Exhibitions
2005 Treasured Memory—A Retrospective of Propaganda Painting by Ha Qiongwen, Xuhui Art Museum, Shanghai, China
2006 Pleasance—Freehand brushwork of flowers and birds by Lin Ximing, Xuhui Art Museum, Shanghai, China
2006 Mountain Stroll—Landscape Painting by Xiao Haichun, Xuhui Art Museum, Shanghai, China
2007 Youth Art Festival at Xuhui Art Museum, Xuhui Art Museum, Shanghai, China
2007 Southern Yangtze in Ink—A Retrospective of Lin Ximing’s 70-year Art Career, Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai, China
2008 An Invitational Exhibition of Oil Painting from Jiangsu, Zhejiang Province and Shanghai—The Opening Exhibition of Tou-Se-We Art Museum, Xuhui Art Museum, Shanghai, China
2008 A Series of Works from Artist Studios in Shanghai—Xuhui Art Museum, Shanghai, China
2008 The Spirit of Wood and Stone—A Selection of Lai Shaoqi’s Late Year Works—Xuhui Art Museum, Shanghai, China
2012 New Art Blood Shanghai—Liu Haisu Art Museum, Shanghai, China
2013 New Art Blood Shanghai, Museum of Shanghai Chinese Painting Academy, Shanghai, China
2013 Stars Above the Sea—Solo Exhibitions of Ink Painting by Ten Young Artists in Shanghai, Xuhui Art Museum, Shanghai, China
2013 New Ink Painting Above the Sea—Art Expo of Asian Galleries, Shanghai Exhibition Centre, Shanghai, China
弥金GENE | 艺术家介绍:赵刚 我认为中国画没能走很远,更多的是关于实用性,而不是真正的思考。 | |
弥金GENE | 艺术家介绍:张德建 我的习画方式是“师古人,师造化,师心。” |