
艺术家驻地 | Tana Quincy Arcega个展《渗透》

GENE弥金 Gene弥金 2021-09-26

展期 / Duration: 2019.9.19 - 10.06

开幕 / Opening: 2019.9.19, 15:30 - 18:30

地址 / Address: 中国上海市愚园路1018弄愚园百货

Yuyuan Department, Lane 1018, Yuyuan Rd, Shanghai, China

弥金画廊荣幸的宣布,与创邑CREATIVE合作的艺术家Tana Quincy Arcega个展《渗透》将于9月19日在愚园百货中举办。此次展览作为群展《共同的节日-废墟艺术计划》的联动展览,将与共同的节日一起为愚园路带来艺术的生机。

文/Tana Quincy Arcega




▲ Untitled,Tana Quincy Arcega,Mixed media,100x80cm,2019

Author/Tana Quincy Arcega

This body of work employs my extrusion painting process on substrates sewn from synthetic textiles. Here at my residency in China, I’ve observed polypropylene woven sacks being used to transport everything from fabrics, packages, recycling, soil... They’re seen piled high on bicycles and scooters getting ingeniously from one place to another. I use 3D-spacer polyester mesh produced here in Shanghai and often used in the manufacturing of running shoes which transport our feet one deliberate step at a time. I’ve included everyday, functional materials such as sponges and towels (used to transport dirt/grime, water, and soap) or in the case of drawer liner to keep objects from transport.



Another observation here in China is the resourcefulness of playful problem-solving. I'm inspired by the flow of tasks unimpeded by the restriction of rules and guidelines for workers by the government. (Surprisingly there is more freedom here in many ways.) This too brings me back to the spirit of my childhood. These paintings, the shapes, connections, and materials therein are an attempt to revisit that resourceful play.


Tana Quincy Arcega

2007 MFA Figurative Painting, New York Academy of Art, New York, NY

2004 BFA Studio Art, University of Nebraska, Kearney, NE

Solo Exhibitions

2018 Love is For Today, Programs are for Tomorrow, Incline Gallery, San Francisco, CA

2017 Development and Maintenance, The Red Poppy Art House, San Francisco, CA

Artspan Art in Neighborhoods Exhibition, CounterPulse, San Francisco, CA

2016 New Work, Urbano Wine Cellars, Berkeley, CA

2015 Ostinati, Foundry Art Centre, St. Charles, MO

2013 Raqab: A Visual Exploration of Rottenness, Soul Kitschn Gallery, Omaha, NE

New Works: An Installation, University Nebraska Omaha Gallery, Omaha, NE

2012 Tents, Maud Boutique Gallery, Omaha, NE

2010 SODZO, Bemis Underground, Omaha, NE

Formative Work, The Coffee House, Lincoln, NE

2003 Being, Blacksheep Gallery, Kearney, NE

Selected Group Exhibitions

2018 Juried Artspan Show, StARTup Art Fair, Hotel Del Sol, San Francisco, CA

Incline Anniversary Show, Incline Gallery, San Francisco, CA

17th Annual Art Auction, Root Division Gallery, San Francisco, CA

2017 Introductions, Root Division Gallery, San Francisco, CA

16th Annual Art Auction, Root Division Gallery, San Francisco, CA

Anniversary Show, Incline Gallery, San Francisco, CA

2016 MAU Hub Exhibition, Back to the Picture Gallery, San Francisco, CA

Artspan Auction, SOMArts Cultural Center, San Francisco, CA

2015 SJICA Auction, San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art, San Jose, CA

Hayes Valley Artists Pop-up Exhibition, San Francisco, CA

2013 Nebraska Omaha Gallery, Omaha, NE

Corpus Illuminata III, Tangent Gallery, Detroit, MI

Polychromes: Mentor Exhibition, Petshop Gallery, Omaha, NE

2012 Open Small Works Exhibition, National Association Women Artists Gallery, NY, NY

Annual Regional Juried Exhibition, Bemis Center, Omaha, NE

Bemis Center's 13th Annual Art Auction, Bemis Center, Omaha, NE

Birdhouse Collectible Home Show, Bancroft Street Market, Omaha, NE

Triangular: Mentor Exhibiton, Petshop Gallery, Omaha, NE

2011 New Works: Faculty Artists, University Nebraska Omaha Gallery, Omaha, NE

MCC Faculty Exhibition, Gallery of Art and Design, Elkhorn Valley, NE

NEAE Nominations Awards Show, Hot Shops, Omaha, NE

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艺术家驻地 | Michael Arcega参加展览《共同的节日:废墟艺术计划》


弥金GENE | 刘懿萱:仿园

“散步并不是为了顿悟。 ”                                             

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