
榛直推 | Niche今日职位更新:埃森哲直推/大摩内推通道现正开启!

Niche扫地僧 NicheFuture 2019-05-03



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埃森哲 Accenture --- IT咨询实习

【Niche 直通名企】埃森哲Accenture  IT咨询实习








•  收集、筛选和处理相关资料及数据

•  协助分析师进行日报、周报等相关报告的撰写;

•  在分析师的指导下撰写与修改行业报告、公司报告等各类报告

•  在分析师的指导下完成其他研究工作职位要求以及其他日常工作事务


•  非应届,研究生优先

•  专业不限,偏金融的优先

•  有相关行研实习经验或较强学术背景优先

•  积极、责任心强、沟通协调能力强



Morgan Stanley 2019 Internal Audit - Finance Summer Analyst

【Niche榛内推】Morgan Stanley 2019 Internal Audit - Finance Summer Analyst

【实习地点】 New York, NY

【实习类型】 Summer Intern

【截止日期】 September 2018


• Develop a working knowledge of business terminology and basic auditing standards.

• Participate in business management and audit team meetings to gain an understanding of the business units under review (e.g. policies and procedures, roles and responsibilities, systems and processes, organization and controls).

• Participate in audit planning and scoping, and assist in drafting narratives and audit planning documentation.

• Assist in the creation of the process, risk and control (PRC) matrix, and upload to the audit workflow tool.

• Assist in creating and executing control tests and clearly documenting test results as part of fieldwork.


• Financial Audit: You are pursuing a Bachelor’s or Master's degree (Accounting, Business Management, Finance or related degree preferred).

• You have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0.

• You have advanced technical and quantitative skills, and knowledge of Microsoft Excel.

• You graduate between December 2019 and May 2020 and have less than one year of professional experience.

Investment Company - Financial Audit Intern

【Niche直通澳洲】 Investment Company-Financial Audit Intern


【实习地点】Perth, Australia

【实习时间】12 weeks

【职位要求】Finance Student / Graduate


•   Finance-audit client files and procedures to align with legislation changes and practice directions

•  Assessment of potential clients

•  Analysis of data from government sources and our records to determine strategy

•  Depending on length of time, some client interviewing and other tasks


Business started in 1998 as sole trader, becoming a company in 2012. Thousands of Australians have been assisted out of debt keeping their houses and cars. Our Director has been influential regarding tightening legislation in 2003 and in 2007, and is also a member of Personal Insolvency Professionals Association and delivers workshops and seminars for accountants, lawyers and financial counselors. We assess clients with debt problems and implement appropriate solutions to avoid bankruptcy, having a clientele of approximately 60% small business owners and 40% families and individuals in debt.


    名额有限 先到先得





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