
去哪里玩?Lonely Planet 2019年全球最佳十大旅游城市

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旅行圣经Lonely Planet 评选的2019年全球十大最佳旅游城市出炉啦!



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10. Meknès, Morocco

The notorious war-mongering sultan who moved Morocco’s capital to Meknès in 1672 would be turning in his grave if he knew how few visitors the city receives today compared with Fez and Marrakesh. Moulay Ismail plundered Marrakeshi palaces and Roman ruins at nearby Volubilis for stone and marble to build thick-set fortifications that still encase the city, giant subterranean food stores and a magnificent bab (gate) to outshine even the Blue Gate in Fez. At the heart of the city, Ismail’s elaborate mausoleum is a national treasure and it's scheduled to emerge soon from a two-year, top-to-toe restoration, giving travellers more reason than ever to visit this under-appreciated imperial city.


1672年,穆莱·伊斯梅尔(Moulay Ismail)将摩洛哥的都城迁往梅克内斯(Meknès),他若是知道这座城市如今接待的游客数量与非斯(Fez)和马拉喀什(Marrakesh)相比几乎不值一提的话,肯定会被气活过来。这位穷兵黩武的苏丹掠夺了马拉喀什的宫殿及附近沃吕比利斯(Volubilis)的罗马遗址,用那里的石材和大理石建造了如今依然环绕着城池的坚固防御工事、巨大的地下食品店,以及就连非斯的蓝门(Blue Gate)都要自愧不如的宏伟城门。市中心精美的伊斯梅尔陵墓堪称国宝,而且按照计划很快就能结束为期两年的彻底翻新,又给了旅行者一个造访这座不受重视的皇城的理由。


9. Zadar, Croatia

Zadar has risen from the ashes of its war-ridden past and blossomed into a spirited cosmopolitan city. Wander through the Old Town’s warren of bright marble streets to discover cool bars and laidback cafes, ancient Roman ruins, innovative museums and rustic, trattoria-style restaurants. The true phoenix of Zadar’s transformation is its imagination-stirring waterfront promenade, where scores of locals gather to listen to the magical chimes of the Sea Organ or bask in the mesmeric illuminations of the Sun Salutation. Zadar’s small stature instantly connects travellers to the local life and culture, with any fears of claustrophobia soon dispelled by those sweeping Adriatic vistas.


扎达尔(Zadar)已经从昔日硝烟的灰烬中复活,发展成为一座意气风发的国际性都市。不妨漫步在老城区错综复杂又明亮的大理石街道间,寻找那些前卫的酒吧、悠闲的咖啡馆、古老的罗马遗迹、新奇的博物馆和质朴的意式餐厅。真正从扎达尔的变革中浴火重生的是令人浮想联翩的海滨大道,大批当地人聚在那里聆听“海风琴”(Sea Organ)的神奇琴声,或者以“拜日式”(Sun Salutation)的瑜伽体式沐浴在令人心醉神迷的灯光下。精致小巧的扎达尔能让旅行者迅速融入本地的生活和文化中,但也别以为这里只有“小巧”而已,一望无际的亚得里亚海美景会让人心胸开阔。


8. Seattle, USA

Smart, progressive and loaded with creative energy, Seattle is rarely out of the global spotlight. In a city that has a habit of turning homegrown ideas into international brands, Amazon is the current headline-grabber. The world’s largest online retailer has radically transformed a vast tract of the Denny Triangle neighbourhood, creating a dense business district of sleek office towers anchored by a trio of innovative glass ‘spheres’ where workers share office space with 40,000 plants. Nearby, the emblematic Space Needle has received its biggest refurb in over 50 years while, down on the waterfront, a multi-billion-dollar tunnel has replaced an ugly concrete expressway.


西雅图(Seattle)漂亮、先进,充满创造的活力,向来不缺少聚光灯的关照。在这座惯于将本土概念转化为国际品牌的城市,当前的大小头条都离不开亚马逊(Amazon)。这个全世界最大的网络零售商已经彻底改变了广阔的丹尼三角区(Denny Triangle),缔造出一个豪华写字楼鳞次栉比的商业区,坐镇其间的三个新颖玻璃“球体”里有40,000株植物与员工们共享办公空间。附近具有象征意义的太空针塔(Space Needle)完成了50多年来最大规模的翻新。与此同时,海滨耗资数十亿美元的隧道已经替代了原来那条丑陋的混凝土高速公路。


7. Dakar, Senegal

One of Africa’s most dynamic cities, Dakar offers a dizzying mix of sun-kissed beaches, colourful markets and mbalax-fuelled nightclubs where snappily attired revellers emerge into the early-morning light as the first call to prayer drifts over the tropical landscape. Despite its myriad attractions, Senegal’s seaside capital has long been overlooked by many travellers. All that is set to change as the city positions itself as a new travel hub in West Africa. Leading the way is the recent opening of a brand-new international airport, a US$600 million endeavour that’s been more than 10 years in the making.




6. Mexico City, Mexico

The Mexican capital bears witness to centuries of architectural design and artistic movements. The pre-Hispanic buildings of the Mexica rise from the city’s soft ground while colonial cathedrals stand fast and modern wonders such as the Museo Soumaya sparkle in the ever-present sun. For these reasons, and more still, Mexico City was named World Design Capital in 2018. CDMX (Ciudad de México) is the sixth city and the first in the Americas to hold the title. As the creative class rise, they embrace the influence of centuries-old traditions, proving that design is an effective tool for economic, social and cultural development.


这座墨西哥的首都(Mexican capital)见证了几个世纪以来的建筑设计和艺术运动。前西班牙时代的墨西加式(Mexica)建筑在城市松软的地面上拔地而起,殖民时代的教堂安如磐石,索玛雅博物馆(Museo Soumaya)等现代奇观在亘古不变的阳光下熠熠生辉。基于以上种种原因,墨西哥城被评为2018年世界设计之都。墨西哥城(Ciudad de México,CDMX)是第六座也是美洲第一座荣获该头衔的城市。深受悠久传统影响的创意阶层的出现,似乎在证明:设计是促进经济、社会和文化发展的有力工具。


5. Kathmandu, Nepal

In the aftermath of the 2015 earthquake, news reports from Kathmandu showed a city broken and in mourning, but today the narrative is all about reconstruction and rejuvenation. Sure, there’s work to do restoring the magnificent monuments that crumbled during the disaster, but historic sites are being returned to their former glory, and moves to calm the city’s infamous traffic, smog and noise have made Kathmandu more liveable than it has been in decades. There’s even reliable electricity and wi-fi as bonus creature comforts in the atmospheric and maze-like alleyways of the old city.




4. Miami, USA

Famed for its beautiful beaches and buzzing nightlife, Miami has long captivated travellers seeking a slice of tropical paradise while the rest of North America shivers. Although the Magic City still makes a fine wintertime escape, the past few years have seen Miami transform into a burgeoning centre for the arts, a foodie destination and an innovator in urban design. Miami’s downtown continues to be rejuvenated with the arrival of a celebrated $305-million science museum, while the Design District has become a cultural magnet with new eye-catching architecture (including the Museum Garage and the Institute of Contemporary Art), public art installations and expansive new cultural programming.


以美丽的海滩和热闹的夜生活著称的迈阿密(Miami)长期以来都让那些想要在北美的寒意中寻找热带天堂的旅行者们神魂颠倒。尽管这座“魔幻都市”依然是美好的越冬胜地,但近几年来迈阿密已经转变为新兴的艺术中心、美食目的地和城市设计的革新者。耗资3亿500万美元科学馆的落成,凭借吸睛的新建筑[包括车库博物馆(Museum Garage)和当代艺术学会(Institute ofContemporary Art)、公共艺术装置和各种各样的新文化项目成为文化磁石的设计区,都使迈阿密持续焕发着光彩。

3. Novi Sad, Serbia

Elegant yet easy-going, Novi Sad basks in the limelight, defying its second-city status and boldly living up to its moniker. Serbia’s ‘New Garden’ hosts the rocking EXIT festival, whose 20th edition coincides with the city’s stint as the 2019 European Youth Capital. Headlining this revival, the Petrovaradin Citadel’s Lower Town is getting a facelift, and the dilapidated Chinatown has blossomed into an alternative-culture district. Bursting with creative energy, new Gradić Fest is reinvigorating Petrovaradin through music, film, theatre and art, as Novi Sad gears up to wear another crown – that of the 2021 European Capital of Culture.


优雅又悠闲的诺维萨德(Novi Sad)被誉为“新花园”绝非浪得虚名,也不是因为其作为塞尔维亚第二大城市的地位,之所以备受瞩目,正是由于这里是炸裂的EXIT音乐节举办地,而第20届EXIT音乐节又恰逢它当选2019年欧洲青年之都。这次复出的主角有正在改头换面的彼得罗瓦拉丁城堡(Petrovaradin Citadel)的下城区,及已经发展成为另类文化区的破旧唐人街。新推出的格拉迪奇文化节(Gradić Fest)绽放出创新的活力,正在通过音乐、电影、戏剧和艺术重振彼得罗瓦拉丁的雄风。与此同时,诺维萨德又加冕了一顶王冠:2021年欧洲文化之都。

2. Shēnzhèn, China

Welcome to China’s most innovative city – Shēnzhèn – the ‘Silicon Valley’ of China. Drawn to its slew of new design openings and tech innovation, creatives are swarming to Shēnzhèn, just over the border from Hong Kong in mainland China. Previously known as a cheaper nightlife alternative to Hong Kong, Shēnzhèn now has a strumming indie-music scene, cool cafes, a small contingent of craft brewers and a whole new arts district risen from the remains of former warehouses. The past three years have seen the openings of Design Society, in conjunction with London’s V&A museum, as well as the Museum of Contemporary Art & Planning Exhibition (MOCAPE) and heritage art village OCT-LOFT.


欢迎来到中国最具创新精神的城市——深圳,中国的硅谷。层出不穷的新设计和技术的创新,吸引着大批创意人员蜂拥来到这座中国大陆与香港隔岸相望的城市。这里曾被作为香港的廉价夜生活替代品,如今已拥有新兴的独立音乐文化、前卫的咖啡馆和若干精酿酒吧,以及在废弃旧仓库重焕生机的新艺术区。过去三年,与伦敦V&A博物馆合作的设计互联(Design Society)、当代艺术与城市规划馆(MOCAPE)及传统艺术村华侨城创意文化园(OCT-LOFT)纷纷开幕。


1. Copenhagen, Denmark

Denmark’s capital of cool is unstoppable. New-Nordic Noma has gourmands swooning with its new digs, urban farm and groundbreaking Scandinavian menus. The city’s booming street-food scene is smashing it on Refshaleøen, where a former shipyard is now rebooted food and craft market Reffen. Amusement park Tivoli Gardens is beating the winter blues with a new February season, while waste-management centre Amager Bakke has jaws dropping with its rooftop ski slope and hiking trails. The Danish Architecture Centre has moved into Ellen van Loon’s buzz-inducing cultural centre BLOX, while the anticipated mid-2019 completion of the Cityringen metro line means even easier cross-town adventures.

1. 哥本哈根,丹麦

这座丹麦的前卫之都(capital of cool)简直势不可挡。新北欧风味的诺马餐厅(Noma)拥有全新场地、城市农场及开创性的斯堪的纳维亚菜单,令饕餮之徒痴迷不已。乐福沙乐恩区(Refshaleøen)汇集了这座城市红火的街头美食,其前身是造船厂,如今重装上阵,成为雷芬(Reffen)食品和工艺品市场。游乐园趣伏里花园(Tivoli Gardens)全新的二月开放季会助你击退冬季的忧郁,而垃圾处理中心阿迈厄巴克(Amager Bakke)的屋顶滑雪道和徒步小径则会惊掉你的下巴。丹麦建筑中心(Danish Architecture Centre)已经迁入雷姆·库哈斯(Rem Koolhaas)气氛活跃的文化中心BLOX,而丹麦地铁Cityringen也预计于2019年中完工,这意味着你将更加便捷地探索这座城市。

内容整理自 lonelyplanet.com

Edited from lonelyplanet.com


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