△山脊鸟瞰 ©苏哲维
Landscape Design: Atelier ScaleProject Location: Chongqing, ChinaLandscape Area: 10.7 HaCompletion Year: 2019
Chongqing is a city born in the mountains. People in Chongqing have developed their own way of using lands with topography, and have created unique urban landscape and lifestyle. Atelier Scale has carried and extended this wisdom, in the landscape of the Hill Residence (named as the Waterfront City by the developer), developed by Chongqing Longfor.
There is an existing hill located in the project site. The original master plan by architects causes great damage to the natural topography of the site. Part of the hill will be completely leveled with a vertical retaining wall of 16.5 meter high, separating the other part of the hill and the site. Atelier Scale proposes a smoother transition from the hill to the site: 1. Regrade the site in order to follow existing ridge topography; 2. Restore an accessible connection between the site and adjacent nature; 3. Turn the returned hill into a community living room and other part of the hill into a public park.
作为生态斑块的社区Community as Ecological Patch 整个山脊社区的总占地面积为10.7公顷,其面积相当于一个碧津公园(13公顷)。连接现存山体和社区的山脊走廊,长170米,宽40米,步行栈道以架空的方式,减少对底层植被的干预,栈道下的季节性溪流和成片的水杉林形成小生境,为小型两栖动物和鸟类提供了踏步石(Stepping Stone)的作用,是衔接山体自然与社区自然的微型生态廊道。The Hill Residence occupies total area of 10.7ha, as large as the Bijin Park in Chongqing (13ha). The ridge corridor connecting the hill and community has a lenth of 170 m and a width of 40 m. It works as connecting path as well as a micro eco-corridor. The micro biotope in the seasonal creek and Metasequoia along the hill trail serve as the Stepping Stones for birds and amphibian.雨洪管理系统Stormwater Management System
场地内的地形变化为搭建雨水回用系统提供了条件,景观通过对全区竖向关系的梳理,组织地表径流,引入季节性溪流(120米)/集中式雨水花园(200㎡)/透水铺装/生态草沟等海绵城市设施,实现场地内雨水“收集-调蓄-净化-回用”循环系统,径流总量控制率达70%; 同时, 通过景观设计手法,将这一生态过程可视化,与活动空间相结合,面向居民开放,成为接触自然,观察雨水净化过程的科普性景观节点。Based on a newly graded site topography, we are able to create a more sustainable storm water management system, which organizes storm water runoff effectively, reduces the flood pressure, and reuse water smartly. With collaboration of a storm water management expert in Seattle, we have come up with two main strategies to collect rainwater runoff: 1. The sloped seasonal creek beneath the elevated trail collects rainwater from the hill, which will be guided to the rain garden in the middle of the community; 2. Series of bio-swale network in front of unit entries guides rain water into the rain garden. Besides high-performance function, the storm water management system works as educational landscape, which provides residents opportunities to learn about how this natural system work. Educational illustration points are designed to integrate with this system, making sure the landscape will be understood by residents especially children. Water after purification is stored in a central water tank for reuse, such as water feature and kids wading pool. Besides, 50% hard surface of the site are permeable pavers including pourable concrete, pourable brick and gravel.
The design language is “innovatively found” instead of “created”, by previous research and study. 1. Zig-zaging trails are designed to achieve slope-friendly accessibility; 2. Ridge decks are created for amphitheater and reading gardens with integration of planting terrace; 3. A bridge cross is created based on site topographic change for overlook above and shaded recreation beneath; 4. Topography between buildings is preserved with designed seat terrace and bar table; 5. A playground is sided by a sloped creek with water interactions. Through introducing these designed spaces and local way of life, a new balance between the hill and community can be reached.山脊社区的设计与实践,一如既往地延续了我们对项目在地性与生活方式的思考。同时,我们开始关注居住区对城市环境的影响与贡献。目前山脊社区已投入使用,我们将持续关注居民对社区空间的使用体验,以及社区自然环境的生态绩效。The design and practice of the Hill Residence continue our thinking on locality and lifestyle of residential neighborhood, at the meantime, we begin to focus more on the contribution and impact of residential communities to urban ecology. As the Hill Residence being used by residents in the future, we will be paying more attention to the usage of space and ecological performance of the community, with the help of POE.设计名:山脊社区项目名:重庆龙湖 昱湖壹号地点: 重庆,中国 景观设计:大小景观设计团队:钟惠城、王迪、陈理扬、袁绍钟、刘志刚、梁嘉惠、刘丽辉、凌齐美、林娟、林丙兴、宋妃敏、毛建刚、曾紫燕、吕国武、许钰锋雨洪管理顾问:GEO业主: 重庆龙湖业主团队:刘辰,冯树栋,赵永耀 景观施工图设计:重庆蓝调城市景观规划设计有限公司景观施工:蜀汉园林重庆分公司建筑设计:上海成执建筑设计有限公司.摄影:苏哲维、唐曦、吴清山鸣谢:俞胜、罗琳、肖骁
注:项目来自 大小景观 ,仅用于交流学习。
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