
合肥 皖赣旭辉 翡翠江来 大区 | 未来与现实的邂逅

DESIGN FOR LIFE 看见景观 2023-09-06




Location and surrounding supporting facilities

北侧公共绿地/ 南侧配套幼儿园/ 西侧临近基础小型生活商圈/东侧大型配套商业


Public green space on the north side / supporting kindergartens on the south side / small basic living business district on the west side / large supporting businesses on the east side

With the gradual upgrading of the upper level planning, Feixi County has better attracted high-quality customers in recent years by tapping resources, improving transportation, introducing industries, improving supporting facilities, gradually realizing the planning value and increasing house prices. It is the regional advantage of our project


Design concept



Mobile layout of future living places

Compared with the traditional space layout, we believe that a better space should have mobility and growth. Make adjacent spaces interrelated and different combinations, increase exchanges between different ages, avoid space waste, and improve the utilization rate of public space




Container landscape of future living place

Create a place to live with good memories. People enjoy time in the place and store this wonderful memory. Later, you can recall the happiness at that time in this place


Conceptual theme






Describe the concept of large area design from two dimensions of space and time

Futuristic regional space will be of great significance to the future

Imagine life scenes to stimulate people's exploration and imagination of future life


It is both a kindergarten and a sales office



The site is paved with walls and the ground, and two circular air walks are extended to connect the whole atrium space. A towering tree is planted in the middle of the air walk, so that all activities can be carried out around it to form the core point of childhood impression. Combined with the indoor space, natural light, shadow and rain are introduced into the room to stimulate children's imagination


The entrance space of the demonstration area is a combination of streamlined landscape wall and light leakage design of the patio, which plays a guiding role in welcoming guests. Xuhui IP "xuxiaoxiong" creates an online red card punching site, presenting a modern and pure future life scene experience. With the consistent way of restraint and balance, the white tone of the earth is adopted, and the composition and treatment with a sense of spatial order are used to fully mobilize the visual tension


Galaxy Avenue


Adhering to the concept of sustainable development, the design combines the 240m shade home with the theme of plants and houses in a modern way, and the arc pavement design is combined with a large area of lawn. The transition of the road enriches the sense of hierarchy of the community space and feels the happy time brought by the setting sun and dense forests. The morning light and the shadow of trees are the good time for reading. The warm sun, the sparse wind, the oblique shadow and the green, enjoy the dynamic experience brought by art. The design takes into account the aesthetic needs of young customers, presents the natural environment in a simple and pure way, and creates a poetic space in a more modern artistic form




The front modernist symmetrical hall, the 45m wide ritual entrance porch, the light and shadow extend the city's interstellar space-time, and the 5m high water curtain and the height difference between the waterscape fall to create a dynamic water music water curtain. Under the same tone, different materials and textures connect buildings, water curtains and plants in an unbounded series


Several springs enrich the state of waterscape. In this smart space, it is like a beating time; In the afterglow of the sunset, the shadow of the tree dances to meet the sound of the spring, which is a welcome to return home





Light and shadow fall, falling water flows,

With a modest calm,

It also has a rebellious movement between spatiality and stereoscopic sense

Get close to nature and bathe in dreams


Cyclotron space


180 square meters of open space under the forest, the scenic wall and the bench enclose the site, and the boundary is also treated in a way of combining the virtual and the real. The local release of the line of sight shows that the external green forest is integrated with the interior


The seemingly random layout of the path actually takes full account of people's walking habits and interacts with the surrounding plants and terrain


A specially selected park tree is planted in the site, like the old tree and stone stool at the village entrance. "What's the matter? I feel melancholy. The original trees in the village are like my hometown". When I see the trees, I think of my home


Communication space


Create a communication space under the forest in the limited space, and the light enters the rest seat through the special-shaped Pavilion, becoming a free and full of life. We hope to create such a landscape picture, where people can chat freely. The outdoor communication place is a space to promote people's emotions, which can be shaded from the sun and rain to meet the needs of mutual communication


Mingyue Garden


The basis of participating in the interactive community experience is also the link between family and community. The height difference of the wooden platform is used to build an interesting fairy tale paradise for children. The verdant trees cast a large shadow on the green Ping. The surrounding areas are considered to be surrounded by greening, with rich levels of tree species, so as to reduce the impact of the noise brought by the children's paradise on the community, and improve the safety of the place. People move in the shady space with a wide view, The atmosphere is relaxed and active


Langyue Garden


Large scale swing space, staggered pavilions in the park, combined with the height difference of Sapium sebiferum and wood platforms to create the central landscape of the park, reflecting nature in different attitudes. Surrounding and distributing multiple landscape spaces not only ensures the systematicness and integrity of functions, but also makes the sites complement each other and integrate conveniently.


Starry night garden


The broad sunny lawn allows children to play. The green sunny lawn lies in it wantonly and looks up at the sky. The sky is full of clouds. The round and artistic lamps are used to create a starry field to show a delicate and romantic style


The transition of roads enriches the sense of hierarchy of community space. In terms of planting methods, it abandons the traditional five fold greening configuration method and adopts a more concise way to plant trees in combination with each landscape node, so as to break the monotony of linear planting and form the feeling of moving landscape


Indoor space






When the leaves on the treetops melt into the night, the lights in the entrance hall light up, and the flower border gives a sense of ceremony to go home. The old people sit on the seats waiting for the children who haven't played enough, and the people who come back from fitness stretch their legs on the handrails. More convenient and humanized entry space design makes community life more warm


supporting facilities



The combination of exquisite entry interface, interesting painting of the ground and movable facilities makes the sitein front of the door more possible without affecting fire safety


The home lane is composed of exquisite green paths and leisure reception spaces between the houses. The entrance area uses dark landscape walls and landscape lamps to strengthen the sense of ceremony. The multi-layer green in the path encloses the quiet space between the houses, so that the body and mind return to nature



The park also designs a 1200m long healthy track for owners who love running. The dopamine secretion brought by exercise is the best adjustment for busy life, especially in nature. For you who love outdoor activities, it provides a variety of plastic spaces. The convenient and colorful plastic track near your home seems to be calling all the time: quickly, put on your running shoes, and let's go!


Landing precision quality


The construction team is stationed on the site, accurately grasp the design intention and key points of construction technology, and strictly control the material quality, construction technology, plant selection, detail work and other aspects, so as to strive for the perfect landing of the landscape design effect.




John Lennon once said: "when we are struggling for life, life has left us." Even though we are used to the fast-paced urban life, we still yearn for the leisure and slow life of clouds, all beautiful things and visions, and those romantic poems and distant places in our memory. Let the smile become a daily habit and convey the beauty of life. I wish you a warm smile and a leisurely journey

| 项目信息
景观设计:  山水比德上海设计院


项目地点:安徽 合肥


感谢 SPI山水比德

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