Shenzhen T33 Tower, photo by TAL
在深圳留仙洞总部基地,那片由钢架与玻璃幕墙构成的天际线里,一抹垂直的绿色撞入眼帘,犹如在密不透风的玻璃墙中,打开一扇向自然呼吸的窗,这就是传音大厦。In the Liuxiandong Headquarters Base of Shenzhen, amidst the skyline formed by steel frames and glass curtain walls, the Shenzhen T33 Tower stands among them with a vertical strip of greenery.Open architectural form, photo by TAL
In the Liuxiandong Headquarters Base of Shenzhen, photo by TAL
Aedas全球设计董事刘程辉巧妙地选取“云核”作为设计概念,以极富科技与未来感的开放建筑形态面向大众,以打破隔阂的开放空间、功能联合面向员工,使智慧科技、“共创-共享-包容”的企业精神具象为建筑,跃然眼前。设计呈现新一代办公综合体独有的鲜明特征:弹性工作环境、社交互动空间、数字智能化、绿色与可持续。Aedas Global Design Principal Leo Liu took inspiration from concept of a ‘cloud hub’, and created a futuristic building for, that celebrates spirit of openness, cooperation and inclusiveness at core of a technology firm. The Shenzhen T33 Tower presents the distinctive features of a new generation office complex, which integrates flexible working environment, social interactive spaces, digital intelligence and sustainability with a lush greenery.“云核”模块体,摄影:黑像素Blackstation Pixel,照片由传音控股提供Cloud hub, photo by Blackstation Pixel and provided by the client
开放空间,摄影:黑像素Blackstation Pixel,照片由传音控股提供Open spaces, photo by Blackstation Pixel and provided by the client
Green building, photo by TAL
Abundant green space, photo by TAL
在与之相对的纵向界面,高耸的建筑体量间,设计创意性地勾勒了三个不规则的透明玻璃盒子,其三层高的公共户外露台及对应的竖向楼梯,在消解单一化玻璃幕墙轮廓的同时,打破了楼层立面之间的空间壁垒,连接各层平台和共享空间。这样的建筑营造出一种整体的向心力和活跃力,启发着人们到建筑内部的各个功能核,去探索、去交流、去分享、去创造。In terms of the spatial planning that responds to the urban ecological environment, the design places greater emphasis on the concept of ‘redefining the relationship between people, nature, and technology’. This is reflected in the integration between the architecture and the nature surrounding the park, the connection to the city, and the integration of individuals within the public and office spaces.Breaking down the barriers between floors and facades, photo by TAL
The vertical strip of greenery, photo by TAL
Outdoor terrace, photo by TAL
在竖向楼梯与各层的互连共通、电梯厅与核心筒的采光通风布置下,使其产生一个和谐自然、开门见绿的生态空间,仿佛置于一片盎然的城市绿洲中,这是在摩天大楼遍地开花的一线城市中极少觅得的稀缺场景。幕墙之外是那片“深圳蓝”的晴空,幕墙之内是日光下澈中的悠然绿色,互为掩映间的此刻,这才是人与自然关系的最佳表达。The design introduces a pedestrian corridor system at the lower levels to connect with other buildings, creating an active and interconnected interface with high-density green areas. This makes it an important focal point in the district and a crucial area of the city's public space. The image of the building reflects the urban atmosphere of Shenzhen, characterised by innovation, ecology, openness, and inclusivity.The pedestrian corridor system, photo by TAL
Vertical interface, photo by TAL
通过对“云核”的建筑形式思考,结合周边社区商业的稀少性和互补性,传音大厦在这一抹底色上,为三大公共功能核衍生出“云盒”,不囿于商业综合体的同质化泥沼,以序列重组的设计手法植入大小不一、多元交互的功能盒体,强调人、科技和自然的内外衔接,形成与周边环境共生的肌理,让理性的城市空间有了一份不同寻常的感性和活力。By contemplating the architectural form of the ‘cloud core’ and considering the scarcity and complementarity of surrounding community businesses, T33 Tower builds upon this foundation and creates three major public functional cores. It avoids the homogeneity trap of commercial complexes and incorporates various-sized and diverse interactive functional spaces through a creative boxy design. This emphasises the connection between people, technology, and nature, imbuing the urban space with a sense of vitality.Transparent interior space, photo by TAL
Double ground floor, photo by TAL
作为传音大厦对外呈现形象和“云盒”的能量核心之地,拥有南北向双入口的双首层大堂通过超高玻璃幕墙让自然采光尽数汇聚室内,人们在工作休闲之余沉浸在原生态的垂直景观、舒适温暖的阳光之间。The ground floor features dual entrances facing north and south to optimise accessibility. Through its floor-to-ceiling glass curtain walls, ample natural light is injected indoors, allowing people to immerse themselves in the warmth of sunlight while working or relaxing.Unique building silhouette, photo by TAL
“建筑设计应遵循自然,自由开敞、链接自然的空间成为一种生活的需求。而未来建筑不仅需要在空间设计上进化与变革,更要引入创新科技,智能化系统,从而提高空间质量和利用率。总而言之,未来建筑将以绿色低碳、智慧生态、科技创新作为发展的新趋势。”Aedas全球设计董事刘程辉说道。传音大厦带着对城市生态的友善和谦逊,以可持续的建筑设计回馈着社会,重构人、自然和科技的关系。T33 Tower, with its ecological approach, gives back to society through sustainable architectural design. It redefines the relationship between people, nature, and technology. ‘With youthful, intelligent, and inclusive operation, it provides individuals with a sense of happiness and experiential fulfillment between work and life – a future inspiration that is more imaginative and is full of possibilities.’ Aedas Global Design Principal Leo Liu says.位置:中国深圳
Location: Shenzhen, ChinaClient: Shenzhen Transsion HoldingsDesign and Project Architect: AedasGross Floor Area: 54,970 sq mDesign Director: Leo Liu, Global Design Principal更多精彩内容
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