这几天被一个生产问题折磨得死去活来,CPU愣是给我干烧了,在上周某天晚上,业务反馈业务响应速度骤降,但是DBA上去执行慢SQL却特别快,经过排查,居然是不同的用户,生成的执行计划不一样!DBA表示惊呆了,虽然我很早之前也分享过一篇类似的案例(11的原生分区) 👉🏻 不同用户的执行计划居然会不一样?,但是当时没有深究,结果好巧不巧,前阵子某位同事踩了一次(13的原生分区),没过几天另一位同事又踩了一次,并且都是分区表。接二连三掉到坑里,看样子躲是躲不过了,看样子只有解决了才能睡个安稳觉了。
现象很明了,但是成因很费解,此处以 test 表作为替代脱敏
postgres=# alter user u1 set enable_seqscan to off;
postgres=# select * from pg_user;
usename | usesysid | usecreatedb | usesuper | userepl | usebypassrls | passwd | valuntil | useconfig
postgres | 10 | t | t | t | t | ******** | |
u1 | 16452 | f | f | t | f | ******** | | {enable_seqscan=off}
u2 | 25165 | f | f | f | f | ******** | |
(3 rows)
根据前面的现象,可以看到超级用户预估的行数和实际执行的行数接近,扫描6月7月均使用的顺序扫描(都是240W),但是业务用户扫描6月分区表却选择了索引扫描,的确若按照优化器预估的行数 (rows=1)来选择, 走索引扫描是最快的,但是真实情况却返回了240W行,因此优化器不得不频繁回表,导致大量的离散IO,那天业务雪崩变慢的原因也就说得通了。
一条SQL进来之后,会经过Parser → Analyzer → Rewriter → Planner → Executor这一系列步骤。若是DDL语句,无需进行优化,到utility模块处理,对于DML则需要按照完整的流程。在 Planner 阶段,会经过逻辑优化与物理优化,最终生成一颗最优的计划树。
查询规划整体流程参照下图 (巨人肩膀:https://www.cnblogs.com/flying-tiger/p/6063709.html)
standard_planner 作为优化器的入口,由于流程过于复杂冗长,这里我们只关心其中几个核心函数:
/* primary planning entry point (may recurse for subqueries) */
root = subquery_planner(glob, parse, NULL,
false, tuple_fraction);
/* Select best Path and turn it into a Plan */
final_rel = fetch_upper_rel(root, UPPERREL_FINAL, NULL);
best_path = get_cheapest_fractional_path(final_rel, tuple_fraction);
top_plan = create_plan(root, best_path);
subquery_planner会做一些预处理,比如提升子链接 (pull_up_sublinks)、提升子查询(pull_up_subqueries)、函数内联 (inline_set_returning_functions) 等等,接着选择一条成本最低的路劲,接着基于此路径构建执行计划 subquery_planner → get_cheapest_fractional_path → create_plan。
其中 subquery_planner 做完预处理的步骤之后,会进入到 grouping_planner 做进一步的优化,参照下图
* Do the main planning. If we have an inherited target relation, that
* needs special processing, else go straight to grouping_planner.
if (parse->resultRelation &&
rt_fetch(parse->resultRelation, parse->rtable)->inh)
grouping_planner(root, false, tuple_fraction);
然后进入到 query_planner,生成一条成本最低的路径
* Generate the best unsorted and presorted paths for the scan/join
* portion of this Query, ie the processing represented by the
* FROM/WHERE clauses. (Note there may not be any presorted paths.)
* We also generate (in standard_qp_callback) pathkey representations
* of the query's sort clause, distinct clause, etc.
current_rel = query_planner(root, tlist,
standard_qp_callback, &qp_extra);
* query_planner
* Generate a path (that is, a simplified plan) for a basic query,
* which may involve joins but not any fancier features.
* Since query_planner does not handle the toplevel processing (grouping,
* sorting, etc) it cannot select the best path by itself. Instead, it
* returns the RelOptInfo for the top level of joining, and the caller
* (grouping_planner) can choose among the surviving paths for the rel.
* root describes the query to plan
* tlist is the target list the query should produce
* (this is NOT necessarily root->parse->targetList!)
* qp_callback is a function to compute query_pathkeys once it's safe to do so
* qp_extra is optional extra data to pass to qp_callback
* Note: the PlannerInfo node also includes a query_pathkeys field, which
* tells query_planner the sort order that is desired in the final output
* plan. This value is *not* available at call time, but is computed by
* qp_callback once we have completed merging the query's equivalence classes.
* (We cannot construct canonical pathkeys until that's done.)
RelOptInfo *
query_planner(PlannerInfo *root, List *tlist,
query_pathkeys_callback qp_callback, void *qp_extra)
Query *parse = root->parse;
List *joinlist;
RelOptInfo *final_rel;
Index rti;
double total_pages;
* If the query has an empty join tree, then it's something easy like
* "SELECT 2+2;" or "INSERT ... VALUES()". Fall through quickly.
if (parse->jointree->fromlist == NIL)
/* We need a dummy joinrel to describe the empty set of baserels */
final_rel = build_empty_join_rel(root);
* If query allows parallelism in general, check whether the quals are
* parallel-restricted. (We need not check final_rel->reltarget
* because it's empty at this point. Anything parallel-restricted in
* the query tlist will be dealt with later.)
if (root->glob->parallelModeOK)
final_rel->consider_parallel =
is_parallel_safe(root, parse->jointree->quals);
/* The only path for it is a trivial Result path */
add_path(final_rel, (Path *)
create_result_path(root, final_rel,
(List *) parse->jointree->quals));
/* Select cheapest path (pretty easy in this case...) */
然后最终传递给 make_one_rel,返回一个RelOptInfo节点,然后用于创建最终计划。
* make_one_rel
* Finds all possible access paths for executing a query, returning a
* single rel that represents the join of all base rels in the query.
RelOptInfo *
make_one_rel(PlannerInfo *root, List *joinlist)
RelOptInfo *rel;
Index rti;
* Construct the all_baserels Relids set.
/* Mark base rels as to whether we care about fast-start plans */
* Compute size estimates and consider_parallel flags for each base rel,
* then generate access paths.
第一步主要涉及表大小的估算,也就是我们在 explain 中看到的成本和行数,接着 set_base_rel_pathlists → set_plain_rel_pathlist 这里进入到索引相关路径的构建,由于代码过于繁琐,这里就直接贴一下流程:create_index_paths → get_index_paths → build_index_paths → create_index_path → cost_index
* set_plain_rel_pathlist
* Build access paths for a plain relation (no subquery, no inheritance)
static void
set_plain_rel_pathlist(PlannerInfo *root, RelOptInfo *rel, RangeTblEntry *rte)
/* Consider sequential scan */
add_path(rel, create_seqscan_path(root, rel, required_outer, 0));
/* If appropriate, consider parallel sequential scan */
if (rel->consider_parallel && required_outer == NULL)
create_plain_partial_paths(root, rel);
/* Consider index scans */
create_index_paths(root, rel);
/* Consider TID scans */
create_tidscan_paths(root, rel);
* build_index_paths
* Given an index and a set of index clauses for it, construct zero
* or more IndexPaths. It also constructs zero or more partial IndexPaths.
* We return a list of paths because (1) this routine checks some cases
* that should cause us to not generate any IndexPath, and (2) in some
* cases we want to consider both a forward and a backward scan, so as
* to obtain both sort orders. Note that the paths are just returned
* to the caller and not immediately fed to add_path().
最终进入到 cost_index 中,进入到索引的代码估算。
* cost_index
* Determines and returns the cost of scanning a relation using an index.
* 'path' describes the indexscan under consideration, and is complete
* except for the fields to be set by this routine
* 'loop_count' is the number of repetitions of the indexscan to factor into
* estimates of caching behavior
* In the perfectly correlated case, the number of pages touched by
* each scan is selectivity * table_size, and we can use the Mackert
* and Lohman formula at the page level to estimate how much work is
* saved by caching across scans. We still assume all the fetches are
* random, though, which is an overestimate that's hard to correct for
* without double-counting the cache effects. (But in most cases
* where such a plan is actually interesting, only one page would get
* fetched per scan anyway, so it shouldn't matter much.)
pages_fetched = ceil(indexSelectivity * (double) baserel->pages);
pages_fetched = index_pages_fetched(pages_fetched * loop_count,
(double) index->pages,
索引预估返回的页数可以看到由 indexSelectivity(索引选择率) 乘上页数,每一类索引都有自己的花费基本值估算函数,比如最常见的 Btree 估算函数是 btcostestimate 函数
* If index is unique and we found an '=' clause for each column, we can
* just assume numIndexTuples = 1 and skip the expensive
* clauselist_selectivity calculations. However, a ScalarArrayOp or
* NullTest invalidates that theory, even though it sets eqQualHere.
if (index->unique &&
indexcol == index->nkeycolumns - 1 &&
eqQualHere &&
!found_saop &&
numIndexTuples = 1.0;
List *selectivityQuals;
Selectivity btreeSelectivity;
* If the index is partial, AND the index predicate with the
* index-bound quals to produce a more accurate idea of the number of
* rows covered by the bound conditions.
selectivityQuals = add_predicate_to_quals(index, indexBoundQuals);
btreeSelectivity = clauselist_selectivity(root, selectivityQuals, ---👈🏻在这
numIndexTuples = btreeSelectivity * index->rel->tuples;
这里就进入最关键的流程了, btreeSelectivity = clauselist_selectivity,这一块我在执行计划篇章有过详细的源码剖析,clauselist_selectivity → clause_selectivity 。当我调试了几十次之后,发现每次经过 restriction_selectivity 这个步骤之后,不同用户产生不同执行计划的分叉点就产生了
* clause_selectivity -
* Compute the selectivity of a general boolean expression clause.
* The clause can be either a RestrictInfo or a plain expression. If it's
* a RestrictInfo, we try to cache the selectivity for possible re-use,
* so passing RestrictInfos is preferred.
* varRelid is either 0 or a rangetable index
else if (is_opclause(clause) || IsA(clause, DistinctExpr))
OpExpr *opclause = (OpExpr *) clause;
Oid opno = opclause->opno;
if (treat_as_join_clause(clause, rinfo, varRelid, sjinfo))
/* Estimate selectivity for a join clause. */
s1 = join_selectivity(root, opno,
/* Estimate selectivity for a restriction clause. */
s1 = restriction_selectivity(root, opno,
可以看到超级用户计算出来的选择率是1(<=now() 的选择率),而业务用户计算出来的选择率是0.5,回顾一下我在执行计划篇章写过的内容,对于多列选择率,默认情况下,PostgreSQL会将各列的选择率相乘,但是优化器并没有这么stupid,他也有自己的一系列算法。
where a = xx or b =xx where a > xx or a < xx 同一个变量的范围查询 where a not in (xx) where a is not null where a > xxx and b < xx
对于第二种情况,同一个变量的范围查询,即 where a > xxx and a < xxx,他的选择率是 rqlist->hibound + rqlist->lobound - 1.0,按照我们刚刚调试的结果,第一个谓词 (date_start_time >='2023-06-16 22:49:46' )的选择率是 0.49724336722683249,第二个谓词 (date_start_time <= now() )的选择率是 0.5,那么 0.5 + 0.49724336722683249 - 1 = - 0.00275663277,大于 -0.01
// 我们还识别"范围查询",例如"x > 34 AND x < 42"。如果子句是其运算符具有 scalarltsel
// 或相关函数作为其约束选择性估计器的约束 opclause,则子句被视为可能的范围查询成分。我们
// 将引用相同变量的这种形式的子句配对。这种不可配对的子句以正常方式简单地乘以选择性乘积。但
// 是当我们找到一对时,我们知道选择性代表了列范围内下限和上限的相对位置,因此我们可以将其计
// 算为 hisel + osel - 1,而不是将其计算为 hisel * lostl。(为了可视化这一点,假设
// hisel 是范围低于上限的比率,而 lossl 是高于下限的比率;因此 hisel 可以直接解释为0..1
// 值,但我们需要将 lossl 转换为 1- lossl 在将其解释为值之前。那么可用范围是 1-losel +
// hisel。但是,这个计算双重排除了空值,所以我们真的需要 hisel + lostl + null_frac- 1
* We also recognize "range queries", such as "x > 34 AND x < 42". Clauses
* are recognized as possible range query components if they are restriction
* opclauses whose operators have scalarltsel or a related function as their
* restriction selectivity estimator. We pair up clauses of this form that
* refer to the same variable. An unpairable clause of this kind is simply
* multiplied into the selectivity product in the normal way. But when we
* find a pair, we know that the selectivities represent the relative
* positions of the low and high bounds within the column's range, so instead
* of figuring the selectivity as hisel * losel, we can figure it as hisel +
* losel - 1. (To visualize this, see that hisel is the fraction of the range
* below the high bound, while losel is the fraction above the low bound; so
* hisel can be interpreted directly as a 0..1 value but we need to convert
* losel to 1-losel before interpreting it as a value. Then the available
* range is 1-losel to hisel. However, this calculation double-excludes
* nulls, so really we need hisel + losel + null_frac - 1.)
s2 = rqlist->hibound + rqlist->lobound - 1.0;
/* Adjust for double-exclusion of NULLs */
s2 += nulltestsel(root, IS_NULL, rqlist->var,
varRelid, jointype, sjinfo);
* A zero or slightly negative s2 should be converted into a
* small positive value; we probably are dealing with a very
* tight range and got a bogus result due to roundoff errors.
* However, if s2 is very negative, then we probably have
* default selectivity estimates on one or both sides of the
* range that we failed to recognize above for some reason.
if (s2 <= 0.0)
if (s2 < -0.01) ---👈🏻代码流程
* No data available --- use a default estimate that
* is small, but not real small.
* It's just roundoff error; use a small positive
* value
s2 = 1.0e-10;
所以他会走到else的流程中,那么选择率就会被计算成 s2 = 1.0e-10,也就是 0.000000001,那么乘以元组数,所以预估出来的 rows = 1 就是这么计算出来的。
至此,优化器预估的 1 行的原因找到了,但是另外一个问题抛出来了——为什么超级用户计算出来的选择率是1,而业务用户是0.5?看样子需要深入分析 restriction_selectivity 这个函数做了什么了。
在此之前,先让我们了解一下什么是 restriction,顾名思义——限制,
* Restriction clause info.
* We create one of these for each AND sub-clause of a restriction condition
* (WHERE or JOIN/ON clause). Since the restriction clauses are logically
* ANDed, we can use any one of them or any subset of them to filter out
* tuples, without having to evaluate the rest. The RestrictInfo node itself
* stores data used by the optimizer while choosing the best query plan.
* If a restriction clause references a single base relation, it will appear
* in the baserestrictinfo list of the RelOptInfo for that base rel.
typedef struct RestrictInfo
NodeTag type;
Expr *clause; /* the represented clause of WHERE or JOIN */
bool is_pushed_down; /* true if clause was pushed down in level */
bool outerjoin_delayed; /* true if delayed by lower outer join */
bool can_join; /* see comment above */
bool pseudoconstant; /* see comment above */
bool leakproof; /* true if known to contain no leaked Vars */
Index security_level; /* see comment above */
/* The set of relids (varnos) actually referenced in the clause: */
Relids clause_relids;
/* The set of relids required to evaluate the clause: */
Relids required_relids;
/* If an outer-join clause, the outer-side relations, else NULL: */
Relids outer_relids;
/* The relids used in the clause that are nullable by lower outer joins: */
Relids nullable_relids;
/* These fields are set for any binary opclause: */
Relids left_relids; /* relids in left side of clause */
Relids right_relids; /* relids in right side of clause */
/* This field is NULL unless clause is an OR clause: */
Expr *orclause; /* modified clause with RestrictInfos */
/* This field is NULL unless clause is potentially redundant: */
EquivalenceClass *parent_ec; /* generating EquivalenceClass */
/* cache space for cost and selectivity */
QualCost eval_cost; /* eval cost of clause; -1 if not yet set */
Selectivity norm_selec; /* selectivity for "normal" (JOIN_INNER)
* semantics; -1 if not yet set; >1 means a
* redundant clause */
Selectivity outer_selec; /* selectivity for outer join semantics; -1 if
* not yet set */
/* valid if clause is mergejoinable, else NIL */
List *mergeopfamilies; /* opfamilies containing clause operator */
/* cache space for mergeclause processing; NULL if not yet set */
EquivalenceClass *left_ec; /* EquivalenceClass containing lefthand */
EquivalenceClass *right_ec; /* EquivalenceClass containing righthand */
EquivalenceMember *left_em; /* EquivalenceMember for lefthand */
EquivalenceMember *right_em; /* EquivalenceMember for righthand */
List *scansel_cache; /* list of MergeScanSelCache structs */
/* transient workspace for use while considering a specific join path */
bool outer_is_left; /* T = outer var on left, F = on right */
/* valid if clause is hashjoinable, else InvalidOid: */
Oid hashjoinoperator; /* copy of clause operator */
/* cache space for hashclause processing; -1 if not yet set */
Selectivity left_bucketsize; /* avg bucketsize of left side */
Selectivity right_bucketsize; /* avg bucketsize of right side */
Selectivity left_mcvfreq; /* left side's most common val's freq */
Selectivity right_mcvfreq; /* right side's most common val's freq */
} RestrictInfo;
我们可以简单理解成——对于查询中每个表,Postgres 都会生成两个"限制"子句列表:
基本限制子句:WHERE 子句的一部分,并且是仅涉及表本身的表达式 Join 子句:通常是 JOIN 子句的一部分,以及涉及多个表的表达式,比如 on test.id = test2.id
* restriction_selectivity
* Returns the selectivity of a specified restriction operator clause.
* This code executes registered procedures stored in the
* operator relation, by calling the function manager.
* See clause_selectivity() for the meaning of the additional parameters.
restriction_selectivity(PlannerInfo *root,
Oid operatorid,
List *args,
Oid inputcollid,
int varRelid)
RegProcedure oprrest = get_oprrest(operatorid);
float8 result;
* if the oprrest procedure is missing for whatever reason, use a
* selectivity of 0.5
if (!oprrest)
return (Selectivity) 0.5;
result = DatumGetFloat8(OidFunctionCall4Coll(oprrest,
if (result < 0.0 || result > 1.0)
elog(ERROR, "invalid restriction selectivity: %f", result);
return (Selectivity) result;
根据注释,我们可以了解到 restriction_selectivity 返回某个操作符字符的选择率,系统表 pg_operator 中记录了每个操作符对应的函数
oprrest regproc (references pg_proc.oid):Restriction selectivity estimation function for this operator (zero if none)
oprjoin regproc (references pg_proc.oid):Join selectivity estimation function for this operator (zero if none)
#define F_SCALARLTSEL 103
#define F_SCALARLESEL 336
#define F_SCALARGTSEL 104
#define F_SCALARGESEL 337
postgres=# select oid,proname from pg_proc where oid in ('103','104','336','337');
oid | proname
103 | scalarltsel ---less than,小于
104 | scalargtsel ---greater than,大于
336 | scalarlesel ---less equal,小于等于
337 | scalargesel ---greate equal,大于等于
(4 rows)
* scalarineqsel - Selectivity of "<", "<=", ">", ">=" for scalars.
* This is the guts of scalarltsel/scalarlesel/scalargtsel/scalargesel.
* The isgt and iseq flags distinguish which of the four cases apply.
* The caller has commuted the clause, if necessary, so that we can treat
* the variable as being on the left. The caller must also make sure that
* the other side of the clause is a non-null Const, and dissect that into
* a value and datatype. (This definition simplifies some callers that
* want to estimate against a computed value instead of a Const node.)
* This routine works for any datatype (or pair of datatypes) known to
* convert_to_scalar(). If it is applied to some other datatype,
* it will return an approximate estimate based on assuming that the constant
* value falls in the middle of the bin identified by binary search.
static double
scalarineqsel(PlannerInfo *root, Oid operator, bool isgt, bool iseq,
VariableStatData *vardata, Datum constval, Oid consttype)
Form_pg_statistic stats;
FmgrInfo opproc;
double mcv_selec,
double selec;
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(vardata->statsTuple))
/* no stats available, so default result */
stats = (Form_pg_statistic) GETSTRUCT(vardata->statsTuple);
fmgr_info(get_opcode(operator), &opproc);
* If we have most-common-values info, add up the fractions of the MCV
* entries that satisfy MCV OP CONST. These fractions contribute directly
* to the result selectivity. Also add up the total fraction represented
* by MCV entries.
mcv_selec = mcv_selectivity(vardata, &opproc, constval, true,
* If there is a histogram, determine which bin the constant falls in, and
* compute the resulting contribution to selectivity.
hist_selec = ineq_histogram_selectivity(root, vardata,
&opproc, isgt, iseq,
constval, consttype);
* ineq_histogram_selectivity - Examine the histogram for scalarineqsel
* Determine the fraction of the variable's histogram population that
* satisfies the inequality condition, ie, VAR < (or <=, >, >=) CONST.
* The isgt and iseq flags distinguish which of the four cases apply.
* Returns -1 if there is no histogram (valid results will always be >= 0).
* Note that the result disregards both the most-common-values (if any) and
* null entries. The caller is expected to combine this result with
* statistics for those portions of the column population.
static double
ineq_histogram_selectivity(PlannerInfo *root,
VariableStatData *vardata,
FmgrInfo *opproc, bool isgt, bool iseq,
Datum constval, Oid consttype)
double hist_selec;
AttStatsSlot sslot;
hist_selec = -1.0;
* Someday, ANALYZE might store more than one histogram per rel/att,
* corresponding to more than one possible sort ordering defined for the
* column type. However, to make that work we will need to figure out
* which staop to search for --- it's not necessarily the one we have at
* hand! (For example, we might have a '<=' operator rather than the '<'
* operator that will appear in staop.) For now, assume that whatever
* appears in pg_statistic is sorted the same way our operator sorts, or
* the reverse way if isgt is true.
if (HeapTupleIsValid(vardata->statsTuple) &&
statistic_proc_security_check(vardata, opproc->fn_oid) &&
get_attstatsslot(&sslot, vardata->statsTuple,
* Check whether it is permitted to call func_oid passing some of the
* pg_statistic data in vardata. We allow this either if the user has SELECT
* privileges on the table or column underlying the pg_statistic data or if
* the function is marked leak-proof.
statistic_proc_security_check(VariableStatData *vardata, Oid func_oid)
if (vardata->acl_ok)
return true;
if (!OidIsValid(func_oid))
return false;
if (get_func_leakproof(func_oid))
return true;
(errmsg_internal("not using statistics because function \"%s\" is not leak-proof",
return false;
这个oid经过打印,发现是2521,即 timestamp_le_timestamptz,根据名字来判断的话,判断 timestamp 类型是否小于等于 timestamp with time zone 的比较函数,确实查看表结构,date_start_time是timestamp without time zone,而我传递的now是timestamp。
postgres=# select * from pg_proc where oid = 2521;
-[ RECORD 1 ]---+-------------------------
oid | 2521
proname | timestamp_le_timestamptz
pronamespace | 11
proowner | 10
prolang | 12
procost | 1
prorows | 0
provariadic | 0
prosupport | -
prokind | f
prosecdef | f
proleakproof | f
proisstrict | t
proretset | f
provolatile | s
proparallel | s
pronargs | 2
pronargdefaults | 0
prorettype | 16
proargtypes | 1114 1184
proallargtypes |
proargmodes |
proargnames |
proargdefaults |
protrftypes |
prosrc | timestamp_le_timestamptz
probin |
prosqlbody |
proconfig |
proacl |
果然!普通用户返回的是 false!而超级用户是 true!
/* Return data from examine_variable and friends */
typedef struct VariableStatData
Node *var; /* the Var or expression tree */
RelOptInfo *rel; /* Relation, or NULL if not identifiable */
HeapTuple statsTuple; /* pg_statistic tuple, or NULL if none */
/* NB: if statsTuple!=NULL, it must be freed when caller is done */
void (*freefunc) (HeapTuple tuple); /* how to free statsTuple */
Oid vartype; /* exposed type of expression */
Oid atttype; /* actual type (after stripping relabel) */
int32 atttypmod; /* actual typmod (after stripping relabel) */
bool isunique; /* matches unique index or DISTINCT clause */
bool acl_ok; /* result of ACL check on table or column */
} VariableStatData;
可以很清晰的看到,pages = 335017,tuples = 4912245,没错,正是6月子分区这个表!
postgres=# select reltuples,relpages from pg_class where relname = 'xxx';
-[ RECORD 1 ]----
reltuples | 4.91224e+06
relpages | 335017
于是我手动使用set将 vardata ->acl_ok设为true之后,再去打印执行计划,这次执行计划就变成正确的了。
那让我们手动授予权限试一下,grant select on 子表名 to 业务用户。