
打卡 D-6

2017-08-21 21天优秀习惯养成 打卡小站

#2017/08/21 每日一句


先科普一下MOOC(massive open online course)



apoptosis 凋亡

putative 假定,假设

phylogenetic 进化

hematopoietic 造血

mollusk 软体动物

fetal 胎

mussel 蚌

homolog 同源

gill 鳃

homodimers 同源二聚体

dilute 稀释

hydrothermal 热液

algorithm 算法

resampling 重采样

bootstrap 引导

assay 化验

Petri 培养皿

lysis 裂解

lysate 裂解液

rinse 冲洗

visualize 想象

retrieve 取回

confocal 共聚焦


65. "People have been so encouraged by society to focus on apparent differences that they fail to seem eaningful similarities among ideas, individuals, and groups."



People in different cultural environmentswould respond differently to this statement.

1.       On the one hand, western cultures tend to focus on differences among ideas, individuals and groups.

2.       The danger of traditional societies, on the other hand, is to ignore differences forcing individuals and groups to conform to one authority.

3.       A healthy attitude is to be sensitive to both differences and similarities.

统一和差异  个人觉得还不错吧,也没有差那么多?


 70. "In any profession--business, politics, education, government--those in power should step down after five years. The surest path to success for any enterprise is revitalization through new leadership."




Limiting the term of leadershipis an effective way to prevent corruption and lack of initiatives.

1.       When leaders have no fear of losing their power, they tend to abuse their power.滥用职权

2.       A new leadership usually hasgreater initiative and would bring in new ideas.新官上任三把火

3.       However, in certain realms such as business it might not be so necessary to limit the term of leadership.具体问题具体分析,比如说这个商业里面可能掌权很久,就是谁有能力谁上位

4.       Furthermore, new leaders often lack the necessary skill and experience to cope with existing problems; therefore,they need a period of time for adaptation.新手的缺点,缺乏经验



72. "One can bestunderstand the most important characteristics of a society by studying itsmajor cities."




It is no longer true the major cities are characteristic of a society.

1.       Major cities used to be the cultural centers of a society.文化中心

2.       Nowadays, however, due to the influence of globalization, major cities throughout the world look more or lessthe same.因为全球化,主要城市变得很相似,缺乏了个性

3.       By contrast, the rural areas ofa society maintain more of its cultural tradition.文化传统可能更倾向于存在小城市或者乡村里面



76. "Truly profoundthinkers and highly creative artists are always out of step with their time andtheir society."




To be more exact, great thinkers and artists are generally out of step with their time and society.

1.       Many great artists remained obscure all their lives.

2.       There are countless examples of original thinkers who were either ignored or misunderstood by their time andtheir society.

3.       However, there are cases of greater thinkers or artists who were recognized and rocketed to instant fame in their own time and their own society.




77. "People today are too individualistic. Instead of pursuing self-centered, separate goals, people need to understand that satisfaction comes from working for the greater good of the family, the community, or society as a whole."




Extreme individualism has become a serious threat to the social fabric and the welfare of all members ofsociety.

1.       Some people may claim that thegreater good of the family, the community or society lies in the good of theindividual, which justifies the pursuit of self-interests.

2.       The problem dauntingcontemporary society is that egoism as run wild.

3.       Today there is every need forthe society to encourage individuals to work for the interests of others.



89. "Leaders are createdprimarily by the demands that are placed upon them."




Generally speaking, leaders arethe results of a combination of internal qualities and external conditions.

1.       The demands place upon a personcould challenge him or her to become a leader.

2.       However, the statement seems tosuggest that anybody can become a leader if demands are placed on him or her,which is unwarranted.

3.       Besides opportunities, one alsoneed to have certain qualities to make a leader.



93. "The concept of'individual responsibility' is a necessary fiction. Although societies musthold individuals accountable for their own actions, people's behavior islargely determined by forces not of their own making."



1.       The claim that individualresponsibility is a necessary fictions has some merit in that a society whereindividuals are not held accountable for their actions and choices is a lawlessone, devoid of any order whatsoever.

2.       A correlative argument forindividual responsibility involves the fact that lawless, or anarchist, statesgive way to despotic rule by strong individuals who seize power.

3.       As for the speaker’s secondclaim, it flies in the face of our everyday experiences in making choices anddecisions.




113. "It is primarilythrough our identification with social groups that we define ourselves."




I strongly agree that we defineourselves primarily through our identification with social groups, as thespeaker asserts.


1.       Any developmental psychologistwould agree that socialization with other children plays a critical role in anychild’s understanding and psychological development of self.

2.       As children progress to thesocial world of the playground and other after-school venues, their earlierrecognition that they relate more closely to some people than to others evolvesinto a desire to form well-defined social groups, and to set these groups apartfrom others.

3.       However, as young adults takeon the responsibilities of partnering, parenting, and working, they appear todefine themselves less by their social affiliations and more by their maritalstatus, parental status, and occupation.


120. "So much is new andcomplex today that looking back for an understanding of the past provideslittle guidance for living in the present."



Even though history offers fewfoolproof panaceas for living today, the author’s claim that today’s world isso unique that the past is irrelevant is too radical.


1.       Admittedly, history has helpedus learn the appropriateness of addressing certain social issues, particularlymoral ones, on a societal level.

2.       However, the only firm lessonfrom history about social ills is that they are here to stay.




126. "Society's externalrewards are no measure of true success. True success can be measured only inrelation to the goals one sets for oneself."




Success should be gauged on apersonal base.

1.       Society’s external rewards canonly be regarded as society’s recognition of one’s contribution to society.

2.       For an individual person, acorrect attitude is to gauge success in relation to the goals one sets foroneself.

3.       Overemphasizing the socialcriterion of success tends to belittle the worth of an individual.





133. "The problems ofmodern society have led many people to complain: 'We live in terrible times.'Yet, given the choice, no one today would prefer to live in any othertime."




We live in the best time ofhistory.

1.       Firstly, our living conditionstoday are superior to those of any past generations.

2.       Secondly, technologies havemade it possible for men to work under much more comfortable working conditionstoday than before.

3.       Most of the problems troublingus today have been troubling human beings for a long time.





140. "What society hasthought to be its greatest social, political, and individual achievements haveoften resulted in the greatest discontent."



Agree with concession:

1.       With respect to individualachievements, great achievers are by nature ambitious people and therefore tendto be dissatisfied and discontent with their accomplishments—no matter howgreat.

2.       Individual achievements canoften result in discontent on a societal level.

3.       Turning from individualachievements to societal, including political, achievements, the extent towhich great achievement have caused discontent often depends on one’sperspective.





142. "The well-being of asociety is enhanced when many of its people question authority."



Agree with concession:

1.       Admittedly, when many peoplequestion authority, some societal harm might result, even if a social cause isworthy.

2.       While violence is rarelyjustifiable as a means of questioning authority, peaceful challenges topolitical and legal authority, by many people, are not only justifiable butactually necessary when it comes to enhancing and even preserving society’swell-being.

3.       Questioning authority is alsoessential for advances in the sciences.

4.       Similarly, in the arts, peoplemust challenge established styles and forms rather than imitate them;otherwise, no genuinely new art would ever emerge, and society would be worseoff.





149. "The most practicaland effective way to protect wilderness areas is to attract more tourists tothese areas through environmentally sensitive projects."






1.       Tourists swarming to visit theenvironmentally sensitive projects may pose a serious threat to the wildnessareas.

2.       The most practical andeffective way to protect wilderness areas is to leave those places to take careof themselves.




152. "The onlyresponsibility of corporate executives, provided they stay within the law, isto make as much money as possible for their companies."




In several respects thisposition has considerable merit; yet it ignores certain compelling argumentsfor imposing on businesses additional obligations to the society in which theyoperate.

1.       On the one hand are convincingarguments that profit maximization within the bounds of the law should be abusiness executive’s sole responsibility. First, imposing on businessesadditional duties to society in which they operate can, paradoxically, harmthat society.

2.       Secondly, by affirming thatprofit maximization within legal bounds is the most ethical behavior possiblefor business, more private enterprises and individuals will be encouraged enterthe marketplace in the quest of profits.

3.       On the other hand arecompelling arguments for holding business executives to certainresponsibilities in addition to profit maximization and to compliance with theletter of law.


-160. "The most essentialquality of an effective leader is the ability to remain consistently committedto particular principles and objectives. Any leader who is quickly and easilyinfluenced by shifts in popular opinion will accomplish little."




In addressing the issue it ishelpful to consider, in turn, three distinct forms of leadership: business,political and social-spiritual.


1.       In the business realm,effective leadership is generally defined, at least in our corporate culture,as that which achieves the goal of profit maximization for a firm’sshareholders or other owners.

2.       In the political realm,stubborn adherence to one’s objective in the short term might serve a politicalleader’s interest in preserving his or her power, yet in the long term suchbehavior invariably results in that leader’s downfall.

3.       Socio-spiritual leadership, inorder to be effective, inherently requires that the leader remain steadfastlycommitted to principle.



