


    1. I’ve got a             (牙痛).

    2. My           (生日)is on October 12th.

    3. I want to write a          (信)to my friend.

    4. Tom           (拜访)his grandparents last weekend.

    5. Amy went to the          (海滩)with my friends. 


    (   ) 1. —What do you do on Tree Planting Day?

    —We often         .

    A. buy flowers    B. plant trees   C. eat dumplings

    (   ) 2.—        ?

    —I’ve got a stomachache.

    A. What’s wrong?    

    B. What are you     

    C. How are you

    (   ) 3.          is on June 1st. 

    A. Children’s Day    B. New Year’s Day   C. National Day

    (   ) 4. I’d like to buy a gift for my       on Teachers’ Day.

    A. mother  B. father  C. teacher

    (   ) 5. Fruit and vegetables are all          for us. 

    A. good    B. health  C. bad

    (   ) 6. —         was your vacation?

    —It was great.

    A. When    B. What     C. How

    (   ) 7. I          in the sea last weekend. 

    A. swam    B. swim  C. swimming

    (   ) 8. I learned to talk when I was two          old.

    A. grades     B. years     C. year

    (   ) 9. I’m hungry. I want to eat some         . 

    A. bread    B.milk  C. tea

    (   ) 10. We often say“          !”on New Year’s Day.

    A. Happy birthday B. Happy New Year C. Happy Christmas



    1. John went to the park last weekend. (对划线部分提问)


    2. Lily went to          (幼儿园)when she was four . (根据汉语意思填空)

    3. She washed clothes last Sunday.(对划线部分提问)


    4. We should eat too much candy. (改为否定句)


    5. He jumped rope last weekend. (改为一般疑问句)



    A: Hello, Andy. 1.                

    B: I’ve got a headache.

    A: 2.                

    B: I watched TV and played computers at home.

    A: 3.                

    B: OK. Thank you!

    A: 4.                

    B: When I was ten. 5.                

    A: I learned to use a computer when I was eight.


         Last weekend is National Day. In the morning, I visited the Great Wall with my brother Tom. We took beautiful photos there. We ate ice cream and drank cold drinks. In the afternoon, we made a video call with our grandparents. In the evening, I had a stomachache. I shouldn’t eat too much ice cream in the morning.

    1. What’s the date today?


    2. Where did Tom go in the morning?


    3. What did Tom eat?


    4. Did Tom drink green tea?


    5. When did Tom make a video call?



    假如你是汤姆(Tom),你出生于二零一零年五月一日,请结合下面的图片和文字提示, 描写自己的成长故事。时态以一般过去时为主。参考句型:I learned to...when I was + 基数词 + months/years old.


    1. 语句通顺,意思连贯;

    2. 书写规范;

    3. 不少于6句话。






    一、1. toothache  2. birthday  3. letter  4. visited  5. beach

    二、1-5 BAACA    6-10 CABAB

    三、1-5 FTTTT

    四、1. When did John go to the park?

    2. kindergarten

    3. What did she do last weekend?

    4. We shouldn’t eat too much candy.

    5. Did he jump rope last weekend?

    五、1-5 ECABD

    六、1. It’s October 1st.

    2. To the Great Wall.

    3. Ice cream.

    4. No, he didn’t.

    5. In the afternoon.

    七、My name is Tom. I was born on May 1st , 2010. I learned to sit when I was six months old. I learned to climb when I was nine months old. I learned to walk when I was one year old. I learned to eat rice when I was two years old. I learned to write when I was three years old. I went to kindergarten when I was four years old.

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    标签:复习巩固  人教版新起点(下册)五年级期末练习及答案

