


    1. We borrow books from the             (图书馆).

    2. I want to buy a toy           (飞机).

    3. My brother doesn’t like to do          (家务).

    4. How do you           (感觉)today?

    5. Hello, Tom! This is my          (堂姐). 

    6. The girls are running on the             (操场).


    1. meeting room              2. music club              

    3. pick flowers              4. make noise              

    5. dragon fruit              6. play baseball              


    (   ) 1. —        ?

    —I have a fever and a headache.

    A. What’s wrong with you    

    B. How old are you   

    C. Are you OK

    (   ) 2.—        ?

    —Yes. I want a toy train.

    A. What’s wrong?    

    B. Can I help you     

    C. How are you

    (   ) 3.         . This is our meeting room.

    A. This way, please    B. Come on   C. Come here

    (   ) 4. You mustn’t cross the street when the light is      .

    A. yellow  B. green  C. red

    (   ) 5. He is          at the picture. 

    A. looking    B. look  C. looks



    1. Do you often come to the library? (肯定回答)


    2. Lily is doing the          (跳远). (根据汉语意思填空)

    3. It’s fifteen yuan.(对划线部分提问)


    4. You should make noise. (改为否定句)


    5. She is cleaning her room.(改为一般疑问句)



    A: Hello! This is Amy speaking.

    B: Hi, Amy. 


    A: What are you doing, Bob?



    What about you?

    A: I’m cleaning my room.



    A: He is taking some medicine in the living room.



    A: He has a bad cough.


    1. 例:This is our language lab. (science labs)


    2. 例:Can I have a toy ship? (he, toy boat)


    3. 例:Don’t get up late. (watch TV too often)


    4. 例:I have a bad cold. (she, have a fever)


    5. 例:She is singing a song. (I, tell a story)



         Welcome to our class. My name is Linda. I’m ten years old. There are fifty desks and fifty chairs in our classroom. There are thirty boys and twenty girls in our class. We have six lessons at school. They are Chinese, English, Maths, Art, Music and PE. What are we doing now? Look! Our teacher Miss Gao is telling an English story for us. And I’m reading an English book.

    1. How old is Linda?


    2. How many chairs are there?


    3. Does Linda have a science lesson?


    4. What’s Miss Gao doing now?


    5. Is Linda telling an English story?



    一、1. library  2. plane  3. housework  

    4. feel  5. cousin    6. playground

    二、1. 会议室  2. 音乐俱乐部  3. 摘花  

    4. 喧闹;制造噪音  5. 火龙果    6. 打棒球

    三、1-5 ABACA

    四、1-5 FTFTF

    五、1. Yes, we/I do.

    2. long jump

    3. How much is it?

    4. You shouldn’t make noise.

    5. Is she cleaning her room?

    六、1-4 BCAD

    七、1. These are our science labs.

    2. Can he have a toy boat?

    3. Don’t watch TV too often.

    4. She has a fever.

    5. I’m telling a story.

    八、1. Linda is ten years old.

    2. Fifty. /There are fifty chairs.

    3. No, she doesn’t.

    4. She is telling an English story.

    5. No, she isn’t.

    声明 本文由小学英语(ID:xscyy100)内容团队创作。转载时请事先联系协商授权。

    标签:复习巩固  人教精通版(下册)五年级期末练习及答案

