


    1. do--(   )       2. have--(   )    3. shop--(   )

    4. like--(   )      5. walk--(   )    6. buy--(   )

    7. go--(   )       8. see--(   )      9. eat--(   )

    10. is--(   )      11. are--(   )     12. hurt--(   )  


    (    )1. run    jump       (    )2. up   down

    (    )3. baby     cry      (    )4. woman   man 

    (    )5. tired    stopped   (    )6. for   with

    (    )7. right  use         (    )8. kind    fine

    (    )9. us  me           (    )10. tea    see  



    (   ) 1. —Are you singing?

    —No,         .

    A. I’m not   B. I isn’t   C. I aren’t

    (   ) 2.—         is the woman doing now?

    —She’s reading the newspaper.

    A. What    B. Where     C. How

    (   ) 3. Li Ming arrive in Beijing          1:17 in the afternoon. 

    A. on    B. at   C. in

    (   ) 4. —         is this postcard?

    —It’s two yuan.

    A. How long   B. How many   C. How much

    (   ) 5. Jenny          to buy a gift for her mother yesterday. 

    A. wanted    B. want  C. wants


    Andy: Hello, Tom. You are back. I missed you!

    Tom: Hi, Andy. I missed you, too.

    Andy: Did you have a nice trip?

    Tom: Yes. I visited the Great Wall.

    Andy: How old is the Great Wall?

    Tom: It’s about 2000 years old.

    Andy: How long is it?

    Tom: About 6000 kilometres. How was your trip?

    Andy: It was bad.  

    Tom: What happened?

    Andy: I went for a bike ride with my brother. I hurt my left foot.

    Tom: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.

    1. Did Tom have a nice trip?


    2. How old is the Great Wall?


    3. How long is the Great Wall?


    4. How was Andy’s trip?


    5. Who hurt the left foot?



    你是Lanlan,你的美国朋友Amy 给你写了一封电子邮件,信中她询问了你一些问题。 请根据以下的来信和图片提示, 给Amy 写一份回信。

    要求:语句通顺,意思连贯, 不少于五句话。

    (1)An email from Amy







    一、1. did  2. had  3. shopped 4. liked  5. walked  6. bought

    7. went  8. saw  9. ate  10. was  11. were  12. hurt

    二、1-5 TTFTF   6-10 TFTTF

    三、1-5 ABAAC

    四、1-5 AABCA

    五、1. Yes, he did.  2. It’s about 2000 years old. 3. About 6000 kilometres. 4. It was bad.  5. Andy.

    六、Dear Amy,

    I’m in Beijing. It’s hot and sunny in Beijing. The sky is blue. There is no rain. Last Sunday, I went to the Palace Museum with my my parents. We had a great day.

    声明 本文由小学英语(ID:xscyy100)内容团队创作。转载时请事先联系协商授权。

    标签:复习巩固  冀教版(下册)五年级期末练习及答案

