

2017-06-26 dfd6654 sxn654乂sxn538

“To what committee has the note been referred?” asked Prince Andrey.

“To the Committee on Army Regulations, and I have proposed your honour being enrolled among its members. Only without salary.”

Prince Andrey smiled.

“I am not seeking a salary.”

“A member without salary,” repeated Araktcheev. “I wish you good day. Hey! call! who's the next?” he shouted, as he bowed to Prince Andrey.

一八○九年八月,安德烈公爵已抵达彼得堡。时值年轻的斯佩兰斯基①的声誉已臻达顶峰,他正如火如荼地实行社会变革。就在八月份,国王乘坐四轮马车时翻车,跌伤一条腿,他在彼得霍夫市停留三周,这期间国王每天只与斯佩兰斯基一人会面。这时候不仅正在准备拟订两道如此著名而且惊动社会的命令——取消宫廷官衔、八等文官和五等文官举行考试的命令,除此之外,还准备拟订一整套国家宪法,这部宪法中规定,自乡政府直至国务院必须改变现有的俄国司法、行政和财政制度。亚历山大皇帝即位时怀抱的不明确的自由主义理想刻正付诸实现,他渴望凭藉如下的助手以实现这些理想:恰托里日斯基、诺沃西利采夫、科丘别伊和斯特罗加诺夫,他将这些人诙谐地称为comitédu salut pulique②。 



























Book 6 Chapter 5

WHILE AWAITING THE ANNOUNCEMENT of his name having been put on the committee, Prince Andrey looked up old acquaintances, especially among those persons whom he knew to be in power, and so able to be of use to him. He experienced now in Petersburg a sensation akin to what he had known on the eve of a battle, when he was fretted by restless curiosity and irresistibly attracted to those higher spheres, where the future was in preparation, that future on which hung the fate of millions. From the angry irritability of the elder generation, from the curiosity of the uninitiated and the reserve of the initiated, from the hurry and anxious absorption of every one, from the multiplicity of committees and commissions—he was learning of new ones every day—he felt that now, in the year 1809, there was in preparation here in Petersburg some vast political contest, and the commander-in-chief in it was a mysterious personage whom he did not know, but imagined to be a man of genius—Speransky.

And this movement of reform, of which he knew vaguely, and Speransky, the moving spirit of it, began to interest him so keenly that his proposed reform of the army regulations very soon fell into a subordinate position in his mind.

Prince Andrey happened to be most favourably placed for obtaining a good reception in the highest and most various circles of the Petersburg society of that day. The reforming party welcomed him warmly, and sought him out, in the first place, because he had the reputation of being clever and very well read, and secondly because he had already gained the reputation of being a liberal by the emancipation of his serfs. The party of the dissatisfied older generation welcomed him simply as the son of his father, and reckoned upon his sympathy in their disapproval of the reforms. The feminine world, society, received him cordially because he was a wealthy match of high rank, and a person almost new, encircled by a halo of romance from his narrow escape from death and the tragic loss of his young wife. Moreover the general verdict of all who had known him previously was that he had greatly changed for the better during the last five years, had grown softer and more manly, that he had lost his old affectation, pride, and sarcastic irony, and had gained the serenity that comes with years. People talked of him, were interested in him, and eager to see him

The day after his interview with Count Araktcheev, Prince Andrey was at a soirée at Count Kotchubey's. He described to the latter his interview with Sila Andreitch. (This was the name by which Kotchubey spoke of Araktcheev with that vague note of jeering in his voice which Prince Andrey had noticed in the anteroom of the minister of war.)

“Mon cher, even in this affair you can't do without Mihail Mihalovitch. He has a hand in everything. I'll speak to him. He promised to come in the evening…”

“But what has Speransky to do with the army regulations?” asked Prince Andrey.







