“炊烟袅袅”常被用于形容悠然闲适的乡野风光,然而“烟”有时往往也意味着室内空气污染的产生。室内空气污染主要产生于固体燃料(煤炭,草木或动物粪便等)的不完全燃烧,曾经被世界卫生组织(The World Health Organization, WHO)称为世界上最严重的单因素环境污染健康风险。然而在我国,目前仍然有一半的农村人口依赖于固体燃料进行日常的烹饪、取暖等活动。
近日,清华大学万科公共卫生与健康学院副教授纪思翰(John S. Ji)教授及其团队与四川省疾病预防控制中心在《国际流行病学杂志》(International Journal of Epidemiology)合作发表文章“固体燃料使用、社会经济因素和心血管疾病及全因死亡率:基于中国四川农村地区的前瞻性研究”(Solid fuel use, social-economic indicators, and risk of cardiovascular diseases and all-cause mortality: a prospective cohort study ina rural area of Sichuan, China)。
Estimates indicate that household air pollution caused by solid fuel burning accounted for about 1.03 million premature mortalities in China in 2016. In the country’s rural areas, more than half the population still relies on biomass fuels and coals for cooking and heating. Understanding the health impact of indoor air pollution and socioeconomic indicators is essential for the country to improve its developmental targets.We aimed to described emographic and socio-economic characteristics associated with solid fuel users in a rural area in China. We also estimated the risk of cardiovascular diseaseand all-cause mortality in association with solid fuel use and described the relationship between solid fuel use, socioeconomic status, and mortality. We also measured the risk of long-term use and the effect of ameliorative action on mortality caused by cardiovascular disease and other causes.We used the China Kadoorie Biobank (CKB) site in Pengzhou, Sichuan, China. We followed a cohort of 55 687 people from 2004-2013. We calculated the mean and standard deviation among subgroups classified by fuel use types: gas, coal, wood, and electricity(central heating additionally for heating). We tested the mediation effect using the stepwise method and Sobel-test. We used Cox proportional models to estimate the risk of incidences of cardiovascular disease and mortality with survival days as the time scale, adjusted for age, gender, socioeconomic status, physical measurements, lifestyle, stove ventilation, and fuel type used for the other purpose. The survival days were defined as the follow-up days from the baseline survey till the date of death, or 31 December 2013 if right-censored. We also calculated the absolute mortality rate difference (ARD) between the exposure group and the reference group.The study population had anaverage age of 51.0, and 61.8% of the individuals were female. 64.8% participants (n=35543) cooked regularly and 25.4% participants (n=13921) needed winter heating. With clean fuel users as the reference group, participant households that used solid fuel for cooking or heating both had a higher riskof all-cause mortality (hazard ratio [HR] for: Cooking, 1.11 [95% CI,1.01-1.26]; Heating, 1.34 [95% CI, 1.16-1.54]). Solid fuel used for winter heating was associated with a higher risk of mortality caused by cerebrovascular disease (HR: 1.64 [95% CI, 1.12-2.40]), stroke (HR: 1.70 [95%CI, 1.13-2.56]), and cardiovascular disease (HR: 1.49 [95% CI, 1.10-2.02]). Low income and poor education level had a significant correlation with solid fuelused for cooking (odds ratio [OR] for Income, 2.27 [95% CI, 2.14-2.41];Education, 2.34 [95% CI, 2.18-2.53]) and heating (OR for Income, 2.69 [95% CI,2.46-2.97]; Education, 2.05 [95% CI, 1.88-2.26]), which may be potential mediators bridging the effect of socioeconomic status factors on cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality. Solid fuel used for cooking and heating accounted for 42.4% and 81.1% of the effect of poor education and 55.2% and 76.0% of the effect of low income on all-cause mortality respectively. The risk of all-cause mortality could be ameliorated by stopping regularly cooking and heating using solid fuel or switching from solid fuel to clean fuels (HR forCooking, 0.90 [95% CI, 0.84-0.96]; Heating: 0.76 [95% CI, 0.64-0.92]).Our study reinforces the evidence of an association between solid fuel use and risk of cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality. We also assessed the effect of socioeconomic status as the potential mediator on mortality. As solid fuel use was a major contributor in the effect of socioeconomic status on cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality, policies to improve access to clean fuels could reduce morbidity and mortality related to poor education and low income.Keywords: Cardiovascular Disease, Biomass Fuel, Mediation Analysis, Social Economic Indicator
John S. Ji 纪思翰
■ 清华万科卫健学院副教授
■ 研究方向:环境流行病学,神经流行病学,老龄化,长寿,环境基因交互,植被,空气污染,重金属,气候变化