

世界卫生健康论坛 清华大学万科公共卫生与健康学院 2022-11-27


世界卫生健康论坛(World Health Forum)将于2021年11月20日-21日在清华大学举行。本次论坛将设置“建设有韧性的公共卫生体系:青年力量”分论坛。我们力求为青年学者们提供一个高水平的科研交流平台,培养全球卫生健康领域的领军人才。为此,我们面向全球青年学者征集主题论文摘要,并由论坛学术专家组遴选优秀文章,邀请作者参会分享。欢迎全球青年学者踊跃投稿,大家同心携手书写全球卫生健康新篇章。

Our world is changing rapidly and facing various health challenges. The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed the vulnerabilities of the current social, political, economic, and health systems. Meanwhile, non-communicable diseases, aging, and other health issues are increasing in severity and complexity. To respond to the global public health challenges and promote communication among young scholars, a Youth Forum will be organized during the World Health Forum which will be held on 20-21 November, 2021. The theme of the Youth Forum is Building a Resilient Public Health System: Youth Power. It aims to provide a high-level communication platform for emerging global scholars who are in an early-career stage, and to cultivate young public health leaders. We cordially invite emerging global scholars to submit research abstracts with a view to join the Youth Forum.


Abstract Topics


  • 联合国可持续发展目标(SDGs)

  • 全民健康覆盖(UHC)

  • 环境健康

  • 生活方式与健康行为

  • 心理健康

  • 卫生保健

  • 青年领导力

  • 大数据

  • 新技术

Candidates can submit abstracts for oral presentation at the event to Youth Forum organization team. The abstract can be a summary of full articles or scientific reports of original research in topics as follows:

  • SDGs

  • UHC

  • Environmental health

  • Lifestyle and health behaviors

  • Mental health

  • Health care

  • Youth leadership

  • Big data

  • New technology


Abstract Structure


  • 背景:用2-3句话描述研究的背景、目的;

  • 方法:需说明研究的设计思路、研究现场和目标人群的选择、如何招募受试者、抽样方法、因变量和自变量的选择和数据分析方法;

  • 结果:总结研究的重要发现;

  • 结论:用1-2句话总结研究的结论和意义,请注意不要过度解释研究结果。

The abstract should not exceed 350 words, accompanied by a maximum of 5 keywords. The structure of the abstract is suggested as follows:

  • Background: 2-3 sentences about the contextual background and objectives for conducting the study;

  • Methodology: a description of the study design, study site, target population, participants recruitment, sampling technique, dependent and independent variables, measurements, and data analysis;

  • Results: a summary of the important findings of the study;

  • Conclusion: 1-2 sentences about the conclusions and implications of the study. Pay attention not to overinterpret the results of the study


Submission Rules


  • 所有作者的姓名全称和所在学校或单位;

  • 通讯作者的联系方式;

  • 研究资金来源和可能的利益冲突声明。

  • 来稿可以Word文档格式(.doc)或PDF文档格式(.PDF)提交。提交摘要的电子邮件地址为whf@tsinghua.edu.cn。请将电子邮件标题的格式设置为“世界卫生论坛会议论文摘要+您的全名+您的所在学校(或单位)名称”。


The authorship should be included under the title of the abstract with the following important information:

  •  Full names and affiliations of all the authors;

  •  Contact information of the corresponding author;

  • A statement of funding source and the possible conflict(s) of interests.

  • The abstract can be submitted in Word document format (.doc) or PDF document format (.pdf). The email address for abstract submission is whf@tsinghua.edu.cn. Please format the title of the email as “Abstract for the World Health Forum (your full name)(name of your institution)”.

Closing date:2021.10.31


Eligibility Criteria



Candidates should be no more than 40 years old and with a master or higher degree. After the review of abstracts by the academic group of the conference, we will invite 6 young scholars to Beijing for offline oral presentation on 20 November 2021. A travel scholarship will be provided. Those who cannot be physically present at the forum can provide the presentation online. At the end of the forum, the presenters will be awarded the Excellent Youth Award of the World Health Forum. Young scholars are an indispensable force in the development of health undertakings. We look forward to the sparks by the collision among new thoughts in this forum.

For more WHF information, please contact  whf@tsinghua.edu.cn

