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2019年2月19日,离米兰时装周只有两天,21世纪最具影响力的时尚风向标、法国设计界的头面人物、香奈儿首席时装设计师卡尔·拉格菲尔德(Karl Lagerfeld)因胰腺癌在巴黎病逝,享年85岁。

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拉格菲尔德出生于德国汉堡,是一位富有商人的儿子。他从小就对服饰感兴趣,四岁时向父母要的生日礼物竟然是一个衣帽挂熨架!年幼时经常陪妈妈看迪奥时装秀,因此爱上时装这个行当。在圣安妮学校接受教育之后,随家人移居法国,拉格菲尔德在Lycée Montaigne完成学业,主攻绘画和历史学。

1955年,初出茅庐的拉格菲尔德在国际羊毛局赞助的时装设计竞赛中脱颖而出,获得外套类大奖,从此正式步入时尚界。从Pierre Balmain的助手开始,到参与设计十个高级时装系列。于1964年开始,为法国名牌Chloé设计系列时装。之后他开始与Fendi合作,创作了Fendi的成衣系列。1982年,被香奈儿董事长阿兰·韦特海默(Alain Wertheimer)聘为首席设计师。两年后创立了以自己名字命名的时装系列,Karl Lagerfeld,并在2005年将该品牌卖给了Tommy Hilfiger集团。





"What I do Coco would have hated. The label has an image and it's up to me to update it. I do what she never did. I had to find my mark. I had to go from what Chanel was to what it should be, could be, what it had been to something else."




"Why should I stop working? If I do, I'll die and it'll all be finished. I'm lucky to work in the most perfect of conditions. I can do what I want in all kinds of areas. The expenses are not expenses. I would be stupid to stop that. Work is making a living out of being bored."



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"I am like a caricature of myself, and I like that. It is like a mask. And for me the Carnival of Venice lasts all year long."



"They're my burka... I'm a little shortsighted, and people, when they're shortsighted, they remove their glasses and then they look like cute little dogs who want to be adopted."


“当我厌倦了时尚的长卷发——因为我的头发是天然卷——我开始系上[马尾辫]。那是在1976年。所以这意味着我已经系了35或36年的马尾辫! 这是最简单的发型。我不是很喜欢弄发型。不喜欢发胶和所有美发产品。不过这种白色很完美,因为我的头发根本没那么雪白。”

"When I was tired of the fashion for long, curly hair-because my hair was curly-I started to attach [the ponytail]. It was in 1976. So that means that I have had the ponytail for 35 or 36 years! Not bad, no? It's the easiest hairdo. I'm not very gifted for hairdos. I don't like gel and all those products. It's perfect with this white powder, because my hair is not that white at all."



"When I was 14, I wanted to smoke because my mother smoked like mad. I wanted to smoke to look grown-up. But my mother said: 'You shouldn't smoke. Your hands are not that beautiful and that shows when you smoke.'"




"I think tattoos are horrible. It's like living in a Pucci dress full-time. If you're young and tight, maybe it's OK, but…"

人在花丛过,片叶不沾身。虽然常年被美女模特包围,他一生未婚。1997年 ,他这样形容自己的日常生活:


"I live in a set, with the curtains of the stage closed with no audience - but who cares?"

Google Sites



"I'm very impeccable and clean before I go to bed. It's just like right before I'm going out. When I was a child, my mother always told me that you could wake up in the middle of the night and be deathly sick, so you always have to be impeccable. I laugh about it now, but I think everyone should go to bed like they have a date at the door."




"Vanity is the healthiest thing in life."

为了穿上自己喜欢的、Hedi Slimane专为苗条人设计的迪奥西装,他减肥成功:

“好吧,来自迪奥的Hedi Slimane的这个新的时装系列,只有苗条的人才穿得进。它似手在说:'你想穿这个吗?瘦到只剩骨头。' 所以我决定减肥。一把减掉了88磅,并且没有回弹。“

"Well, there came this new line from Hedi Slimane at Dior that you needed to be slim to wear. It said: 'You want this? Go back to your bones.' And so I lost it all. I lost 88 pounds and never got them back."



"I made a diet and my doctor made money that way. We sold nearly a million copies. I never touch sugar, cheese, bread... It was a very good, healthy thing, the best move in my life, I think, but it's totally effortless. I only like what I'm allowed to like. I'm beyond temptation. There is no weakness. When I see tons of food in the studio, for us and for everybody, for me it's as if this stuff was made out of plastic. The idea doesn't even enter my mind that a human being could put that into their mouth. I'm like the animals in the forest. They don't touch what they cannot eat."



"Chic is a kind of mayonnaise, either it tastes, or it doesn't."


“如果你把钱扔出窗外,就要高高兴兴地扔。不要说:'不应该这样做' ——这是平庸之人。”

"If you throw money out of the window throw it out with joy. Don’t say: 'one shouldn’t do that' - that is bourgeois."



"They grow so fast, and having adult children makes you look 100 years old. I don’t want that."



"If I were interested in children, I would be a godfather."



"I was very much like a grown-up. I have photos of me as a child wearing a tie, and it's the same as I am today."


“我有点喜欢帽子,但是当我还是个八岁左右的孩子时,我会戴上蒂罗尔的帽子,而我的母亲对我说:'你不应该戴帽子。这让你看起来像个老人。' 你会对孩子这么说吗?她很好笑,对吧?“

"I love hats, in a way, but when I was a child, I'd wear Tyrolean hats, and my mother - I was something like eight - said to me: 'You shouldn't wear hats. You look like an old dyke.' Do you say such things to children? She was quite funny, no?"



"You cannot fight against it. There's a price you have to pay for fame, and people who don't want to pay that price can get in trouble. I accepted the idea of celebrity because of a French expression: 'You cannot have the butter and the money for the butter.'"



"Be politically correct, but please don't bother other people with conversation about being politically correct, because that's the end of everything. You want to create boredom? Be politically correct in your conversation."



"It is farmers who are nice to the cows and the pigs and then kill them. It's even more hypocritical than hunters. At least the hunters don't flatter the animals. I don't like that people butcher animals, but I don't like them to butcher humans either, which is apparently very popular in the world."



"That's exactly what I am. As a child I wanted to be a grown-up. I wanted to know everything - not that I like to talk about it. I hate intellectual conversation with intellectuals because I only care about my opinion."



"I will not talk about that. I like to read biographies, history, philosophical things like this. But it’s for my private use, and not for making people say, Oh, how clever this stupid man is. I don’t make intellectual conversation. I’m very superficial. I’m just a fashion designer. Fashion designers look at fashion magazines, right?"




"Please don't say I work hard. Nobody is forced to do this job and if they don't like it, they should do another one. If it's too much, do something else. But don't start doing it and then say, 'Aaaah, it's too much'. Because a lot of people depend on it. What we do at Chanel, thousands of people work on these things; these things are sold in hundreds and hundreds of shops all over the world. People like the big machine, and the money the big machine involves, but the effort... Then, suddenly, they become artists. They are too weak. Too fragile. Non. We have to be tough. We cannot talk about our suffering. People buy dresses to be happy, not to hear about somebody who suffered over a piece of taffeta. Me, I like to make an effort. I like nothing better than concrete reality. I'm a very down-to-earth person, but it is my job to make that earth more pleasant."









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