
The Bro Code for a Cocktail Party: 7 Quick Tips

Nathan Williams DNC Podcast 2020-10-30

The Bro Code for a Cocktail Party: 

7 Quick Tips

Friends, countrymen, brothers from other mothers, dudes, compadres, the guys I know as “mate” because I’m too far into the friendship to ask their name... lend me your ears! Well, eyes actually since this is a blog. Read these words: Boobs. Now that I have your attention, let me peak your interest. 

If you have an upcoming evening party (like the Date Night China Fall in Love Formal), you have an an awesome excuse to be a badass gentleman for an evening, look fly as f*ck, AND meet some funny, sexy, smart and interesting people. 

China is a brilliant fusion of people and cultures, and your experience and how you arrived here is your story to tell. This techically makes you an international man of mystery! Congratulations for being so sophisticated. 

But alas, you may not be familiar with how to be sophisticated because a lot of social gatherings are pretty relaxed and you're often chilling with your friends. It's hard to be classy when tequilla shots are 10 kuai each. Opportunities to get suited and booted should be celebrated! Call forth your inner James Bond and embrace the cultural delights that modern China has to offer! 

Look, I know you may be thinking that these events sometimes lack a masculine touch but don’t worry, I've got you covered. 

Here is DNC’s bro code to make sure you make it a night to remember!

Step 1: Smile

Worried about the dress code? Don’t. Guys look good in shirts. Match it with a smile and you’ll be ready to go. Oh, pants are a must though...at least to get through the party entrance. 

Step 2: Bring a Bro Friend

Safety in numbers. Even if you're a very confident person, if you see someone you're interested in there's a chance you may feel intimidated just gazing upon their beauty. Bring a bro to remind you that you're awesome. It’s like that old saying: “a wingman is your confidence personified." Don't worry if you've never heard that saying before... I just made it up. 

Step 3: Just Say Hello

After you’ve brought your bro, you may quickly realise that the person you want to talk to is as shy as you are. Relax! Take a chance, say hello, ask questions. Also listen more than you talk, and if you want to make it fun take part in our easy Date Night Dares to break the ice. 

Step 4: Be a Polite Mother F*cker

Do you know what’s sexier than a man who uses his initiative? A man who respects boundaries. If your love interest is mid-convo and you want to go over, fine, just be polite. Don’t stand in front of two people talking and wait to be noticed, it’s rude. Just say something like, “Hi, sorry to interrupt, but it looked like such a fun conversation and I wanted to come say hello. I’m Broseph Broskavitz, would you mind if I joined you?” 

Use this line and I swear more often than not people will be open and friendly . And if the line fails, you’re still golden because you were a polite gentleman. 

Step 5: Read Social Cues

Nothing is more annoying than someone who doesn’t know how to f*ck off when they should. Dating can sometimes feel like networking and the worst type of networker is someone who clings onto the first person they meet and can't read social cues. 

If the convo isn’t flowing or you don’t feel great about it, just say it was lovely chatting and go get a drink, or say you’re going to talk to some new people and that you’ll see them later (...but don’t say it in a horror movie villain type way). 

Step 6: Be Yourself

Nothing is sexier than authenticity. It shines through and is more powerful than any Chinese tiger penis love potion... believe me, I’ve tried them all and all I have gained is a gay fascination for tigers. Be yourself and have fun. 

Step 7: Make Your Move

Go for it and make a move. Getting a WeChat I.D. is as easy as being complimented for your HSK1 certificate. So don't f*ck it up. Don't just barge in with ''What's your WeChat?'' after 5 minutes of talking. To stand out and be memorable the next day, you need to ask for contact information with intent. 

So be clear: ''Can I take you out on a date when you're free?'' or maybe ''Would you like to grab a coffee sometime?'' 

Maybe you've talked about events, sights, comedy gigs - perfect! ''There's a comedy gig next week, if you're free would you like to go?'' 

But I really must stress, talking to someone you like isn't all about ''sealing the deal." You should want to get to the next level with someone, whatever level that may be.

That’s all I got for you bro because I know that if you follow this advice you’ll totally be able to handle the rest! So to recap:

  • Wear a shirt, smile, and don’t expose yourself 

  • Bring a bro or several 

  • Say hello to someone new

  • Polite convo the fuck outta someone

  • Read social cues 

  • Be yourself 

  • Make your move!

Now you're ready for the Date Night China Rooftop Cocktail party! 

Buy your ticket here or scan the QR code below.

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