Shanghai Qiutian,一个永远不停止前进的名字,他们总是出现在各种现场,使用他们充满能力的演奏和喊叫还唤醒你对现场音乐的热情。2021年初他们的首张全长专辑《家:革命》发布之后,他们马不停蹄,带着他们的现场走遍全国,他们用no stage的演出形式带给观众更近一步,更充斥情绪的现场,所有到场的观众都被他们的演出所震撼。甚至一度掀起一阵在Livehouse中举办nostage演出的风潮。本周日, Shanghai Qiutian,将联合SLATE青石板现代舞蹈团,以及山泽四重奏,为我们奉献一场跨界音乐/舞蹈现场。我们邀请了Shanghai Qiutian乐队主脑,和SLATE舞团的艺术总监, 来了一次对谈,看看他们对这次音乐会有着怎样的理解和期待。
Shanghai Qiutian ask SLATE
Q: what did you feel/think the first time you listened to our music ?
A: I sat on my floor and listened to the whole album a few times in a row. I imagined your experiences and how they lead to this point. I imagined life in the countries you are from and the nostalgia you might feel for them. I felt that I was happy to know you and be asked to do this project. I work with musicians a lot for my productions, but not usually live, rock music. Although I do listen to this in my daily life. I started to wrap my mind around telling the story of an album physically. Through listening and conversations with the band, I started to know more about the themes. They were things I could relate to. I took these universal themes I felt from the album, and the mood and started there.
Q: what is home for you ?
A: Home is where ever I am. I carry it in me, it is me.
Q: Did you ever collaborate with a rock band before and what’s your expectation of it?
A: I have never collaborated in this way with a rock band, but I have done many different kinds of collaborations and unconventional events in my past. I expect that the energy of SHQT’s live shows and the power of the dancers will be a fun mix.
Q: was there anything unique about working with Shanghai Qiutian?
和Shanghai Qiutian一起工作有什么特别之处么?
A: Well yes, the entire concept. I wouldn’t normally bring these two worlds together, but I was convinced by the integrity of band. I see how you approach your art and your openness. The fact that you are open to the idea of a choreographer directing your album release concert, I think is incredible… and inspiring. And the fact that it was your idea to do this. I feel excited about the possibilities, and appreciate that I was free to do what I want :) The idea itself is delightful, I couldn’t say no.
SLATE ask Shanghai Qiutian
Q: What was the motivation for making this album?
A: I think mainly it was a journey of self discovery. To get to know who we are and why we do things. What it means to build a home and a safe space for us to express ourselves.
Q: SLATE and SHQT are both multi-cultural ensembles. How do you think this factor has influenced your artistic work?
SLATE和Shanghai Qiutian都是多文化背景的集合。你觉得这个现实对你的艺术创作产生了什么影响。
A: We always try to integrate ourselves as much as we can everywhere we are. I guess that multi culturality is somewhere in the air, but it’s not something we are thinking about every second.
Q: What gave you the idea to ask me to direct this show?
A: I remember I went to see one of your shows to the Pudong New Theatre (if I remember well the place) and I was extremely impressed by that show. I wanted to do something like that since ages. Something it was gong beyond music and beyond dance or other art form, something to push myself and the band in unknown directions.
记得有一次我去浦东的剧院看了一次你们的演出,我对那次演出印象非常深刻。感觉你们所呈现出来的就是我一直想要做的东西,是一种超越了音乐, 超越了舞蹈的新的东西,它打破了所谓艺术形式的桎梏 ,会促使我和乐队进入到一个未知的新方向。
Q: How will this be different from your other shows?
A: The main idea is to make people ready to receive the full message that was supposed to be delivered with the album. The theme and the core concepts of home and revolution will be much more present and tangible (hope so). We or at least myself felt that we did not succeed when delivering our message with our music album and after the tour felt a bit empty feeling that the show was just staying at the surface of the theme. We did not go deep enough. So mixing it with other art forms, placing it in a theatre (totally new space for us) we are hoping to feel to be closer to deliver the right message that we always wanted to share with the audience: what means home and how we can start a revolution in our own to create our own one and only home.
这次演出最大的主旨就是让听众们能更加全面的理解《家:革命》这张专辑中我们所传递的信息。这张专辑的主题和核心概念会在这次的音乐会中表达的更加淋漓尽致(但愿如此)我自己个人认为,在《家:革命》的创作和制作过程中,我们并没有很好的去传达专辑的概念,所以在专辑巡演过后,我们觉得有一些失落和空虚,因为巡演只表达出了最浅的那一层意思,我们没能够去挖掘深层的意义。因此,将专辑中的音乐和其他艺术形式相融合, 将舞台搬到剧院中,我们希望能将在《家:革命》想要传递的信息更加贴切地传递给观众——即:家,意味着什么,我们如何展开自我的革命,去创造一个独属于我们自己的,独一无二的家。
秋 蹈
Shanghai Qiutian +SLATE
家:革命 专场音乐会
Shanghai Qiutian + SLATE Dance of Autumn
Home:Revolution Concert
Shanghai qiutian 、山泽四重奏、
Anneliese Charek / Evelyn Szakacs
Maykol Cruz /廖婧琳 /林思妤/Michelle Lau
Set Design:
Nasim Sehat