

外国语学院 华中师范大学外国语学院 2022-04-24










1. 后疫情教学模式与教师教育与发展

2. 教师认知与情感

3. 教师能动性与创新

4. 教师课堂话语研究

5. 外语教师信息化素养

6. 教师专业发展支持体系

7. 外语教师发展与学生发展

8. 课程思政和新文科建设与教师发展

9. 国家语言政策与教师教育规划

10. 教师教育质量管理与标准



Karen E. Johnson

Karen E. Johnson is Kirby Professor of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics at The Pennsylvania State University. Her research focuses on a sociocultural theoretical perspective on second language teacher education, the dynamics of communication in second language classrooms, and narrative inquiry as professional development. Her research has appeared most recently in The Modern Language Journal, TESOL Quarterly, Language Teaching Research, and Language and Sociocultural Theory. She is the author of Second Language Teacher Education (Routledge, 2009), co-editor of Research on Second Language Teacher Education (Routledge, 2011) and co-author of Mindful L2 Teacher Education (Routledge, 2016). In the MA TESL and the Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics degree programs, she teaches courses in Teaching English as a Second Language, Communication in Second Language Classrooms, Sociocultural Theory and Second Language Learning, and Theory and Research in Language Teacher Education. From 2002 to 2014 she served as co-director of the Center for Advanced Language Proficiency Education and Research (CALPER), one of 15 National Foreign Language Resource Centers funded by the US Department of Education for the purpose of establishing, strengthening, and operating national foreign language resource and training centers to improve the teaching and learning of foreign languages.

Praxis-Oriented Pedagogy and the Development of L2 Novice Teacher Expertise

Karen E. Johnson

The Pennsylvania State University, USA

While decades of L2 teacher cognition research has critically examined what L2 teachers know, believe, and think (Borg, 2006), limited progress has been made in addressing fundamental questions about the developmental trajectory of L2 teacher/teaching expertise. In their introductory article for The Modern Language Journal special issue on L2 teacher cognition, Kubanyiova and Feryok (2015) maintain that “what constitutes the meaningful and worthwhile impact of teacher education is far from resolved” (p. 436). This plenary traces a cohort of three novice ESL teachers over a two-year period as they move through a series of three praxis-oriented courses in an MA TESL program. Praxis-oriented pedagogy, the practices teacher educators create and enact in these courses and with the novice teachers, is systematically and intentionally informed by Vygotskian sociocultural theory and sociocultural theory informs how the novice teachers’ engagement in these practices is understood. Thus, praxis-oriented pedagogy represents an educational intervention that reflects the dialectical principle that changes in social activities affect cognitive development, or more concretely, how appropriately designed language teacher education practices can change the way language teachers think about and enact language teaching. As Lantolf and Poehner (2014) state succinctly of Vygotsky’s commitment to ‘praxis’: “a theory is no longer an instrument for observing the object of study, it is, instead, the instrument for changing the object of study” (p. 37).

I will present a micro-genetic analysis of the three novice teachers’ engagement in their initial learning-to-teach experience, in their tutoring internship, and in their 15-week practicum. During their first semester, video, audio, and reflective data from an extended team-teaching project capture how the three novice teachers, as a team, planned for, practiced, re-planned, taught, and reflected on teaching an actual 75-minute ESL lesson. The quality and character of the mediation provided by the teacher educator and how that mediation is taken up by the novice teachers is examined. During the second semester, the novice teachers engaged in intensive weekly reflective writing produced in a mentored tutoring internship capturing both evidence of changes in their understanding (cognition and orientation) and in responsive engagement (practice and affect) in their tutoring activities. During the final semester of the program, the novice teachers participated in a 15-week mentored practicum and wrote weekly reflective journals in which they were asked to recall, reflect, and re-imagine their instructional experiences. Additionally, their teaching activity was video recorded on three occasions and reflected on with the practicum supervisor.

The findings of this longitudinal study illustrate how praxis-oriented teacher education pedagogy contributed to crucial intersections of theory and practice, where professional, intentional, and reasoned activity is modeled, enacted and explored. The findings also document evidence of shifts in the novice teachers’ instructional stance (i.e., from teacher-centered to student-oriented) and re-imagined identities (i.e., learner vs. teacher) as developing language teachers. 

The findings empirically document how engagement in these practices facilitated the novice teachers’ emerging abilities to create and enact meaningful learning environments for their L2 students. Overall, this plenary offers language teacher educators rich descriptions of the developmental trajectory of novice L2 teacher/teaching expertise and how it can be informed by engagement in praxis-oriented L2 teacher education.


英国爱丁堡大学教育学博士,教授,博士生导师;华中师范大学外国语学院外语教师教育研究中心主任及农村外语教育研究中心副主任;中国英汉语比较研究会外语教师教育与发展专业委员会常务理事;英国期刊Educational Action Research国际咨询委员会成员, 近20个国际期刊审稿人, “荆楚名师”专家委员会委员。主要研究方向为外语教师教育与发展、教育行政与管理、外语教育课程与教学。长期坚持英文学术发表。

Promoting Systemic Initiatives to Develop

Practice-based Research Competence of EFL Teacher Educators




Teacher research is globally regarded as important for teachers to inquire into their classroom teaching to improve the quality of students’ learning. To promote pre- and in-service teachers’ research requires teacher educators’ research competence. This presentation reports the initiatives which have been underway over the last few years in CCNU to cultivate EFL teacher educators’ research awareness and competence. The various activities, including participation in academic lectures, conferences, academic salons, collaborative research projects, collaborative research mentoring were found to have made some positive impacts on the participating teacher educators’ research attitude and level of engagement. However, the overall research competence and productivity remain low. Data from questionnaires, interviews and longitudinal observations reveal that individual teacher educators’ previous limited research experiences and competence, the absence of ongoing academic training and support in their careers, and the high-stakes institutional and personal research evaluation systems have led to the slow progress. There is an urgent need to cultivate healthy research environments at the meso- and macro- levels in order to promote ongoing systemic initiatives for practice-based research competence development of EFL teacher educators. 


华中科技大学二级教授,博导,博士后合作导师,国务院政府特殊津贴专家,中国二语习得研究专业委员会副会长,全国外语教师教育与发展委员会常务理事,全国英语写作教学与研究专业委员会常务理事。SSCI一区期刊System和Language Teaching Research编委。主要研究方向为外语教育、二语习得、教师发展。






Maggie Kubanyiova

Professor Maggie Kubanyiova is Chair of Language Education at the University of Leeds where she is Director of the Centre for Language Education Research. Her research interests cut across linguistics, education, philosophy and arts. She has brought this interdisciplinary perspective to inform her research on a range of themes in language education, including: language teachers’ development in multilingual settings, language learning opportunities in classroom talk, ethical dimension of multilingual interaction, moral and political dimensions of language teacher identity, and research ethics. Her co-edited special issue of the Modern Language Journal (with Anne Feryok; 2015) forges new pathways in the language teacher cognition research, her book Teacher Development in Action (Palgrave, 2016) proposes a new theoretical framework for understanding language teachers’ change and her Motivating Learners, Motivating Teachers: Building Vision in the Language Classroom (Cambridge University Press, 2014; co-written with Zoltán Dörnyei) was highly commended for the HRH Duke of Edinburgh Award. She is currently leading an Arts and Humanities Research Council project which examines ways in which people of diverse worldviews, backgrounds and future visions engage with their difference. 

Language Teacher Motivation as the Desire to Make a Difference: Lessons for Teacher Education in the Post-pandemic World

Maggie Kubanyiova

Leeds University


If there ever was a need for a deep and nuanced probe into the purposes and practices of language teacher education in ‘an age of ambiguity’ (Kubanyiova, 2020), the global pandemic has amplified this imperative. As language teachers, physically isolated from their colleagues and established support structures, have been required to separate themselves from their students while still attending to their diverse and complex needs, the core notions of language, language learning and language teaching have demanded renewed scrutiny. My talk will assess these latest insights in relation to how we understand language teacher motivation and what this might mean for the practices of teacher education. My reflection is guided by two interdisciplinary moves: 1) an anthropological sensibility with its focus on our capacity to enter into an imaginative universe of the other (Geertz, 2000) and 2) relational ethics which emphasises human’s unique responsibility for the other (Levinas, 1998). Reflecting on data-based vignettes from diverse contexts of language learners’ and teachers’ lives, I explore the promise of these perspectives for language teacher education in the post-pandemic world.  








自2001年起持续20年的基础教育课程改革使外语课程首先从训练知识和技能的时代迈入了培养综合语言运用能力的时代,实现了从1.0版 向2.0版的转变,培养学生的综合语言运用能力、情感态度和终身学习能力受到广泛关注。近两年,伴随核心素养、立德树人和学科育人理念的提出,课程改革从综合语言运用能力再次迈入了核心素养时代,实现了从2.0版到3.0版的飞跃。中小学英语教师专业学习也随之迈上了新台阶。高中和义务教育英语课程标准的修订为落实立德树人根本任务、培养学生的核心素养,继而推动英语教师专业新发展注入了新的动力、新的思考和新的实践。本专题在梳理近年基础教育课程改革的重要理念和实践经验的基础上,探讨英语学科核心素养、语篇研读、英语学习活动观、大观念、以及深度学习等概念的提出,为深化课程改革、推动中小学英语教师专业发展带来的新变化,这些新的变化为建设具有中国特色中小学英语课程体系做出了重要贡献。













战 菊













A Complex Dynamic Systems Theory Approach towards School EFL Teachers’ Learning

Zhang Lian, Du Xiaoshuang

Beijing Foreign Studies University


The effectiveness of in-service teacher learning remains a key topic of teacher professional development. Taking the Complex Dynamic Systems Theory approach, this study examined two school EFL teachers’ learning while they participated in doing a collaborative action research. It is a longitudinal case study. Results showed that in the process of doing the research the participant teachers’ learning systems experienced several perturbations and thereafter adjustments and realignments, showing a potential, qualitative change; however, disparate developmental trajectories were identified, with one’s system being pushed out of the equilibrium while the other’s system restoring new order from disequilibrium. The study also found that perturbations served as the catalyst to teachers’ cognitive change and emerging opportunities for teacher learning and change were shaped by the interactions and combinations of components within the teachers’ learning system and the different levels of the environment. In addition, the study drew attention to teachers’ agentive role in teacher learning, as teacher’s identity and motivation were part of the system dynamics and strongly interacted with teachers’ cognitive change. Implications are discussed regarding in-service school EFL teachers’ professional development in China. 











卢艳梅 15903015019;

杨倩 18270851149;


季苏鹤 13697356741;

彭皓月 15927008985;


熊小青 15377088375





