

长期征文的 PeerBang留学 2020-08-18


Belinda是一位出生成长在美国北卡州(North Carolina)的华裔美国女生,从当地一所理科高中毕业。她的高中没有设AP美国史的课程,但她还是通过高一时上的“美国研究”课,再加上自己4天的自学,在2017年参加AP美国史的考试,获得了5分!

她今年录取了常春藤大学之一的Brown University (布朗大学),并打算学习历史专业。





Exam Year(考试时间): 2017

Exam Score(AP美国史分数): 5

In my junior and senior years of high school, I attended a two-year public boarding school with a heavy emphasis on science and mathematics. The upsides? Being away from home, passionate students and faculty, and an incredible selection of STEM courses. The downsides? Awful cafeteria food, communal bathrooms, and no AP courses in humanities or social science.


Instead, all juniors were required to take the yearlong American Studies course, and many attempted to gain college credit for their efforts by taking the AP US History exam at the end of the year. I was one of them, and what follows are the most important things I learned in the process.



Although I officially began studying for the exam about a week before the test date, I would say that the bulk of my preparation lay in the work I did throughout my American Studies course. Our teacher did not believe in tests or quizzes, so our work mainly consisted of (many, many) essays that analyzed different periods and themes in American history. Thus, I became proficient in two skills crucial to succeeding on the essay portion of the APUSH exam: demonstrating your understanding of topics in US history, and perhaps more importantly, BS-ing it. (Sorry, Dr. Brandon.)

虽然我是在考试日期前一周才正式开始备考,但其实我的大部分的准备工作都在之前的“美国研究”课里打下基础了。我们的老师不相信考试或者测验,所以当时我们的课业主要包括(很多很多的)分析美国历史不同时期和主题的写作和论文。因此,我习得了两项对APUSH考试写作部分的成功至关重要的技能:展示你对美国历史主题的理解,以及更重要的是,用有限的史实在考试中进行貌似有道理的扯淡。 (对不起啦,我的老师布兰登博士)

Disappointingly, I've found that both skills involve similar approaches; passable BS-ing does require you to know a fair amount of stuff. Specifically, I maintained a very basic mental timeline of major periods/trends in US history (examples: the American Revolution in the 18th century, Jacksonian democracy in the 19th century, feminist movements from the 19th century to now), as well as a couple of significant events or ideas related to each period/trend—bonus points if I remembered the year (or decade, honestly). That way, if I was asked to write about a certain period/trend, I had events I could use as examples, and if I was asked to write about an event, I had periods/trends that I could use to contextualize it. Even if you can only recall a single relevant event or period/trend (often the case for me), as long as you can explain its significance for a couple sentences, you come off sounding pretty darn knowledgeable.



Another important discovery I made while studying for the exam was that not all time periods in American history were created equal—at least in terms of the exam's distribution of questions. Earlier, when I said that my official preparation started "about a week" before the test date, what I really meant was four tear-filled days that seemed immeasurably far away from the times when I was young, hopeful, and knowledgeable about colonial America.


As I leafed through the pages of the Kaplan prep book my roommate had lent me, I was met with events upon historical events that I had never encountered in my American Studies class (which had only reached somewhere in the 1930s by that time), and in an act of wild desperation, I began to painstakingly copy down and memorize every date and event mentioned in the Kaplan book and online prep resources. By my second night of studying, I was a nervous, list-making mess who had just reached the end of the Revolutionary War, and my roommate, who had gotten a 5 on the exam the year before, decided to intervene. She instructed me to skip to the 20th century, spending more time on the things my American Studies class hadn't covered, and then to double back to the Civil War if I had time.


I didn't end up having time to study the Civil War, but the knowledge I gained and reinforced through my patchwork studying strategy served me exceedingly well; most of the exam dealt with the exact periods I had studied in the past four days. Of course, every exam's distribution of questions is a little different, and it wasn't like I had never studied the Civil War (or other things that happened between the end of the Revolutionary War and the 20th century) before I took the exam. However, it is good to keep in mind that you should allocate your studying time strategically (especially when you're cramming), adjusting for the exam's question distribution and the gaps in your own knowledge of American history. Below is a chart from College Board that might be handy to reference when it comes time to study.

我最终没有时间学习美国内战内容,但是我这样的有针对性的拼凑学习策略最终很有效。正式考试中的大部分内容考的都是我临时抱佛脚时所专注的时间段。当然啦,每次考试的问题分布都有点不同,而且在我参加考试之前,我还是对美国内战有点基础知识的。但是,请记住,你应该有策略地分配学习时间(特别是当你临时抱佛脚、考前突击时),根据出题分布比例去调整自己的备考计划。以下就是College Board的出题比例图表,在学习时可以多参考。

I think that's about all the advice I have. Despite the angst I brought upon myself with my ridiculous studying schedule, the process of preparing for, taking, and receiving my results for the AP US History exam was actually one of the key experiences driving me to study history in college. It reminded me that history isn't about specific isolated dates and events, but about how they all work together as parts of larger political, economic, and cultural movements that continually shape our current reality. Good luck, and have fun!











顺利喜提AP/SAT2 美国史的高分吗?


* 本套美国历史课程严格基于最新 College Board 考纲设计开发,经过半年时间的精心打磨,每一节课,我们都严格把关,只想为你提供真正有价值的课程。


AP/SAT2 美国史已更新到第11节啦~




 毕业于全美大学排名第一的波莫纳学院 (Pomona College)

■ PPE(哲学、政治、经济)专业

■ 大三录取于英国顶级高校伦敦政治经济学院的一年交流

■ 波莫纳学院的校友面试官








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