

求关注的 DIM数据与信息管理 2022-06-09
DIMISSN 2543-9251

Volume 1,Issue 1 

        由武汉大学信息管理学院、武汉大学信息资源研究中心主办,国际知名学术出版商德古意特(De Gruyter)出版的英文期刊Data and Information Manage-ment(DIM)旨在促进数据驱动下跨领域的信息管理研究。


主编:马费成、Gary Marchionini








Editors in Chief:

Feicheng Ma,  Gary Marchionini, 

Executive Editor-in-Chief: 

Xiaojuan Zhang

Dear Readers:

      It is our great pleasure to welcome readers to the first issue of the Data and Information Management (DIM). The launch of a new journal is a critical point in the life of a research community. Like the arrival of a new child into the family, a journal must be nurtured and encouraged. We look forward to working with the global information science and related community to grow this journal into a mature vehicle for data and information management research and practice.

   We might ask, why more journals when so many already exist? We believe we are in the midst of two Cambrian explosions of innovation and maximizing variety is essential in such times. First, the field of information science is expanding to apply data generation, analysis, and management techniques to all areas of human endeavor, especially in ways that build bridges across disciplines to address complex problems. It is important that the growing global population of data and information management scholars have venues for their work and their voices. Second, we are seeing changes in the way that scholarly ideas and results are shared and rewarded. DIM will provide an alternative and open access model of publishing that will maximize scholarly sharing and progress. 

Data and information management is one of the crucial challenges of our time. Data is everywhere and it is famously high volume, high velocity, high variability, and IF properly curated and managed, high VALUE. This is however, a big IF. Statistical sciences will develop new ways to model, aggregate, summarize, and analyze data and computer science will develop new algorithms to process, store, transmit data and apply the statistical advances to those data sets. As information scientists, it is up to us to focus on not only data and information processing but also the related management and social issues:policies for data collection (e.g., informed consent), data cleaning/assurance (policies for managing and documenting errors, outliers, and subsets), retrieval (e.g., metadata ontologies, query and result presentation strategies, user behaviors), preservation (policies for balancing cost per bit per unit time with risk factors, preserving work flows as well as data), and usage (e.g., privacy, security, fairness). We are most concerned with GOOD data rather than only BIG data, and how data manifests as information and in turn supports the advance of human knowledge.

 We encourage you to send good papers to this journal and encourage your colleagues to do so. Please let us know if you are willing to review papers for the journal— we know that reviewer burden is a natural resource and we want to value it. We look forward to building a community that values the innovations in data and information management and in digital publishing and look forward to your active participation.


Open Access:DIM免费向读者提供全文,并为作者提供全方位的增值服务和多元化的激励政策。除了享受高水准的同行评议、高品质的编辑加工、高集成的出版平台和高效率的网络传播,读者亦可免支付出版费,且稿件一经录用,由主办方支付稿酬。


01  DIM



<  Article 1  >           The Contingency Effect of Relational Competency on the Relationship between Information Technology Competency and Firm Performance

Authors:Shaobo Wei,Kwok-Kee Wei

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/dim-2017-0003

(识别二维码直达原文)<  Article 2  >

         Supporting Book Search: A Comprehensive Comparison of Tags vs. Controlled Vocabulary Metadata 

Authors:Toine Bogers,Vivien Petras

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/dim-2017-0004


<  Article 3  >

         Data-driven Pattern Analysis of Acknowledgments in the Biomedical Domain  

Authors:Juyoung An,Sieun Jeon,Teryn Jones,Min Song

 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/dim-2017-0002


<  Article 4 >

      Enhancing Clinical Decision Support Systems with Public Knowledge Bases

Authors:Danchen Zhang,Daqing He

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/dim-2017-0005


<  Article 5  >

             A Three-way Interaction Model of Information Withholding:         Investigating the Role of Information Sensitivity, Prevention Focus, and Interdependent Self-Construal

Authors:Yongqiang Sun,Dina Liu,Nan Wang

 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1515/dim-2017-0007




