
Six Female KOLs Dominating Chinese Social Media六大中国女性KOL-话题的风向标





Women's Empowerment is an increasingly popular topic worldwide, China included, where  the top topic for International Women’s Day this year has been represented by the slogan  “Her Power to be seen. The climax arrived with the airing of a reality show : 《乘风破浪的姐姐》(Older Sisters Who Brave the Winds and Waves), featuring 30 Chinese female stars who were over 30 years of age, vying for a spot in a five-member band. The aim of this show is to empower women and to showcase that they can achieve anything with dedication, just as men do. The following KOLs are a selection of some of the most successful and powerful women shaping China’s social media.



  Papi Jiang Papi酱



The most popular KOL on Weibo in China, she is known for her strong independent character. After graduating from The Central Academy of Drama, she and a close friend grouped together as “TCgirls” on Weibo and started posting short videos making jokes about daily events. Later she branched out as Papi. It was not until her original video "Super Male Surviving Rules" that she caught the eyes of the public. Her naturally funny personality, talent for acting and sarcastic yet right-on-point roasting gradually attracted more and more people's attention. Throughout the years, Papi has been speaking up for independent females, and has been encouraging them to break the social norms. 



Margaret Zhang章凝

@ Margaret__Zhang


Instagram: @margaret_zhang

Fashion influencer Margaret Zhang has been praised for her unique creative vision, attracting many luxury labels to her personal branding. Zhang not only wears the clothes of luxury brands, but works behind the scenes on creative projects for them, having collaborated with Louis Vuitton, Dior, and Chanel. She refuses to be labeled an ‘It girl’, and says 60 percent of her career is consulting work, 30 percent photography and 10 percent as a stylist, “and the rest (0%) is about being a blogger.”

在成为Vogue中国版新任主编前,作为时尚博主的章凝因她大胆、独特的视角吸引了众多奢侈品牌的。这个拥有时尚野心的女孩不满足于以模特身份与大牌合作,将自己的创意与独到的见解加入到了与路易威登、迪奥、香奈儿等大牌合作的幕后项目中。她不愿意被称作“it girl“,并将自己60%的工作内容定义为咨询,30%为摄影,10%为设计师,而剩下的(0%)才是博主。


   Li Ziqi李子柒



No matter where you are in the world, you may have already seen videos of a girl in Han Fu (traditional Chinese clothes), crafting traditional Chinse techniques such as paper fabrication and Baijiu brewing. She doesn’t speak a word in her videos, yet she is able to delineate the traditional life of Chinese people for her global audience. The subjects of her videos amplify Chinese folk customs by simply recording the technological process of the craftmanship. Many, especially young ones, would agree that her works bring a little tranquility nostalgia to the world filled with hustle.



 La Mu Yang Zi 辣目洋子 

@ 辣目洋子


This young actress does not have the stereotypical aesthetics of most actresses. She became a trend amongst the youngsters because of not only her talent in acting, but also the confidence glowing from inside out. It was Yangzi’s childhood dream to become an actress. Though she has been facing non-stop criticism for not being perfect since the beginning of her career, she simply brushes the nonsense off her shoulders and keeps challenging herself on stage. When being asked “who do you want to be the most”, she gladly replied “myself”. To her, and to thousands young girls struggling with body shaming and anxiety for how they look, this will always be the best answer.



 Becky Li 黎贝卡

@ 黎贝卡的异想世界


 Instagram: @beckys_fantasy

Becky started her career as a journalist and reporter at Nanfang Metropolis Daily, and later became the star reporter of the team. During her time at the agency, she loved recommending clothes and other fashion items to her colleagues, from which she passion for fashion grew. After working for the agency for more than ten years, she made the decision to quit the job and to officially take off as a fashion blogger. Her creative and high-quality contents provide a platform for professional women to explore various styles. Now she’s working with renowned brands such as Dior, Chanel, La Mer, Mini, Tasaki, Guerlain.



 Viya 薇娅 

@ 薇娅viyaaa


Viya, a name that almost every Taobao user knows. She is the livestream sales queen who has been able to attract 100 million viewers in a single livestream session on the platform. Viya was originally a clothing store owner before stepping into the public. During COVID-19 lockdown in 2020, Viya and her team donated four million renminbi to Wuhan. Her livestreams are fact-focused. The audience is told the pros and cons of the products so that they can make informed decisions, which is why her livestreams draw attention from both men and women.


Female empowerment has indeed become the most spoken about topic these days. Brands are collaborating with more and more female KOLs to encourage women to speak up, remain true to themselves and chase their dreams.


If you want to develop your brand’s marketing in China, don’t hesitate to contact us at info@eastant.it.




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