
Generation Z: Unlocking the Next Consumers' Era Z世代:解锁消费新纪元


It seems like only yesterday when we were having heated discussions about how the “unpredictable millennials” are reshaping market trends. Behold, the consumer market is now about to enter a new era, with the coming of age of Generation Z (born between 1996 – 2012).

那些关于“不可预测的千禧世代”如何重塑市场趋势的激烈讨论仿佛就发生在昨天。一转眼,随着Z世代(1996 - 2012年生)长大成人,如今的消费市场也即将进入一个新的时代

By 2025, Gen Zers will make up a quarter of the population in the APAC region and the scale of the market impact this cohort bears is undeniably promising. When it comes to consumer habits, this young group shares quite a few traits with Millennials (born between 1980–1995), yet they are not simply Millennials 2.0. Marketing groups that dive deep into Gen-Z’s world generally see more desirable results.


They reply heavily on social media, especially video contents



How many social media platforms did this demographic grow up with? Compared to their Millennial siblings, Gen Zers tend to spend more time on social media platforms, with almost every aspect of their daily life associated with social media sites of some sort. Technological advances also allow live streaming and video editing to come in handy. Consequently, these digital natives’ purchasing decisions are often influenced by video content. Brands that are able to create interesting content and closely engage in their customer base via videos on social media platforms (namely, short videos on Tik Tok and Douyin, live stream shopping on Taobao etc.) benefit not only in terms of profitability, but also brand awareness among Gen Zers.


They want to blend in, but also be identifiable




To some extent, Gen Zers are the toughest consumers brands have ever interacted with. On the one hand, they are eager to differentiate themselves from others, just like Millennials. They seek uniqueness and personality in the products they use. On the other hand, they prefer brands that are well known enough to be recognized and be “on trend”. In other words, they want something that says more than “I am unique” but “I am unique and I get along with others”. For that reason, co-branding has become a marketing strategy favored by many brands in recent years. The question left to brands is: how to balance popularity and individuality?


Neutrality on societal issues? You have to take a stand!

还在对社会问题的保持中立? 你得表明立场!


Gen Zers are more vocal about societal issues compared to previous generations. The overwhelming number of social media platforms provide them with an abundant access to global information. From racism and women empowerment to climate change and LGBT rights, Gen Zers are more willing to openly discuss these issues with their friends, partners, and sometimes even brands. Being neutral or silent about trending social topics is sometimes deemed as “ignorant”. Gen Zers want their beloved brands to side with them, and they want their beliefs to be backed up by well-known brands. Thus, brands that can tackle societal issues at the right time in the right way oftentimes draws attention from its outspoken Gen Z consumers.


The sustainability buzz – for a reasonable price

支持可持续发展 – 在价格合理的情况下

According to a survey by McKinsey & Company, Gen-Zers and high-income shoppers are most willing to pay for sustainable products. Not only have Gen Zers grown up in the digital age, they've also been privy to the "el nino phenomenon", "ocean plastic", "deforestation” and hundreds of other environmental problems throughout their lifetime. Therefore, just as they want brands to be vocal about societal issues, they also value accountability towards the environment. Furthermore, this also ties back to their eagerness to be "on trend", as "sustainability" is indeed a conversation starter nowadays. However, surveyed results don't necessarily translate into real life choices, especially when the price premium they ought to pay exceeds their desire to support the sustainability agenda

麦肯锡公司(McKinsey & Company)的一项调查显示,Z世代和高收入消费者最愿意为可持续发展买单。Z世代不仅是在数字时代长大的,他们一生中听过太多“厄尔尼诺现象”、“海洋塑料”、“森林砍伐”和数百个其他环境问题。因此,就如同他们希望品牌对社会问题发声一样,他们也重视对环境保护的义务。此外,这也与他们渴望站在潮流浪尖上的追求相联系,因为“可持续发展”确实是当今的一个热门话题。然而,调查结果并不一定会成为现实生活中的选择,尤其是当他们要为环保产品支付的溢价超过了支持可持续发展的意愿时

As Gen Zers enter the workforce overtime, their purchase power could further change consumption patterns and drive consumption volume. Brands need to look ahead at their marketing channel, and justify the equation of quality, price, uniqueness and social responsibility in order to win over Gen Zers' hearts.


For more questions about how to reach the Gen Zers, feel free to get in touch with us at info@eastant.it.




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