
挖一挖Mater Today Energy的编辑们——能源稿子有新家!

Energist 能源学人 2021-12-24

2017年,Materials Today推出旗下子刊Mater Today Energy,主要收录能源领域相关的文章,涉及电池,催化,太阳能,生物能源等一切能源相关研究领域。聚焦能源的捕获、转化、存储等领域,立志成为未来高影响力的旗舰学术期刊!

Part of the Materials Today family, Materials Today Energy offers authors rigorous peer review, rapid decisions, and high visibility. Materials Today Energy provides a forum for the discussion of high quality research that is helping define the inclusive, growing field of energy materials.


一、专业的编辑队伍 Professional editor team

主编:Professor Chun-Sing Lee,1991年获香港大学博士学位。1994年加入香港城市大学。现为香港城市大学讲座教授,超金刚石及先进薄膜研究中心主任,化学系系主任。主要研究领域包括:有机光电材料与器件,材料界面科学,纳米生物医学等。在相关领域发表SCI论文700余篇,获授超过10项美国专利。参与撰写四本本英文书籍。现为Materials Today Energy主编。H-指数111,总引用次数超过49500次(Google Scholar)。Prof Chun-Sing Lee obtained his BSc and PhD degrees from the University of Hong Kong in 1987 and 1991 respectively. He then furthered his research career in the University of Birmingham of UK with the support from a Croucher Foundation Fellowship. He joined the faculty of the City University of Hong Kong in 1994 and is currently a Chair Professor of Materials Chemistry. He co-founded the Center of Super-Diamond and Advanced Films (COSDAF) in 1998 and is now the Center's Director. Prof Lee's current research interests include organic electronics devices and nanomaterials for energy, environmental and biomedical applications.

We aim to publish works on today's energy materials which will improve tomorrow's world. -Chun-Sing Lee

Manuscript categories:

- Hydrogen generation

- Thermoelectrics

- Nuclear energy

- Environment protection

- Solar energy conversion


副主编:Professor Zhiyong Tang,1993年毕业于武汉大学环境科学系,1996年在武汉大学环境科学系获理学硕士学位,2000年在中国科学院长春应用化学研究所获理学博士学位。2000.3-2006.8年分别在瑞士苏黎世联邦高等工业学院Prins教授研究小组和美国密歇根大学Kotov教授研究小组从事纳米材料的研究工作。2006年11月回国加入国家纳米科学中心,现任国家纳米科学中心研究员,博士生导师。研究领域为纳米功能材料在环境和能源领域的应用。现任国家纳米科学中心纳米材料研究室主任,中国科学院纳米系统与多级次制造重点实验室主任。2016年4月起被聘任为国家纳米科学中心主任助理。2017年6月起任国家纳米科学中心副主任。科技部973(纳米重大研究计划)首席科学家, Materials Today Energy 副主编,Nanoscale Horizons编委, Chem, Chemical Science, Nanoscale, Small, Advanced Sustainable Systems, Chemistry-An Asian Journal, Nano Research, NPG Asia Materials顾问编委。H-指数87,总引用次数超过28600次(GoogleScholar)。

“The innovation of materials is the foundation of improving the energy conversion and storage. Materials Today Energy will build a bridge between them.”- Zhiyong Tang

Manuscript categories:

- Photocatalysis

- Electrocatalysis

- Thermal catalysis

- Sustainable and green materials


副主编:Professor Hong Jin Fan,1999年吉林大学物理系学士,2003年新加坡国立大学物理系博士,其后分别在德国马普研究所和英国剑桥大学从事博士后,2008年加入南洋理工大学任教至今。主要研究领域包括纳米材料在能源中的应用,包括储能电池材料和电催化。2016 - 2019 连续四年Clarivate Analytics材料类“高被引”作者。英国化学会会士(FSRC)。已发表文章220多篇,H因子为74,总引用次数超过22000次。除了Materials Today Energy 副主编,同时兼任Wiley、IOP、Elsevier出版社旗下多个期刊的编委成员。Hong Jin Fan is currently a professor at Nanyang Technological University (NTU). He received his Ph.D. degree from National University of Singapore in 2003, followed by postdoc at Max‐Planck‐Institute of Microstructure Physics, Germany and University of Cambridge. His research interests include semiconductor nanowires and related heterostructures, electrochemical energy conversion, and storage.

“A high-quality paper should have both new science and excellent presentation.”- Hong Jin Fan

Manuscript categories:

- Energy storage

- Solar tosteam generation

- Photoelectrochemical water splitting (solar to fuel)


Managing Editor: Dr Dongliang Chao,2017年初获新加坡南洋理工大学博士学位,2016年于美国加州大学洛杉矶分校担任访问学者,之后相继于南洋理工大学和澳大利亚阿德莱德大学进行博士后研究工作。他的研究领域为电化学能源存储及转化。已发表文章80多篇,H因子为38,总引用6200余次。Dr Chaoo btained his PhD from Nanyang Technological University (NTU, Singapore) on Jan 2017. He joined University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA, USA) in 2016 as a joint researcher. Dr Chao served as Research Fellow at NTU and University of Adelaide (UoA, Australia) successively from Jan. 2017, working on materials for next-generation safe and low-cost energy storage.

“Science likes the bones of human beings and the practicability is the hands of us.” –Dongliang Chao


二、公平快速处理Fair and Fast




包括research article、communication、review、minireview、commentary等,详情请见主页相关介绍。


四、稿件推广High Visibility

附Editorial Board Members:


Professor Xiaodong Chen

Nanyang Technological University, School ofMaterials Science and Engineering, Singapore, Singapore

Professor Hui-Ming Cheng

Institute of Metal Research Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang, China

Professor Yi-Bing Cheng

Monash University, Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, Clayton, Australia

Professor Liming Dai

Case Western Reserve University Department of Macromolecular Science and Engineering, Cleveland, United States

Professor Gary Hodes

Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel

Professor Norbert Koch

Humboldt University of Berlin Institute of Physics, Berlin, Germany

Professor Jian Liu

University of Surrey Department of Chemical and Process Engineering, Guildford, United Kingdom

Professor Jun Lou

Rice University, Dept. of Materials Science and Nano Engineering, Houston, United States

Professor João Mano

University of Aveiro Chemistry Department, Aveiro, Portugal

Professor Ellen Moons

Karlstad University, Dept. of Engineering and Physics, Karlstad, Sweden

Professor Nam-Gyu Park

Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU), School of Chemical Engineering, Suwon, Korea, Republic of Korea

Professor Martin Pumera

University of Chemistry and Technology, Dept. of Inorganic Chemistry, Prague, Czech Republic

Professor Zhifeng Ren

University of Houston Department of Physics, Houston, United States

Professor Jao Vande Lagemaat

National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, United States

Professor Zhong Lin Wang

Georgia Institute of Technology School of Materials Science and Engineering, Atlanta, United States

Professor Jamie Warner

University of Oxford Department of Materials, Oxford, United Kingdom

Professor Yushan Yan

University of Delaware Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Newark, United States

Professor Ranbo Yu

University of Science and Technology Beijing Department of Physical Chemistry, Beijing, China

Professor Gleb Yushin

Georgia Institute of Technology School of Materials Science and Engineering, Atlanta, United States

Professor Hua Zhang

Nanyang Technological University, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Singapore, Singapore

Professor Xian-Zheng Zhang

Wuhan University, Key Laboratory of Biomedical Polymers of Ministry of Education & Department of Chemistry, Wuhan, China

Dr. Ze Zhang

Zhejiang University School of Materials Science and Engineering, Hangzhou, China

Professor Huijun Zhao

Griffith University Centre for Clean Environment and Energy, Southport, Australia

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