
北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校黄劲松教授课题组招聘Research Assistant Professor

Energist 能源学人 2021-12-23

课题组介绍:黄劲松教授目前为美国北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校应用物理系Louis D. Rubin Jr. Distinguished Professor, 课题组当前的研究重点是高性能低成本的电子材料和设备,包括钙钛矿太阳能电池,光电探测器,辐射探测器和X射线成像仪,在钙钛矿太阳能电池研究方面是世界顶尖的group之一(Times Higher Education, 2018)。课题组近五年的论文发表包括3篇Science, 数十篇Nature Materials 、 Nature Nanotechnology、Nature Photonics、Nature Energy、Science Advance等子刊,多篇论文被Nature Materials、Nature Energy等期刊重点评述或作为杂志封面文章推荐。黄劲松教授研究论文总被引次数超过4.4万次,h因子为95,并连续多年入选全球高被引学者(2016汤森路透, 2017, 2018Clarivate Analytic, 2019 Web of Science), 研究详情见课题组主页:



职位类型: Permanent Faculty

工作职位: Research Assistant Professor

申请截止:   09/03/2020


PhD degree in Materials, Chemistry, Physics, Electrical Engineering or closely related field Required with adissertation specialty in understanding electronic materials and devices.


Strong background inelectronic materials and devices. Preference is given to a candidate with experience in devices and materials with strong track record.

职位简述: The primary role of this position is to conduct collaborative research in the area of semiconductor materials and devices, including solar cells, photodetectors and radiation detectors. The lab manager is expected to assist the PI in managing a research/teaching program with over 20 group members, and will be responsible for the following:

(1) Design and carry out a variety of research projects aimed at understanding the fundamental optoelectronic properties of perovskite materials and pushing the frontier of technologies. 

(2) Co-supervisepost doctoral fellows, graduate students, and undergraduate students in conjunction with other faculty member in the department. 

(3) Build publication recordin writing and preparing manuscripts for publications on data collected, analyzed, and interpreted as part of this position.

(4) Prepare, apply for, and manage grants. 

(5) Present data at national conferences and increase involvement in scientific community by attending project meetings, seminars, and other meetings as necessary. 

(6) Manage the lab operation and maintain the equipment; Although teaching is not required, teaching opportunity will beavailable. 

The Research Assistant Professor will work with a project teamfocused on offering supports and services to enhance success for graduate students and postdocs at UNC-Chapel Hill. The research assistant professor will work closely with the P.I. to complete analyses and write manuscripts. The Research Assistant Professor will: conduct research in the area of semiconductor materials and devices, including solar cells, photodetectors and radiation detectors; write manuscripts in collaboration with the PI on the different research studies from the project in relation to specified writing priorities; prepare, apply for, and manage grants; co-supervise postdoctoral fellows, graduate students, and undergraduate students in conjunction with PI; co-manage lab operations and help set lab priorities/determine need to meet project objectives; assist faculty researchers and other collaborators, or may act independently, in planning and designing research experiments; establishing priorities and recommending schedules, time tables and costs; present projectresults to internal and external parties; effectively use available technology to facilitate the success of the project; liaison with other UNC-CH departments, outside collaborators, and others to ensure success of projects; and purchasing and receiving lab supplies. This position is for one year with the possibility of renewal.






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